Daily Perambulations – Day 945

Yum – Photo: L. Weikel

Daily Perambulations

Ah, it’s so great to be back on the road. My life is immeasurably enriched by my daily perambulations.

The past two days have been especially delightful. Much as I love sunny days and blue skies, there’s something comforting when the heat and brilliance of a near summer’s day is muted by a layer of clouds so high that they just turn the sky gray-white. The beauty is in the slightly cool hint of a breeze and the chance for everything to just be, with no effort to outshine anything else.

Sometimes it feels like everything is trying too hard when the sun shines. Flowers burst forth in colors that tantalize the buzzing class, including us, vying for the attention of anything and everyone.

Clematis – Photo: L.Weikel

Blooming Clematis

In just the few days I couldn’t manage a walk, whether because it was pouring out or I was distracted by other responsibilities, our neighbors’ clematis bloomed.

Every year I say I want a clematis of my own, climbing our mailbox. While Karl finally planted one last year, it was ground up and spit out by the pickup that mowed down our box this winter. We’ll have to plant another. Soon.

Bees Know

No matter how pale the day may be under that stratospheric layer of overcast shielding us from the brilliance and blazing heat of the sun, the bees know where the good stuff is.

I could’ve stood for hours beside the wildflowers taking photos of them as they lured the baby bumblebees with their nectar and other sweet wares. “Come hither,” they teased, and the bees complied, probably just as happy the sun wasn’t glinting off the petals of more brilliant blossoms just down the road.

It wasn’t until I started looking at still frames of the live shots I took of the bees making love to the blossoms that I realized the bees were crowding the game of other creatures. In one shot an ant triumphantly climbed to the lip of the blossom, staking its claim and kicking the bee out of that sweet spot. Was that ant courageous or crazy? Hungry or simply living its biological imperative?

The bee had to be ten times the size of that ant. And yet the ant prevailed in staking its claim. Or did the bee just decide to bag it?  Hard to say, I guess. We all pick our battles. Some days we want the flower we know; the sure thing. And  some days we realize there are a bazillion other wildflowers out there just waiting to be loved.

“This Tastes Good” – Photo: L. Weikel

“Ew! Wait. What?” – Photo: L. Weikel

“Umm, no thanks. I’m outta here” – Photo: L. Weikel

“That’s right. I’m the boss; this is MY flower!” – Photo: L. Weikel


Some Beautiful Things – Day 910

Buttercup – Photo: L. Weikel

Some Beautiful Things

Between my walks yesterday and today (both of which I managed to get in just under the wire, dodging the rain), I managed to photograph some beautiful things. I just love how every once in a while I discover something small beside the road and when I zoom in on it, it appears even more exquisite than it did when I first glimpsed it.

Most of my walks lately have been silent. I wonder if this causes me to notice the little things even more. I don’t know.

The first flower I came upon today – which I don’t think I’ve written a post about before (although I may be wrong) – was the buttercup. I saw a flower being written about on Facebook a week or so ago, and the people writing were calling the yellow flowers buttercups. But they didn’t look like the buttercups I grew up with.

The ones I grew up with looked like the one above. I remember holding them under the chin of my friend Chris, or my mom, or even under my own wrist – you know, to see if it reflected yellow, which meant you ‘liked butter.’ Ha – I never was a big butter fan when I was younger. But I always loved the magic of buttercups.

Spartacus enjoyed tromping around on them today. I didn’t pick any, so I’m not sure if they reflected on him. But I do know he loves butter.

Spartacus Wondering What All the Fuss Is About – Photo: L. Weikel

Another Beauty

I’m not sure what wildflower this is, but it was a singlet – alone in the midst of a lot of greenery. I don’t remember seeing it yesterday, so it’s possible it only bloomed this morning.

Forgive me – I feel like I can get lost in the act of just staring into the faces of these wildflowers. They’re simply lovely.

Somehow or another, just seeing them today reminded me of the countryside in which I grew up. I have to wonder how it is that those days seem so long ago yet almost just yesterday.

Purple Wildflower Perfection – Photo: L. Weikel


Listening Retreat Day Two – Day 272

Amadell – Photo: L. Weikel

Listening Retreat Day Two

I have exactly eighteen minutes to write a post tonight. Wow – I miraculously manifested an entire ten extra minutes to fulfill my commitment, my Act of Power.

Breathe, Lisa.

While the weather reports suggested that we might experience a flurry of storms passing through today, we escaped unscathed. The day unfolded and then folded again – just like last night – with time accelerating in some moments and then slowing in others, to a point that allowed for us to have more extensive experiences in fifteen minutes than many might have in a day and a half.

I actually managed to get more written than might appear at the moment because I just deleted two full paragraphs.

I deleted them because they didn’t do justice to what I’m feeling in this moment, and they sort of sounded cliché. So I’d rather ascribe to the ‘less is more’ attitude and leave you with a taste of the beauty we’re working in.

Wildflowers at Amadell – Photo: L. Weikel
