Eclipse Season Commences – Day 232


Eclipse Season Commences           

Just a quick post on the astrological event that’s most prominently being discussed at the moment: tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) solar eclipse. Tomorrow’s new moon in the sign of Cancer kicks off eclipse ‘season,’ as eclipses never happen in isolation.

The eclipses occurring this month (the full moon lunar eclipse will occur on July 16th) are considered to be particularly significant and powerfully influential on human behavior (although it is not limited to human behavior) because of some of the other influences being created by the position of our celestial brothers and sisters, such as the aspects being created by Saturn and Pluto and their relation to the Sun and Moon.

Other Players Doing Their Dance…

Mercury and Mars are dancing around together, which can lead to some, um, incendiary words. And perhaps a little extra special caution might be warranted as they take their ‘dance’ from the watery ‘feeling’ space of Cancer and move into Leo – which is a fire sign, and thus could lead to putting those words into action.

As I’ve done before, here are links to two of my favorite sources of information on astrological events and how they might play out in our personal lives as well as the greater world environment, Kaypacha’s Pele Report and the report of Chani Nicholas.

With respect to reading Chani’s assessment of what’s going on astrologically and how it might impact you and your life, it’s important to know both your sun sign and your ‘rising’ or ‘ascendant’ sign. I’ve discussed this before, and here’s the link to help refresh your recollection on one of the sites you can go to that will calculate both your sun sign and ‘ascendant’ or  ‘rising’ sign. That way, you can read both and see which resonates with your experience.

My Observations

Eclipses tend to be revelatory in nature. In other words, when the moon gets between the Earth and the sun and blocks out all the light shining upon us from the sun, the metaphoric result is that things that were hidden or in the shadows, things that we couldn’t see because the sun was too bright, are revealed. And with the planet Pluto aspecting all of this, we’re in for some dramatic revelations of things we didn’t know about or failed to see before this.

Quite amazingly, within the past three days or so, as we’ve approached this initial total solar eclipse, I’ve personally witnessed people I know suddenly and unexpectedly discovering information (the ‘truth’) about, a variety of circumstances, such as:

(1) their life partner’s interests ‘elsewhere;’ (2) a health situation that a loved one was attempting to hide from both my friend (and probably themselves); (3) significant misrepresentations and subterfuge being propounded by a company represented by a friend of mine; and (4) six years of royalties not having been paid by the publisher of a book written by someone I know.

Each of these ‘truths’ were exposed literally within the past three days, which I find rather astonishing.

Remember – What’s Your Ascendant?

I urge you to pay attention and take notice if you or the people around you (family, friends, co-workers) are discovering new and often dramatic or significant information touching upon their life in some way.

The links above to Kaypacha and Chani can provide you with more in-depth information that you can apply to your personal situation.

Again, believe me, I know. This stuff is complicated and your eyes may glaze over when you hear a description of all the ‘aspects’ (i.e., the Sun is conjunct the Moon’s North Node in Cancer while in direct opposition to Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn).  It can definitely sound like gobbledeegook. But both astrologers take that technical information and translate it into fascinating understandings of how they can be interpreted.

Plant the Seeds of Your Highest Intentions

Finally, I encourage you to remember that New Moons are the perfect time to plant the seeds of new beginnings! And this New Moon tomorrow is particularly powerful not only because of the eclipse but also because it is a ‘super moon.’

So plant the seeds your soul yearns to cultivate. Create something new. Take a risk. Be courageous. Dream big.


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