Today’s Solar Eclipse – Day 942

Today’s Solar Eclipse (as seen in Boston) – Photo: S. Weikel

Today’s Solar Eclipse

I can’t decide. Should I write a little more about the creature that was in my bedroom the other night and what it means when Moth shows up in your life? Or should I follow up on today’s solar eclipse?

Sadly, I did not get a good look at the eclipse this morning. But my son Sage did! He and Sarah got themselves to a beach, bright and early, near where they live in Boston. And wow – I just had to feature the photo he took with his iPhone. It’s spectacular! And Mother Nature very kindly provided them with just enough of a filter that they weren’t at risk of hurting their eyes, yet the eclipse could still be seen through the wispy clouds.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, although I didn’t witness the eclipse myself, I did contemplate it. (I looked out my bedroom window and couldn’t see anything. I will admit, semi-ashamedly, that I did not hop into my car and drive to my usual celestial viewing spot. I was sure, when I went to bed last night, it would be too overcast to see anything by morning. And while it sort of looked that way from my bedroom window, I have a feeling I succumbed to hasty decision-making.

Consolation Visit

While visiting my sweet Tohickon Creek is never a ‘consolation prize’ (although it is at once both a consolation and a prize – discuss*), I noticed what might be a metaphor for this eclipse.

I was sitting in my car with the windows down listening to the competing conversations of the rushing current of the Tohickon and the cacophony of cicadas in the deciduous trees lining the Tohickon’s banks. I won’t lie: it was heavenly. But as I sat there and wrote in my journal, contemplating the eclipse, I got a glimpse of a fascinating potential metaphor:

Tohickon Flowing at Capacity with Poison ‘in the Past’ – Photo: L. Weikel

The focus of my gaze was before me. The torrential rain from yesterday afternoon, and steadier rain into the evening, translated into a reasonably brisk flow of toward its destination, the Delaware River. The pace of the water passing before me wasn’t excessive, but it was powerful. And truly, it felt like it was reflecting the desire in my heart to move forward.

I feel motivated and excited to catch a rapid (and perhaps a little raucous) ride as the current moves downstream on this new moon. And then I shifted my perception to my rearview mirror and was astonished.

Wow. Sitting right there in plain view was a massive poison ivy plant in the midst of overtaking an entire tree. The tricky part is that the poison ivy is so prolific that it has become gargantuan. Its leaves and hairy vines are significant players, and I have to wonder how many fisher-people and tourists have come home with a nasty case of poison because they didn’t realize those leaves brushing their face from above were poison.

The Metaphor Was Clear

Leave it behind. Put the poison (no matter how big it is) that was revealed by the eclipse of the sun in the rearview mirror and don’t look back. Head downriver where the water runs clear and cool. Ride those currents and embrace the reflections of both blue skies and high white clouds.

This new moon was and is more powerful than most precisely because of the solar eclipse. May we all take advantage of it and sow the seeds of some seriously powerful dreams over the next several days. Dreams that will support and nurture us for the next twenty years or so.

Heading Toward the Future – Photo: L. Weikel

*Warning: Throwback SNL reference


Eclipse Season Continues – Day 939

Solar Eclipse in India 2020 – Image: Times of India (

Eclipse Season Continues

As I mentioned in this post, the first ‘eclipse season’ of 2021 began with the lunar eclipse on May 25th, 2021. During that eclipse, the full Moon was in Sagittarius while the Sun was at the opposite side of the zodiac, in Gemini. The eclipse occurred when the Earth moved exactly between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Moon to gradually become engulfed by the shadow of the Earth (and then gradually come out of that shadow). This coming Thursday, June 8th, eclipse season continues.

Eclipses always come in pairs (two weeks apart, the lunar taking place at the full Moon and the solar taking place at the new Moon) – and occasionally three in a row can occur. In fact, almost exactly a year ago we experienced three eclipses in a row: June 5, June 21, and July 5, 2020. (Go figure, right? And somehow it’s unsurprising, too, that there were six eclipses last year.)

The eclipse occurring this coming Thursday will peak at 6:53 a.m. EDT. It happens to be an ‘annular’ eclipse – meaning the Moon will come between the Sun and the Earth, but because of the varying distances of these celestial bodies from Earth (due to the elliptical orbits of both the Earth and the Moon), the Moon will not totally block out the sun, even though it will pass directly between the Earth and the Sun. Rather, because the Moon will be furthest away from the Earth, the Moon will appear smaller than the Sun (from our perspective here on Earth). Thus, at the height of the eclipse, those at the right place on Earth will see what’s known as the “Ring of Fire” as the Moon comes between Earth and the Sun.

