Turkey Squared – Day 391

Photo: L. Weikel

Turkey Squared

I haven’t written many posts lately referencing my Medicine Card® * picks. That doesn’t mean Karl and I haven’t been choosing a card on our day each and every morning. It’s just that sometimes the applicability to my day isn’t all that interesting. Or at least interesting enough to warrant sharing with you.

As the title to this post indicates, I chose Turkey squared this morning. (As you may recall, when I say I chose a card “squared,” that means there was a blank card on the bottom of the deck, which I interpret as ‘squaring’ the impact of the top card – or the card I ‘chose’ as my main card.)

Oooh, that piqued my interest! A day with double the opportunity to experience a gift of some sort!

Turkey’s Meaning

Of course, I anticipated I might experience a gift as a result of choosing Turkey squared because Turkey is considered to be the ‘giveaway eagle’ by many Native American people, as it sacrifices its life to sustain us.

Sitting here contemplating what I might write about this evening (since, no, if you must ask, I haven’t remembered all three things referenced last night), I realized the many gifts I’d received today – and then recalled that I’d chosen Turkey squared while having coffee with Karl this morning.

First Gift

Not to sound trite, but the first gift I experienced this morning was that very act of sitting here in our living room with Karl, all five of our pets in various states of repose on blankets and couches and pillows. Our fireplace was burning, wrapping us all in toasty warmth, and Karl was exclaiming how delicious his freshly brewed coffee tasted, having just bought a pound of his favorite roast only yesterday.

There was something so wonderful in that moment, and I just felt so…lucky. This was before I chose my Turkey card, too, by the way. So yeah, maybe my choice of Turkey was influenced by the fact that I was already feeling permeated by a sense of gratitude.

Second Gift

We had an opportunity to listen to a presentation and take a tour of the grounds of the authentic Rosicrucian Fraternity in Quakertown. This is actually the world headquarters for this organization, which was first established in Germany in 1614. The purpose of this Fraternity was to bring together into one organization the various associations of individuals previously known as the Hermetists, Pythagoreans, Magi , Platonists, Gnostics, Alchemists, and Paracelsians.

I believe it was established in North America well before the Revolution, but in 1774, the governing body (Council of Three) was composed of Benjamin Franklin, George Clymer, and Thomas Paine.

There is much to be explored and understood about this Fraternity, and I found the ‘taste’ of their teachings to be very much in line with much of what I’ve learned through the years through my exposure not only to ancient wisdom teachings (through the auspices of the teacher Karl and I studied with and about whom I wrote in Owl Medicine), but also to the varied indigenous traditions I’ve had the honor of being introduced to and in some cases initiated into.

It was a unique pleasure to walk the grounds and observe the fascinating architecture with our host, the Rev. Arlene Curley, Ph.D., and I’d like to thank her for the introduction (and Susan Duval, for arranging it).

Third Gift

The sunset this evening was an exquisite blend of deep oranges and blazing reds. The colors were so rich it was hard not to taste them.

Alas, none of the photos I sent myself from my phone have come through. Thanks again, Verizon Wireless, for your inconsistency. Maybe I’ll include some in tomorrow’s post!

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