Tend the Fires – ND #11

Photo: L. Weikel

Tend the Fires

Whew. Last night’s post turned out to be much longer than I intended. And drawing the Initiation card that rather remarkably echoed what I’d just written (only in astrological terms) – was rather stark. Perhaps we need to tend the fires that burn deep within, stoke our creativity, passion, and love, as we prepare for what’s to come.

It’s unlikely we’re going to be able to sit back and coast into 2022. And if we find we’re actually able to do ‘sit back and coast,’ it’ll almost surely be a result of hunkering down and being happy with a tight circle of close family and friends. Or perhaps even a lot of time completely on our own. So what can we do? What should we do? What do we yearn to do? How can we keep our inner fire from flickering out?

Answering the Questions

Only we can answer those questions for ourselves. Often, though, we keep ourselves so busy, busy, busy that we never take the time to answer them. I’m pretty sure it’s because we’re either afraid of the answers – or perhaps worse, afraid we won’t find any answers.

Well, in these darkest of days and longest of nights, it seems like the perfect time to devote even the tiniest bit of time to creating a space where the answers might come to us on their own.

And yes – you probably noticed my use of the word devote in that last sentence. It was deliberate. That’s because I’m feeling a call to explore the concept and nature of devotion a little more deeply, now that I completed my 1111 Devotion a few weeks ago.

Solstice Time

One of the definitions of devotion contained in my copy of The World Book Dictionary reads as follows: “3. The act of devoting or setting apart to a sacred use or purpose, solemn dedication; consecration.

As we approach the winter solstice, the week before and the week after are the shortest days (and consequently the longest nights) of the year. As humans, we have a primal urge to go within, draw the blankets around us, and stoke the hearth fires. Even if we don’t have a fireplace or literal hearth fire any longer, most of us indulge in the flicker of candlelight at this time of year.

10th Annual I AM Solstice

As many of you know if you’ve been reading my posts or my Hoot Alerts, I’ve been invited by my dear friend Renee Baribeau to participate in her I AM Symposia for the past ten years. I’ve spoken on a variety of topics, from grief to energetic cleansing to listening, among other topics. This year, Renee asked me to speak on the topic of devotion.

I’ll post the details of the entire I AM Solstice Symposium tomorrow night, but tonight I’d like to invite you to engage in a heartwarming act of personal devotion to keeping the proverbial hearthfires lit.

As part of each year’s I AM Solstice Symposium, those who want to actively contribute their intention to holding space for all who participate (both as speakers and as listeners) volunteer to be Fire Tenders. They “actively set apart to a sacred use” a flame – most often a candle or candles which they replenish as needed – which they keep lit throughout the 14 days of the I AM Solstice Symposium.

Fire Tenders

The I AM Solstice Fire Tenders create a community amongst themselves (via the Wind Clan), holding space for the community and elevating the entire experience through their devotion to keeping the flames burning throughout the 14 days of the Symposium.

This act of devotion to holding space for the light to dwindle, as is its natural course, but never go out, is an Act of Power. It is an opportunity to set an intention and make space for something to crack open within us. It’s a commitment entered into in and an act of love with the support of thousands of other people around the world.

If you would like to participate in this act of devotion, I encourage you to sign up using this link or via the Wind Clan (on FaceBook). There will be a Fire Tenders Gathering tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. EST, where you will receive guidance on best practices and also get a sense of the immense variety of creative ways people have engaged in this ritual in years past.

Come and hold space with us. Tend the fires. Set apart a few minutes each day this Solstice season in devotion to keeping the flames of warmth, love, and creativity burning within your soul.

Photo: L. Weikel


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