Intensity Building – Day 1059

NOT the moon tonight! (It’s invisible) Photo: L. Weikel

Intensity Building

I know you can feel it too. It’s not just me – or a few friends of mine – who’re feeling the level of intensity building nigh well everywhere.

Part of the issue, as I wrote last night, has to do with the new moon in Libra occurring tomorrow morning (perhaps even as you read this!). It’s looking like it’s going to be a doozy. Or more accurately, I’m hearing from others that it’s going to be an intense month.

But there’s even more stuff going on ‘out there’ this week that bears having attention paid. One of those aspects is also playing out tomorrow (along with that new moon) and that is the fact that Pluto is stationing direct. Pluto tends to spend about half of any given year moving ‘direct’ and half moving ‘retrograde.’ And it’s such a slow moving planet that just in ‘slowing down,’ stopping, and then moving forward again takes many days. So the effects tend to be long, drawn out, and deeply…disruptive. Especially with Pluto. Luckily, that disruption often leads to experiencing profound transformation (from the deepest levels).

Given the recent eruptions (as in, from the Underworld – where Pluto rules) of explosive allegations regarding FB, I’m thinking there will be a lot astounding details coming out not only about that debacle but also a ton more revelations in our ‘news cycles’ over the next few days.

Saturn Also Getting In On the Act

On Sunday, Saturn stations direct, meaning, in this case, it stops traveling retrograde* and hits the spot where it will momentarily stand still (and then turn direct) as well. As Saturn is yet another huge ‘outer’ planet, this transit also wields a lot more power and influence over our lives than we would like to think. And remember, Saturn is the planet that governs structures, government, foundations.

What’s really wild is that aspects between planets are occurring this week that were around when Covid first hit our shores. Will something else of equal or even more society-shifting/disrupting potential ‘come out’ this week? I guess we’ll see.

In the meantime, I know I suggested you listen to the astrological forecast for the month by Rick Levine just last night. But it’s meaty and, indeed, as my friend Wendy pointed out in a comment to the blog post as shared on FB, she listened and felt she needed to take notes. Join the club! His comments resonated with a lot of what I’ve not only been experiencing myself, but also what I’ve observed others enduring. I’ve definitely taken notes and noted certain aspects on my calendar when listening to him.

Another Forecast

Well, fear not. I’m not going to leave you high and dry in the face of this week’s potentially extremely uncomfortable aspects, either. I wouldn’t be sharing this if I didn’t think we could all benefit from maintaining awareness of what’s going on around us – and perhaps even more importantly, what’s influencing the behavior of so many people around us.

Accordingly, I recommend you listen to this ‘Weekly Astrological Weather’ forecast by Anne Ortelee on Astrology Hub. It’s worth your time – if for no other reason than to give you reason to scratch your head and say, “Huh. Go figure,” as we watch stuff unfold over the next several days.

* It’s always good to remember that retrograde movement is an optical illusion. No planet literally moves backwards in its orbit around the sun. But that doesn’t mean the energetic shift associated with our perception isn’t powerfully significant for us.
