


Photo by neotint

It seems as if all I ever do is write about messages, both publicly and privately. Asking for them. Looking for them. Getting them. Receiving them. Paying attention to them. What happens if you don’t pay attention to them…

It’s that last one that can get pretty dicey if you’re not careful. I probably write about the perils of not listening, or not paying attention to, or worse yet, not acting on messages I’ve heard and paid attention to (and perhaps even given lip service to – by what? By writing a blog post or two on the subject?) more than I care to admit even to myself. But here it is. Again.

Don’t get me wrong. I do my best to walk my talk and pay attention to the messages I receive daily. And yes, when I’m ‘tuned in,’ I get messages a lot. Every day. Indeed, I rely on my abilities to discern meaning in the seemingly mundane, and I devote a good amount of care and attention to paying attention, listening deeply, and noticing little things that might easily be overlooked.

Photo by Jeff Tidwell

Ummm, Don’t Drink It?

And I do this for and on behalf of my clients. And my friends. And my family. Every day.

So why in the world do I keep insisting upon writing about and seemingly harping upon the necessity for all of us to not only pay attention to the messages we receive but to heed them by acting upon them? Because it can be a real kick in the ass when we don’t.

One example? If you’ve read my book Owl Medicine (available as an ebook, too!), you know that my refusal to listen to the messages I was receiving ended up with a face-plant in a creek that easily could have killed me but luckily only resulted in a broken tooth, spectacular bruises, and many weeks of barely being able to walk without assistance.

And I’d like to spare you the pain if I can. Because as seasoned as I am in being a messenger, the responsibilities that come with being the messagee, and there are indeed responsibilities with that role, too, can be seductively easy to shirk. Yes, even for a messenger.

Don’t Just Sit There – DO Something!

So, don’t beat yourself up for not being perhaps the best listener to, or ‘receiver’ of, messages. Instead, make a point to take one step, every day, to not only pay attention and listen, but then also to act on a message you’ve received.

See what happens.

And if you know you’ve received a message, but can’t quite figure out what it means or how you might act upon it, feel free to reach out to me. I’d be glad to give you my perspective and help you figure out what the message might mean specifically to you.

Gratitude Goes a Long Way

One more thing: I don’t mean to imply that every message we receive requires an ‘outward’ or public action. Hardly. However, every message we receive does deserve acknowledgment and at least an inner appreciation that paves the way to receiving more messages. That’s why I tell all my clients: “If you receive a message, honor it. At the very least, acknowledge and appreciate it by writing it down. If the message requires further action on your part, then by all means, act. But even if the message is just an indication that you’re on the right path, that you’ve made a good choice, or that the direction of your thinking is ‘on track…,’ well, be grateful! Write it down! Show your Higher Self or your Guides, or whomever is communicating with you that you appreciate their efforts and you’re listening.”


Photo by Lisa Weikel

What do you think? Do you receive messages? And if so, do you make a point of demonstrating your appreciation? Do you act upon your messages? How could you be a better ‘receiver?’

An Epiphany ~ With a Side of Broccoli Rabe

OK, so yesterday I had an interesting experience.

I’ve been participating in the "Guided Reflections" exercises in the Forum of Fortuna’s Oracle, a wonderful online site where I’ve been learning an incredible amount about the tarot in general and how to work with it. Since the beginning of the year, several of us have been engaged in "Guided Reflections" on each of the 78 cards that comprise a tarot deck, in order.

Yesterday’s Guided Reflection was on "XVI – The Tower," a card traditionally depicting a medieval tower being struck by lightning, its occupants falling to the ground.


The prompt that accompanied this Guided Reflection was:

"What epiphany might I experience that reshapes my reality?" 

The point of this exercise is to choose a card from our personal deck to answer the prompt emanating from the card of the day (in this case, The Tower), and then write about our interpretation of how the card we chose relates to and "answers," in a sense, the question associated with the card of the day.

I chose the Two of Water (a/k/a Two of Cups) from the Vision Quest deck. And unlike most entries, my interpretation was simple and succinct: "…that he really is reaching out to me from the other side."

Two of Cups

It might help make sense of this post to know that the entire focus of all of my picks in the Guided Reflections has been on my quest (if you will) to manifest my three main goals for 2013, one of which is completing the book I began writing last year, which I will refer to here as "APK."

Although I didn’t write much, it felt big. Of course it felt big, I told myself, it’s the Tower card. And on some level, it was signifying an epiphany. By their very nature, epiphanies are usually big.

But I didn’t know an even bigger epiphany was in the offing.

