Just Can’t Even – ND #131

Things are getting pretty damn dark – Photo: L. Weikel

Just Can’t Even

I just can’t even. That’s a weird sentence, isn’t it? And yet I bet all of you knew not only exactly what I meant – and also why I said it.

Our country is careening toward the cliff of theocracy. And we worried about the Taliban?

If anyone had even the slightest doubt recently about where our country is headed – led by a minority of well-organized fanatics – let the fog be lifted from their eyes now. Of course, I’m speaking of the leaked first-draft opinion of the Supreme Court that takes a sledgehammer to Roe vs. Wade, and which very well may become the ‘law of the land’ in June.

And yet, just what does ‘law of the land’ even mean, if this disgusting opinion that essentially relegates women to chattel in the eyes of our government takes effect? It means the ‘law of the land’ means nothing. It means no one can rely on Constitutional rights as determined by the highest court in the land beyond the next lifetime appointment by a president not even elected by a majority of Americans.

Constitutional Rights Stripped

There are so many things falling asunder in our country at the moment, it’s hard to even keep track. Everywhere we look, the tenets we were raised to believe were the hallmarks of our great nation, the so-called Great Experiment that has served as a beacon of democracy and freedom to the world, are being bulldozed. Razed. Demolished in a fever-dream of minority rule that makes a mockery of everything we stand for in the world.

If the concepts propounded in this leaked draft opinion become the rule of law in this country in June, you can rest assured that every other right you have come to believe is as fundamental to your life as breathing air will also be ripe for being ripped out from under you.

I’m talking the right to use contraception in the privacy of your own home.

The right to marry a person of another race.

The right to marry a person of the same gender.

And throughout all of this, the right to vote.


Imagine, my dear male readers, if the government decides to punish you for spreading your sperm in any other manner besides ejaculating into a female. And I’m talking even when you’re all by yourself. You know: in the privacy of your own home.

No; I didn’t think you could imagine that. None of us should have to imagine it as an example to try to bring home the enormity of this potential decision. And yet, we could even take this analogy further and not be guilty of hyperbole. Women will die.

Our country is facing some very dark, dire days. I hope it’s not too late to save us all.
