No Days Off – Day 153

Waxing Moon; Photo – L.Weikel

No Days Off

I was thinking about my 1111 Devotion project today as I was taking a sunset walk with Karl. I was grateful that there was enough time left in the day for us to walk, so I could at least get in two miles, our ‘usual’ walk with the dogs.

There’s a part of me that’s bummed that I only managed two miles today. And I find that fascinating – how much my perspective has changed in just the past two weeks. My original perspective, or at least the one I held most recently before the one I hold today, would have given myself internal high fives simply for walking at all today. Period.

But my recent walking expansion is a subject for another day, I think.

My thought today was wondering how I’m going to handle being away from my natural habitat. For instance, when I’m in North Carolina for Listening to Spirit, the workshop retreat I’ll be giving with Wendy Warner, M.D., on the benefits of conventional medical providers working in tandem with shamanic practitioners (LAST CALL to register!), will I have the wherewithal to post every evening?

I wonder.

I hope so.

Will ‘Canned’ Posts Suffice?

And then I thought, well, I could always write up a couple of ‘pinch-hitting’ posts ahead of time. You know, a couple of emergency posts I could keep ‘in the can,’ so to speak, for use when time gets away from me or I’m too exhausted to type my own name much less write a coherent sentence.

I’ve flirted with that idea before. So far, as you can tell if you’ve been sticking with me (and thank you if you have!), every post has been one that was written right before I hit <<send>>. Some have nearly been stream-of-consciousness. Some have actually been reflective. And some have been a bit random, I’ll admit.

But not a single one of them has been generic. Canned. Pre-writ. Yet.

When I’m in North Carolina (or, optimistically, in Peru or Siberia, or maybe Iceland or some as yet unnamed nations on a couple other continents I want to experience perhaps within the next three years), I’m going to be challenged.

I don’t think about it all that often, but I take for granted that I’ll have some quiet time late each night when I can sit with my little MacBook Air and peck out a post. But when I get with my tribe in person, when we’re talking late into the night about encounters we’ve had that day in this world or others, I may easily lose track of time.

What About the Wilderness?

I’m also starting to ponder what might happen if I go off on a retreat in the wilderness. And I mean literal wilderness. No laptop. No cellphone. No means of communicating with any of you.

The thought of that gives me pause.

I may bitch and moan to myself (and OK, to Karl sometimes) that it’s really hard to think of something to write about every single day. But after 152 days in a row (and that figure there just boggles my mind right out of the box), I’m seriously invested.

This Is Deep – and Getting Deeper

This 1111 Devotion is a commitment that grows deeper and more meaningful to me with each passing day, with each notch on the wall that says, “I showed up.” Because the rest of that sentence is, “I showed up and I did it for Karl.”

So I find pondering these two possible scenarios a bit anxiety producing; I feel my heart quicken a bit when I think about finding myself in a situation in which posting might be either extremely difficult or physically impossible.

I guess I’m still trying to figure out the value of this exercise, beyond it simply being my own personal dedication to my son.

I’m assuming my perspective will evolve. Out of necessity, eventually, I will probably need to compromise to an extent my current expectations of purity.

In the meantime, I’m going to continue to set and pursue my purist goals. Fresh thoughts each night. Even if they’re random.


Marketing Myself – Day 114

Tuvan Drum beside Cabin Creek; Photo: L. Weikel

Marketing Myself

I’ve come to the conclusion that I am the antithesis of a marketer. Or perhaps more accurately, I’m the antithesis of a self-promoter.

I make that distinction because I’m actually a pretty decent rainmaker for other people. If I find a provider of any service or product that I believe in, I will happily spread that news far and wide.

It gives me great pleasure to see people I believe in succeed and thrive. Which probably makes my reticence to speak up for myself seem odd to some people. (I know it literally frustrates the heck out of some of my friends – Renee Baribeau, author of Winds of Spirit, I’m looking at you.)

I Love Promoting Others – But Myself? Not So Much

And I suppose I’ve gotten a little better at it over the years. But admittedly, not good enough.

Some of you may be thinking I must be kidding. Particularly if you received my Hoot Alert this evening, once again announcing the Retreat I’m co-leading with Wendy Warner, M.D., this coming May, at Amadell retreat center in Luck, North Carolina.

Yes, I’ve written a post about it; and I’ve promoted that post on Facebook; I’ve now sent out a Hoot Alert, and I intend to re-post my Ruffled Feathers post about it on Instagram. (I admit I’ve been a bit slow on the uptake with Instagram. But I have succeeded in getting at least three or four posts situated correctly since getting started with IG.) I’m hopeful that one of these days it’s going to <<click>> for me, and I’ll no longer have to spend an extra 45 minutes trying to remember how to make it so people can click through to my blog.

I’m probably finding it easier to promote the co-produced Doctor/Shaman retreat precisely because Wendy is relying on me to get it out there, too.


I just looked at the time and it is rapidly approaching 1:00 a.m. Did I fall asleep at the keyboard? Sure seems like it!

So I guess I will leave it here. If any of you reading this would be kind enough to send a link to the post advertising the Doctor/Shaman Retreat at Amadell, I’d be really grateful. Or if it would be easier to just forward my Hoot Alert, feel free. Or if you know anyone who might be interested in bringing a shamanic perspective to their office, please give them the details of our upcoming event.

Thank you for anything you might choose to do for us!

(T- 997)