Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction – ND #125

Planetary lineup in the Southeast sky (above the horizon after dawn) – Sky Guide app

Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction

One of the major astrological aspects to occur in 2022 happens today (12 April 2022) at 10:42 a.m. EDT, with a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction. As you know, when planets are conjunct each other when they’re occupying the exact same place in the sky (from our perspective here on Earth).

These two planets only come together every 13 years, and of course each time they do, it’s in a different sign of the zodiac. This year, they’re both at 23 degrees 59 minutes of Pisces, and the last time Jupiter and Neptune were conjunct in Pisces was in 1856. Rather amazingly, in February of 1856 Russia lost the Crimean War to France and the Ottoman Empire. How weird that Russia is in a war over that same area 166 years later!

What’s It Mean?

In the simplest of terms, Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Wherever it goes, it tends to make things bigger or cause attributes to take on a more powerful presence. Jupiter is also the historical ruler of the sign of Pisces, which is a mutable water sign. Pisces is often known as the sign of mystics and dreamers.

So even if Jupiter were just traveling through Pisces on its own, we might expect dreams to play a bigger part in our life, both individually and on a collective (worldwide) basis. And when you consider that Jupiter is meeting up with Neptune, it’s likely that dreams (and possibly even illusions or delusions) could become much more pronounced.

It’s interesting to note that Neptune is also acutely connected to water. Once Neptune was discovered, it became the ruler of the sign of Pisces – and of course Neptune was the God of water, so this particular conjunction of planets in this specific sign calls forth a remarkably huge connection to water. And it’s good to remember that water is often associated with emotions.

Photo: L.Weikel

What To Do

While I’m giving the barest of basics with respect to what’s going on above us today, it seems important to watch how big and volatile our emotions may play out today. We also may realize, or perhaps finally decide to begin manifesting, our biggest, boldest, most audacious dreams. It’s also possible that we may realize that some of our dreams are, in fact, delusions (of grandeur, Jupiter might say). It seems like it might be tricky to navigate the waters of thinking grand thoughts for the future, while keeping them within the realm of possibility.

Since these are huge, slow moving planets, the effect of their conjunction is not as ‘flash-in-the-pan’ as, say, a Mercury transit. Mercury (or even more rapid a mover, the Moon) zip in and out of the signs and the various aspects they make with other planets. Jupiter and Neptune, meanwhile take their time, and their influence, while gradual, is often much more profound and long-lasting. And since they’re so slow moving, don’t feel you have to have all your aspirational ducks in a row as of 10:42 a.m.

Give yourself permission to feel the expansion of your greatest dreams. Ask yourself what you want to feel (and bring into your life) over the next 13 years. And if you need some inspiration, here’s something to listen to as you consider how this week may unfold for you (and us all). (Remember, we’re approaching a full moon on Friday!)

Certainly we’re beginning a new cycle of seeding the expansion of our dreams – a cycle that will take 13+ years to culminate. Remember: nourish your dreams well.


Numeric Palindrome – ND #77

Dark Clouds on the Horizon – Photo: L. Weikel

Numeric Palindrome

Realizing today’s post is #77, I’m even more acutely aware of the abundance of repeating numbers today. Of course, lots of people have referenced the 02/22/2022 (on a TWOsday, no less) occurring today. There are a plethora of interpretations of what significance this date could hold. We could also write it the way Europeans do: 22/02/2022, which actually is even cooler when you think about it. It creates a numeric palindrome. It also creates, in this configuration, three 22s in a row, each separated by zeros.

You may recollect that, in numerology, 22 is a Master Number – indeed, it’s known as the Master Builder Number. As Alison Baughman enumerates in her book, Speaking to Your Soul Through Numerology*, some of the ‘positive’ attributes associated with this number are:

  • Mastery through self-enterprise, Master Organizer, Master Planner, visionary, practical idealism, dreams into reality, ambitious, intuitive, methodical, disciplined, natural leader, wise, confident.

And of course the corollary to that are the potentially ‘negative’ attributes:

  • Narrow-minded, judgmental, humorless, blunt, crude, intolerant, opinionated, stubborn, repressive, rigid, slow, uncompromising, limited, overwhelmed, controlling.

If you examine those key words, it’s not hard to see that a dominant theme underlying both the positive and negative attributes of ‘22’ is power. When 22 energy is being harnessed in a balanced manner and used with integrity and compassion great things can be achieved and even tangibly created. But when 22 energy is being manipulated for the acquisition of personal power and aggrandizement? It can turn toxic and wreak devastation wherever it’s wielded.


It is fascinating to entertain the possibility that Putin holds more stock in numerology than one might think. For instance, on August 8, 2008 (08/08/08), Russia invaded Georgia, with the aid of two self-declared separatist states of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The parallels to what happened today (on 22/02/2022), including Russia relying on ‘separatist states,’ is fascinating. Finally, today’s date also happened to be the 8th anniversary (exactly) of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

There is a pattern to his behavior. And while I grant it could be ‘coincidence,’ I suggest there is at the very least symbolic significance to the timing of these occurrences – if not some inherent energetic impetus behind the numbers themselves, subtly propelling the aggressive (humorless, blunt, overwhelming, and repressive) behavior.

While I recognize there are a lot of different ways people were suggesting today’s date could be used as a powerful day of manifestation or dreaming, and perhaps it was, my attention was focused instead on watching the power plays at work in the world.

And on a smaller scale, we were probably well-advised to monitor how we might be wielding and potentially abusing our power, too – especially in relationships where an imbalance of power might exist. Perhaps it was especially easy (or tempting) to go overboard with power today, even if we ordinarily use great discretion and temperance when exercising it. We also might reflect on whether those in a position of power over us in our personal lives potentially misused it.


Obviously, the day is over by the time you read this. I nevertheless hope you’ll take a moment now to reflect on these power dynamics. In retrospect, can you see how this may have played out or in some way been reflected in your own life experiences yesterday?

Sometimes reflection is actually more persuasive than anticipation. That’s because there’s always the possibility that we will get caught up in confirmation bias and see what we expect to see or have unfold in our life. But if we have no specific expectations ahead of time, and these influences are nevertheless felt, the whole scenario can at least give you pause to say, “Hmm.”

Personally, I saw it reflected in a couple ways in my life. First in a doctor/patient scenario I witnessed and again in a close personal relationship where power dynamics were at play, influential, and potentially triggering.

No territories were annexed or invaded in my little world, but there were definitely some warning shots and skirmishes at the borders.

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