The Astrological Perspective

Of course, all of the above is the astronomical explanation of what we’ll be experiencing on our planet this Thursday.

The potentially juicy impact upon human behavior and experience is the bailiwick of astrology. In order to help us understand how this could be influencing circumstances we encounter on either a personal or societal level (or both), here’s a link to Chani Nicholas’s assessment for the week (once again, it helps to know both your sun sign and your ascendant or ‘rising’ sign).

For a more comprehensive look at the entire month (which I actually recommend, given the assortment of major aspects occurring this month, the solar eclipse on Thursday being only one), I recommend Rick Levine’s perspective. It’s fascinating (to me, at least) to observe how the larger patterns playing out celestially are uncannily reflected in our experiences here on Earth.

As always, my purpose in providing this information is simply to offer food for thought. Listen. Look around. Make your own observations. Pay attention to what’s happening in your own life and the lives of those around you. Allow for the possibility that unseen forces may be influencing events or reactions. Take a breath before reacting.

Keep your options open. We’re in this thing together – and knowledge is power.


Cards for the Eclipse – Day 763

Dreamtime – Mystic Art Medicine Orace Cards by Cher Lyn

Cards for the Eclipse

Tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. ET a total solar eclipse will occur. This celestial event will kick off an almost relentless series of profoundly challenging aspects over the weeks ahead. Indeed, as we embark upon the next six weeks or so of our lives, we’re going to need to do everything in our power to keep our wits about us. Thus, it feels important to choose a few cards for the eclipse: something to bear in mind, hold onto, or just plain repeat as centering reminders as the week unfolds.

The top card I chose was Dreamtime – exactly the same one I chose on the eve of Halloween this year, on the eve of the blue full moon (the second full moon occurring in the month of October). Check out what I wrote but six short weeks ago, the upshot being: we must hold fast to the dream we have for the future. We are creating the reality we live in; it is up to us to dream a new dream.

Miracles – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn

Underneath: Miracles

The card that lay at the foundation of these ‘choices’ that I made for us was the Miracles card. My heart skipped when I saw it; it does appear quite bleak, reflecting my sense of what may unfold before us in the near future.

The author, Cher Lyn, described the card as follows:

“In the painting, ‘Vision of Mary,’ it is you who stands at the frozen river’s edge, an icy wind bites to the bone. The trees are barren. All is as if lifeless. Yet you are composed. You have faith and in this knowingness a fire emanates from within. A vision soon appears of the Divine compassionate Mother. She hovers above your frozen sea. The light of the snowy moon glows once again reminding you, “You are not alone. You’ve called on me, I am here, I am always with you my dear.”

Beliefs come from feelings. From somewhere inside, you hear a call. The hearing becomes a feeling connecting you to your truth and this is when Miracles appear. Although you may not be able to say why you feel something is so, your belief is true for you and that truth is your foundation for Miracles. (…)

Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we are conditioned to believe. The universe cannot help unless you hold strong intention and focus. Love is the key and truly the only thing that really heals. Let go of what you think. Trust, and know who you are. (…) Remind yourself you are supported, that you are not doing it alone on this Earth.

This card speaks of a Miracle on its way to you. Disharmony creates disease, and harmony creates beauty with ease. Imagine a Miracle and remain open to a surprise.”

My Take

Events and actions we thought we’d only ever see in movies or read about in books are very likely to occur in the not-too-distant future. No matter how balanced we are or strive to keep ourselves, achieving and maintaining our equanimity is going to be a challenge.

It feels like we’re being encouraged to envision our highest aspirations for ourselves, our country, and our world. Hold on to those dreams and not only ask for, but work toward manifesting them – and then believe in miracles.


Big Week Ahead – Day 581

Photo: L. Weikel

Big Week Ahead

We have a big week ahead astronomically and astrologically. Our week is going to culminate with the Solstice (Summer in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter in the Southern) and a Solar Eclipse.

Technically, for those of us on the East Coast of the U.S., the Solstice will occur at 5:43 p.m. on Saturday, June 20th, 2020. Of course, for us here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year, and is considered the first day of summer. Conversely, it will be the shortest day of the year and considered the first day of winter for those living in the Southern Hemisphere.

The solar eclipse will occur at 2:41 a.m. EDT on Sunday, June 21st. Obviously, due to time zone differences, some areas will be able to say these two significant events will be taking place on the same day (Friday the 20th).

Regardless of whether they technically fall on the same calendar day, the significance is that they’re taking place only six hours apart. In cosmic timing, that’s nothing; and the confluence of these events will undoubtedly be powerful and have long term and far-reaching effects.

