Ice Flowers – Day 364


Ice Flowers

I was introduced to ice flowers this weekend, a natural occurrence I never knew existed, or at least never knew had a name and is a ‘thing.’

Also known as frost flowers, these delicate, otherworldly creations of nature must be seen at just the right time of day or they’re missed forever.

First Time

I regret to report that I do not have the photos I thought I did of the truly magical ones that appeared the other day. I only snagged a photo of the single one I personally encountered – and it actually bears little resemblance to the crystalline-looking ice sculptures my companion discovered earlier and had photographed.

Why didn’t I ask them to send me a copy of it?!

Truth be told, I was dissatisfied with the example of an ice, or frost, flower that I found (the one pictured above and below). It’s gray and almost resembles more a frozen wave or waterfall, cascading forth from the ground below it. Nevertheless, its flowing energy caught mid-movement was an odd frost sculpture to come across.

Photo – L. Weikel

An Article Appears

What’s particularly odd is that just one day after seeing an ice flower for the very first time (that I recall), I randomly come across an article that actually gives them a name and documents their occurrence in the state of Missouri. It’s pretty obvious it occurs elsewhere, but I still think it’s pretty cool that I was edified on their existence and what they’re called within 24 hours of experiencing them.

There’s so much magic surrounding us every day, but especially so when one is immersed in nature and paying attention.

There’s a cold snap coming in the next day or so to many parts of the country. Make sure you give yourself a chance to discover some frost flowers this week. Quick! Before all the plants give birth to their icy selves.
