Stating the Obvious – Day 420


Stating the Obvious

Sometimes I’m a master at this. And you know what? Sometimes it just has to be done.

The ‘obvious’ that I feel needs to be stated at the moment is that this is going to be one hell of an intense week.

Right out of the gate, we know this will be no ordinary week (and let’s face it, how many of them have we honestly experienced since January 20th, 2017?) because of the horrifying manner in which global tensions are being insanely and irresponsibly ratcheted up on a daily basis. By tweet, no less.

It’s stunning.

Another reason, a corollary to the first, naturally – since so much of our global, national, local, and personal stress is triggered in one way or another by the rash acts emanating from the White House – is that for every threat tweeted out against others, particularly toward those who were rashly and yet deliberately provoked by an assassination of one of their own, another cadre of self-proclaimed avengers is born.

And who will reap the fallout from that vengeance being sought? Almost certainly men, women, and children who do not see it coming. Oh, they may feel it vaguely raising the hackles on their skin when they read about another tweet or hear of yet another taunt or belligerent beating of a national chest. But quite honestly, save for the 9/11 attacks, there’s a profound belief, deep in the core of most Americans’ psyche, that we’re inviolable. That stuff won’t – can’t – happen here.


Our Bubble is Exposed

Given the taunts and threats of 52 sites of strategic or cultural importance being in the crosshairs of our military, I have to ask: Can anyone reading that not imagine how it would feel to have that same threat levied against us? Can anyone reading about anything that’s going on right now not use simple common sense and imagine the rage that we would feel if the bully slapped us like that?

How would we feel if we witnessed the bully slap someone else – perhaps a friend?

How would we feel if we witnessed that very same bully sucker punch a kid who wasn’t exactly our friend? Maybe even someone we whom we also feared – but not as much, since he’s smaller and perhaps a bit more wily (because he has to be clever to make up for his smaller build)?

We’d probably watch in horror and hope we wouldn’t get hit by a stray fist. Or worse.


To recap why I stated the obvious premise at the start of this post:

1. We have mad, provocative tweeting (and bombs); 2. We are creating new avengers daily, including people who may simply have been observers…before; and 3. We have a full moon and eclipse happening on Friday, plus a slew of planetary aspects that were daunting enough for us to face before the hasty and ill-advised events of the past couple of days.

More on the planetary aspects tomorrow, perhaps.

In the meantime, we must hold those centers. Keep peace in each of our own hearts and homes. It’s what we must do.


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