Yesterday was a little strange, in that I did make a point of trying to get some writing done on the APK "earlier" than I usually do. Then, in the middle of the afternoon, I was struck with a sudden and odd desire for broccoli rabe. Now, I’ve actually been conscious of the fact that I have NOT CRAVED this vegetable – nor even DESIRED it – for many weeks, if not months. Indeed, I would ask myself if I should pick some up, but no, I didn’t want it.

"Buy Broccoli Rabe!"

Well, that all changed yesterday afternoon. All of a sudden, I could taste it, smell it, see it. And I wanted it. Indeed, so much so that I actually altered my plans about where I was going and what I was going to do when I went – all to build around the fact that I needed to get to the Acme to buy some broccoli rabe. (And it had to be Acme broccoli rabe, because they keep it in water so it’s fresh.)

Imagine my consternation when I got to the Acme and there was NONE to be found!? I was like a caged lion, pacing back and forth, up and down along the produce section, searching vainly for where they might have put it. How could they not have any broccoli rabe?!? 

Well, my neurotic persistence paid off and I glimpsed the tiniest few leaves of a different shape and texture peeking out from under at least six bunches of collard greens that had been stuffed into a display container of water. YES! There was one single bunch of broccoli rabe hiding there, waiting for me to come along and look hard enough to find it and take it home with me.

I was oddly relieved.


Photo by fritish

It goes without saying that I will probably never eat broccoli rabe without thinking about Karl (my son). He always shared my voracious appetite for it, especially prepared in a very simple but delectable way: steamed to a bright green and still "just crispy" consistency with many cloves of garlic, then tossed with olive oil, a hint of sea salt, and cayenne pepper flakes. Oh yum. He and I would eat it by the container-full when we first discovered it at a deli in Frenchtown, NJ, on our way home from me picking him up at the bus station when he would come home from NYU.

Indeed, the deli owner would look at us in amazement every time we would come in – probably equally for both the quantity we would purchase and our foolhardiness in paying a premium for him to make such a simple dish. And Karl (husband), Maximus and Sage would just look at us and shake their heads, not taking anywhere near the delight that we did in the slightly bitter, spicy-hot, faintly salty taste of these delicious greens.

As the years went by, I did finally learn how to cook it as deliciously as our local deli-owner, and every time Karl would come home, I’d make a point of making a nice big batch for the two of us so that we could snack on it at a moment’s notice.

So, last night, while I was out in the kitchen making portabello mushroom fajitas for dinner, I was also moved to steam that bunch of broccoli rabe and make "our green stuff," as we used to call it. And it was as I was trimming the broccoli rabe and peeling the garlic cloves that I had my "epiphany," the "aha moment" that I honestly think was connected to the card I chose as my Guided Reflection on The Tower card, in that it is reshaping the reality of the book I am writing.

All of a sudden, I saw the book (APK) and thought about the way my stories just seem to "come out" of me. I seem to constantly go "back and forth" from one ‘time’ to another, adding context and insight to the "present" experience, but in a non-linear fashion. It’s just my way – I honestly don’t do it consciously. (In fact, I realize I just did it in this post.) Anyway, as I was "seeing" the way I write my stories, and wondering how APK is going to unfold, I felt an overwhelming presence of Karl in the kitchen with me. And not only did he convey a sense of permission, but it felt like he was actively encouraging me to "tell the whole story – the deeper story." That it’s OK. That, indeed, it’s important.

"Tell the Whole Story…"

And that was connected to the unsettled and sad feeling I’d conjured within myself earlier in the week, when I’d opened one of my journals from quite a while ago – eight or nine years, actually – and started reading my entries (after quickly locating the distinct piece of information that led me there in the first place). Wow, it was as if I’d been punched in the gut as I read entry after entry. It’s amazing how we forget the really, really hard times.

I didn’t linger. I put the journal back on the shelf. But it haunted me. And while the sadness stuck with me, I knew I’d been reminded of those times for a reason.

Now I know why.

They’re absolutely as important a part of my story as the magical times. And Karl wants me to share them, too. Aha.

“Welcome, Sun!” – Point of Reflection # 9 – The Sirian Starseed Tarot

Happy Winter Solstice! Welcome to a New Era!

Today is the beginning of another 5,125 year cycle in the Mayan Calendar, as well as the beginning of another 26,000 year cycle.

On a more personal level, today marks the day of the "sun standing still" (solstice), signifying the moment in our annual solar cycle when the days stop becoming shorter, stop giving way to more and more darkness, and we simply "rest." Tomorrow, our days will resume their never-ending, cyclic journey, this time moving toward the light, allowing for more and more warmth and energy to be available to us, nourishing and coaxing the seeds of our dreams and intentions to sprout and become manifest.

The deck I chose to use for today’s Point of Reflection is The Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori. This is a new deck, only published in 2012. I’ve not worked with it much, but it felt right to use today.