Some Links

I’ll probably write about this again in the next few days and provide you with some interesting links to perspectives on what you might encounter this week on a mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual level. For instance, Kaypacha’s Pele Report for June 10th (which takes us into the middle of the coming week) gives us some insight into what the entire world is confronting – as well as some helpful suggestions for what we might want to focus on to learn more about ourselves and how to navigate through it.

As I come across other interesting perspectives, I’ll share them with you. If you take the time to read or listen to them, notice what aspects resonate with you. Simply recognizing how the ‘big picture’ of what’s going on in the sky is affecting how people are acting here on Earth can be remarkably soothing. Even when we’re living through hellacious experiences, having even the inkling that there’s a much grander scheme at work influencing the way people are reacting, etc., can give us the perspective we need not to take it all too personally.

Different for Everyone

While these planetary aspects are obviously affecting all of us – it’s important to realize that they tweak us all in different ways because of the unique location the planets were in at the time of our birth (our ‘birth charts’). Where they were located in our chart when we were born dictates where they are now (in our unique charts) as they make their journeys around the sun.

Into the Weeds

It’s funny. When I started this post this evening, it was my intention to pick a couple of cards for us to focus upon and use for guidance as the week unfolds. It feels important for us to engage in some reflection as we approach the solstice and eclipse because, chances are, some big stuff is coming our way. Clearly, though, I got lost in the weeds of astrology again.

We’re in the midst of major upheaval and transformation. We can either go through it consciously or have it broadside us and send our lives into even more disarray than we’ve encountered already this year. Given the choice, I’m always interested in navigating life’s storms with as many maps and tools as possible.

Obviously, instead of just choosing a couple cards and talking about them, I wanted to explain why I felt it was important to for us to be especially aware right now. But alas, I’ve run out of time.

Stay tuned. Tomorrow’s another day.


Full Moon – Day 572

Approaching Storm – Photo: L. Weikel

Full Moon

Today at 3:12 p.m. EDT, the moon was full. The Old Farmer’s Almanac refers to a full moon in June as the Full Strawberry Moon. With strawberries ripening and becoming abundantly available at farm stands and grocery stores, we can safely guess where this moon got its name.

Today also marked a partial lunar eclipse. The significance of this eclipse will remain to be revealed. (Ha ha – that’s sort of a play on the fact that eclipses tend to be revelatory in the sense that things that have been hidden for a long time, often even from ourselves, tend to be revealed by an eclipse.) But seriously, we can certainly see this playing out on a macro level – throughout our country – and on a micro level, if we’re honest with ourselves and really look at the state of our marriages, lives, other relationships, and careers.

What is being revealed to us now?

Last Eclipse

The last such lunar eclipse this year occurred at the beginning of January. It also occurred on a Friday – January 10th, 2020, to be exact.

You might want to go back to your journals and check out what was going on for you back then. Was anything hidden, unexpected, or of import revealed to you on or around that date? I have to say, that eclipse was one of the most stunning ones I’ve experienced, when it came to revelations about people’s natures that totally blindsided me. Profound trust was startlingly dashed.

And on a global level, here’s an article that can, in hindsight, give us all pause.

Entering Eclipse ‘Season’

As significant as the revelations were that came on and around the lunar eclipse in January of this year, I have to uneasily wonder what’s in store for all of us over the next month. That’s because, not only did we experience another lunar eclipse today (if partial – and not visible in North America), we have a solar eclipse to look forward to that will occur on the same day as the summer solstice (June 21st), promising an even greater impact, and then yet another lunar eclipse on July 5th.

Bing, bang, boom.

I’m not suggesting that we pay attention to eclipse season – and in particular this eclipse season – in order to generate fear. Rather, my intention is the opposite. I’m simply offering some information that, if we pay attention to it, will perhaps in some small way, prepare us for the unexpected.

Let’s face it, world wide, we’ve been getting curve balls hurled at us. But here in the United States, in particular, we’re dodging a virtual onslaught of major life, values, and reality upheavals.

Expect the Unexpected

It’s really tough to expect the unexpected. But there is good reason for all of us not to assume that ‘the worst is over,’ or ‘things are getting back to normal.’ Actually, there are many good reasons not to make such assumptions, beyond the adage pertaining to assumptions in general.

If there was ever a time in our lives to keep a journal, I’d say this is it.

I’m encouraging you, then, to beef up your discipline and dedication to writing about what’s going on in your life at this time. Be as specific and thorough as possible. If nothing else, it could end up being a fascinating reflection on how – or even if – you can see a correlation between events in your personal life, events on a local or national or global scale, and our experience of the three eclipses of June/July 2020.


