Love Nature Magic

Love Nature Magic

I have exciting news! Today (February 21, 2023) is the release date for the book Love Nature Magic*, by my friend Maria Rodale.

I’m thrilled to be sharing the publication of Love Nature Magic* because it’s a delightful and approachable introduction to the wonder of shamanic journeying and the insights we can gain by opening our minds to new (but actually ancient) ways of communicating with the unseen world.

A Little Background

Some of you may recall that, back in late 2020, as the isolation of the pandemic was starting to wear thin on so many of us, I received a nudge from Spirit to create what I called a Shamanic Caravan. My reclamation of the word caravan (which had been conveniently misappropriated for political fear-mongering) was based on the definition of the word as follows:

Merriam-Webster.comcaravan: noun 1. a company of travelers on a journey through desert or hostile regions.

Dictionary.comcaravan: noun 1. a group of travelers, as merchants or pilgrims, journeying together for safety in passing through deserts, hostile territory, etc.

As a person who knows first-hand the value of shamanic journeying, I felt I was being called to create an environment that encourages us to access our own unique inner support network. The ‘caravan’ aspect was based on engaging in that practice in the company of fellow journeyers. And goodness knows, 2020 definitely had us traversing a desert or hostile territory.

One of the people who often participated (i.e., hopped on a ‘Wagon’ – my term for the unique sessions I would offer twice a week) was Maria. And the benefit she derived from her excursions into the ‘Uhupacha’ (a Quechua term for the Underworld)? She started conversing with the nature spirits that reside in her garden – and discovered they had some astonishing perspectives to share with her.

One Thing Led to Another

After receiving unexpected insight from her garden nemesis, Mugwort, Maria realized the spirits of the creatures in her garden had more to share with her than aggravation. In fact, their wisdom (and occasional irritation with humans) shifted her perception of the world in ways I don’t think she ever expected. And now she is generously sharing their messages with all of us.

Journeys to and conversations with the spirits of twenty-six plants and animals later, Love Nature Magic* was born.

My Perspective

I’ve been taking shamanic journeys for over thirty years, and I consider it a privilege to access other realms of reality. I love that Maria approaches the process of journeying respectfully and with integrity. The Beings she encounters are real. They have messages to tell. And Maria was the perfect messenger.

She’s neither flighty nor naïve. She’s practical and logical. A respected businesswoman. It’s my hope that this book will make journeying more accessible to everyone.

Indeed, that was my hope when I introduced the concept of the Shamanic Caravan.

I am delighted to recommend you purchase and enjoy the messages from nature Maria has so generously shared.

*affiliate link

ND #138

3 thoughts on “Love Nature Magic

  1. I was thrilled to see a new post from you. You have been on my mind and mentioned in my Journaling. This sounds like an awesome book and I will be glad to support Marie. I am trying to connect with the dryads(tree spirits) and the plants as well. Blessings to all on the journey.

    • Hi Donna! I must’ve ‘heard’ you on the ethers.
      You will absolutely enjoy Maria’s book – I promise. AND you will be inspired to take your own journeys to have some chats with the dryads.
      Maybe a Wagon is in the offing. Perhaps next Tuesday (the 28th).

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