And the card I chose to begin this new season?


VII – The Chariot

Some excerpts from the interpretation provided by the author:

"…Who is this charioteer, and what is he racing toward?…

Many are we who have come into body at this time as true spirit warriors, and the road can be treacherous. Darkness and light pull at the reins of our being as we race ahead, learning that it is our focused mind and intention that harness the forces driving us forward.

Lord Kirshna holds the reins, representing the proper use of the focused mind to train and master the sense. It reminds (us) that when we connect to our higher mind, with clarity of intent and purpose, we move forward in the light of Divine Guidance. Our personal Krishna harnesses the forces that pull at the reins of our lives, darkness and light, and moves the chariot forward, always seeking resolution to the polarity of opposing forces – our own darkness and light, our demons, and our divinity.

The chariot is the body vehicle, through which mind, sirit, and form are manifest. The horses represent the sensate tools and our own physical power that we utilize inour journey through life. The reins in the hands of Lord Krishna are the depiction of right mind, which direct the senses to move us forward. He reminds us that we are not alone in this mission of life and that we do always have Diving Guidance in our race toward our goals.

Words associated with The Chariot are focused intent, determination, goal orientation, achievement, ambition, victory. To the querent it says:

"Go forward now and harness your desire with the higher consciousness you always can access."…" (emphasis added)
 © 2012 by Patricia Cori. Tarot card art © 2012 by Patricia Cori and Alysa Bartha.

Safe Travels and "Joyous Solstice!"

I couldn’t have asked for a more appropriate image to mark this "ending," which is, of course, a new beginning on the journey to our "becoming." We all need a chariot to take us where we’re going.

My hope is that in joining me on this quest you’ve discovered some new and different means of accessing your own inner guidance and wisdom. I also hope you’ve allowed yourself to rediscover the joy of play and the sense of renewal and rejuvenation that comes when we give ourselves just a little bit of time (and more importantly, internal permission) to "indulge" in self-reflection.

Thank you, too, for allowing me to share with you the magic of that which lies just beyond…

“T minus 1” – Point of Reflection # 8 – Divine Guidance

Today’s Point of Reflection comes to us from Divine Guidance Oracle Cards by Cheryl Lee Harnish.


As you can see from the samples of the cards at right, as well as the larger version of "our" card for today, below, the images in this deck are not as obvious in their meanings. There aren’t any depictions of birds, or clouds, or animals, or people dressed a certain way – all of which create instantaneous associations within our minds, almost always primarily via our cultural biases. While this can be instructive, it can also be limiting.

The artwork reflected in today’s deck utilizes fractals and by its very nature provokes us to start using (and maybe even trusting) our intuition in a deeper way. I’ve found these cards speak to my heart in ways that are hard to explain, and evoke emotions and sometimes just a "sense" about things that is almost beyond words. 

The Way I Do It

As I’ve done throughout this series, before choosing a card for today’s blog, I made a point of settling myself and clearing my mind. I grounded myself by sitting up straight, envisioning "roots" of energy extending down from the soles of my feet, sinking their way down into the earth and connecting with the core of our planet. I also envisioned white light beaming down from the center of the universe into the top of my head, allowing these earth and astral energies to meet and mingle in my heart. I then specifically stated my intention to act as a messenger for all who might be reading this blog, and then asked for a card that would speak to each and every one of you, in exactly the way you need.


Today’s Point of Reflection: "AWAKENING"

"This is a powerful card. You are now entering into a complete awakening: to your higher self, your intuition, your gifts, your role on the planet and the Divine plan. The opening of your heart-center is allowing your inner vision to see more clearly. In turn, this is empowering you on many levels, both energetically and intuitively, to walk your path and do what you have come here to do. Your Awakening will subconsciously call out to others to step into their own Light as well." 
© Cheryl Lee Harnish 2011

Cause for Celebration?

My husband and I have been using these cards since shortly after they were published. We don’t use them every day, by any means, but we have taken them along on many walks over the past 18 months or so. And so it was with a sense of shock that I realized, when I chose for "all of us" today, that I’d never seen this specific card before.

We only have one more day left before experiencing the Winter Solstice and the much ballyhooed Galactic Alignment, "End" of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, Pachakuti, and fulfillment of Hopi Prophecy. We’ve been encouraged, by the Points of Self-Reflection chosen over the past eight days, to:

  • Connect with Spirit, our Higher Selves, our Guardians and Guides, and Mother Earth and her children and elements;

  • Reflect on our heart’s desires and what we want to create in our lives; and 

  • Contemplate our dedication and commitment to manifesting our deepest truths and highest callings.

I could not have asked for a more beautiful card for us to receive. What better cause to Celebrate…than our Awakening?