Interlude – Day 410

Solar Eclipse 26 Dec 19 – Photo:


Lest you think I’m going to regale you with yet another post describing tasty morsels of baked goodness, fear not! Before we proceed to a kiffel debrief (which I hope to provide you tomorrow, but you never know), I offer you this brief interlude from above.

Today’s Eclipse

Today we here on Earth experienced an annular solar eclipse. That means that the distance of the moon (new to us, to we could not ‘see’ it) was such that when it progressed to the point where it appeared to be exactly between us and the sun, it didn’t quite block the sun entirely. Instead, there was a ‘ring of fire’ visible around the edges of the moon.

Unfortunately for us here in the United States – and even western Europe, etc. – we couldn’t see it happening. It was visible in the area of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, etc. But we have photos.

So not only can we enjoy the astronomical majesty and breathtaking beauty of this eclipse via posts on the internet, but we can also listen to the astrological assessment of how this eclipse may impact us now and into the approaching year.

Kaypacha’s Pele Report contains some important doses of reality that we’re almost certain to encounter. I encourage you to take a listen. It’s always better to be forewarned.

Sunset in PA on eclipse day (26Dec19) – Photo: L.Weikel

Next Eclipse: Lunar on January 10, 2020

And since eclipses always come in cycles, the lunar eclipse that follows a solar eclipse is coming in two weeks. Stay tuned!


Eclipse Season Commences – Day 232


Eclipse Season Commences           

Just a quick post on the astrological event that’s most prominently being discussed at the moment: tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) solar eclipse. Tomorrow’s new moon in the sign of Cancer kicks off eclipse ‘season,’ as eclipses never happen in isolation.

The eclipses occurring this month (the full moon lunar eclipse will occur on July 16th) are considered to be particularly significant and powerfully influential on human behavior (although it is not limited to human behavior) because of some of the other influences being created by the position of our celestial brothers and sisters, such as the aspects being created by Saturn and Pluto and their relation to the Sun and Moon.

Other Players Doing Their Dance…

Mercury and Mars are dancing around together, which can lead to some, um, incendiary words. And perhaps a little extra special caution might be warranted as they take their ‘dance’ from the watery ‘feeling’ space of Cancer and move into Leo – which is a fire sign, and thus could lead to putting those words into action.

As I’ve done before, here are links to two of my favorite sources of information on astrological events and how they might play out in our personal lives as well as the greater world environment, Kaypacha’s Pele Report and the report of Chani Nicholas.

With respect to reading Chani’s assessment of what’s going on astrologically and how it might impact you and your life, it’s important to know both your sun sign and your ‘rising’ or ‘ascendant’ sign. I’ve discussed this before, and here’s the link to help refresh your recollection on one of the sites you can go to that will calculate both your sun sign and ‘ascendant’ or  ‘rising’ sign. That way, you can read both and see which resonates with your experience.

My Observations

Eclipses tend to be revelatory in nature. In other words, when the moon gets between the Earth and the sun and blocks out all the light shining upon us from the sun, the metaphoric result is that things that were hidden or in the shadows, things that we couldn’t see because the sun was too bright, are revealed. And with the planet Pluto aspecting all of this, we’re in for some dramatic revelations of things we didn’t know about or failed to see before this.

Quite amazingly, within the past three days or so, as we’ve approached this initial total solar eclipse, I’ve personally witnessed people I know suddenly and unexpectedly discovering information (the ‘truth’) about, a variety of circumstances, such as:

(1) their life partner’s interests ‘elsewhere;’ (2) a health situation that a loved one was attempting to hide from both my friend (and probably themselves); (3) significant misrepresentations and subterfuge being propounded by a company represented by a friend of mine; and (4) six years of royalties not having been paid by the publisher of a book written by someone I know.

Each of these ‘truths’ were exposed literally within the past three days, which I find rather astonishing.

Remember – What’s Your Ascendant?

I urge you to pay attention and take notice if you or the people around you (family, friends, co-workers) are discovering new and often dramatic or significant information touching upon their life in some way.

The links above to Kaypacha and Chani can provide you with more in-depth information that you can apply to your personal situation.

Again, believe me, I know. This stuff is complicated and your eyes may glaze over when you hear a description of all the ‘aspects’ (i.e., the Sun is conjunct the Moon’s North Node in Cancer while in direct opposition to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn).  It can definitely sound like gobbledeegook. But both astrologers take that technical information and translate it into fascinating understandings of how they can be interpreted.

Plant the Seeds of Your Highest Intentions

Finally, I encourage you to remember that New Moons are the perfect time to plant the seeds of new beginnings! And this New Moon tomorrow is particularly powerful not only because of the eclipse but also because it is a ‘super moon.’

So plant the seeds your soul yearns to cultivate. Create something new. Take a risk. Be courageous. Dream big.
