Love Nature Magic

Love Nature Magic

I have exciting news! Today (February 21, 2023) is the release date for the book Love Nature Magic*, by my friend Maria Rodale.

I’m thrilled to be sharing the publication of Love Nature Magic* because it’s a delightful and approachable introduction to the wonder of shamanic journeying and the insights we can gain by opening our minds to new (but actually ancient) ways of communicating with the unseen world.

A Little Background

Some of you may recall that, back in late 2020, as the isolation of the pandemic was starting to wear thin on so many of us, I received a nudge from Spirit to create what I called a Shamanic Caravan. My reclamation of the word caravan (which had been conveniently misappropriated for political fear-mongering) was based on the definition of the word as follows:

Merriam-Webster.comcaravan: noun 1. a company of travelers on a journey through desert or hostile regions.

Dictionary.comcaravan: noun 1. a group of travelers, as merchants or pilgrims, journeying together for safety in passing through deserts, hostile territory, etc.

As a person who knows first-hand the value of shamanic journeying, I felt I was being called to create an environment that encourages us to access our own unique inner support network. The ‘caravan’ aspect was based on engaging in that practice in the company of fellow journeyers. And goodness knows, 2020 definitely had us traversing a desert or hostile territory.

One of the people who often participated (i.e., hopped on a ‘Wagon’ – my term for the unique sessions I would offer twice a week) was Maria. And the benefit she derived from her excursions into the ‘Uhupacha’ (a Quechua term for the Underworld)? She started conversing with the nature spirits that reside in her garden – and discovered they had some astonishing perspectives to share with her.

One Thing Led to Another

After receiving unexpected insight from her garden nemesis, Mugwort, Maria realized the spirits of the creatures in her garden had more to share with her than aggravation. In fact, their wisdom (and occasional irritation with humans) shifted her perception of the world in ways I don’t think she ever expected. And now she is generously sharing their messages with all of us.

Journeys to and conversations with the spirits of twenty-six plants and animals later, Love Nature Magic* was born.

My Perspective

I’ve been taking shamanic journeys for over thirty years, and I consider it a privilege to access other realms of reality. I love that Maria approaches the process of journeying respectfully and with integrity. The Beings she encounters are real. They have messages to tell. And Maria was the perfect messenger.

She’s neither flighty nor naïve. She’s practical and logical. A respected businesswoman. It’s my hope that this book will make journeying more accessible to everyone.

Indeed, that was my hope when I introduced the concept of the Shamanic Caravan.

I am delighted to recommend you purchase and enjoy the messages from nature Maria has so generously shared.

*affiliate link

ND #138

Linwood Gardens – Day 917

A Tree Peony – Photo: L. Weikel

Linwood Gardens

For the second night in a row, I became so enamored with the photos I took over the weekend that I ran out of time to write much of anything. And while I will regale you with a variety of photos from our visit this weekend, I do want to let you know that Linwood Gardens will be opening this Wednesday (May 19, 2021) for a special extra day of floral indulgence.

If you have an opportunity to take a spontaneous mid-week road trip, I highly recommend a trek to the Genesee Valley, just south of Rochester, NY. The tree peonies that are the specialty of Linwood Gardens are just now coming into full bloom, and the addition of another day this week that visitors can immerse themselves in the magic of this place is a treat to seriously consider.

While there are a number of special encounters and discoveries I made this weekend (and was luckily able to capture at least semi-adequately with my iPhone) that I want to write about specifically with their own unique posts, I’m including in this post a few photos that only barely do the gardens justice.

I’m mentioning the opportunity to visit mid-week this week because it’s my understanding that usually the premises is only open to the public on the weekends during the peak blooms. Indeed, it appears from the website that this coming Wednesday is the only day upon which there still remain some open reservations.

Just one of hundreds of tree peonies – Photo: L. Weikel

Almost Can’t Imagine

I have to admit, I almost can’t imagine how overwhelming it will be on one of the days very soon to come when the vast majority of peonies bloom all at once. It was intoxicating enough to meander from one exquisite encounter to the next. But the truth is, there were more blooms quivering on the brink of bursting open than not.

While I realize many of my readers have obligations that would preclude them from embarking upon a 4.5 hour road trip in the middle of the week – I know there are some of you out there who just might be ‘crazy’ (in the best way) enough to say, “Let’s go!”

And to that, I would say, “YES! Plant the seed of spontaneity in your life and prioritize the pursuit of beauty and earthy encounters with Nature Spirits.” Your senses and soul will love you for it.

The scent of these lilacs was amazing – Photo: L. Weikel


Window of Orange – Day 751

Weighted Blanket – Photo: L. Weikel

Window of Orange

Karl and I took a walk today in what I would consider late afternoon. It was early for us, but we sensed the shift in temperature from yesterday and didn’t want to get even colder walking in the dark. From the look of the clouds, the potential for precipitation was significant – at least a possible snow squall – although my Weather Channel app said otherwise. (We both felt some flakes sweep our cheeks, but they never attained the momentum of even a decent flurry.) Covering the sky with billowing shades of dark slate gray tinged with the slightest edges of purplish black and ashy white, the cloudbank felt like a weighted blanket. But there – far across the miles of fields and farms and forests – a window of orange light appeared.

It almost looked contrived, as if we were in some sort of huge space ship and a rectangular door on the far horizon whisked aside, opening with a swish just like in Star Trek.

While I took a photo of the rectangular doorway of light that appeared, I was definitely more interested in trying to capture the magnificence and personality of the dark, swirling threat of pent up weather-rage manifesting before us. The darkness felt familiar. The light of the sunset peeking through that doorway felt like a false promise. It’s hard to explain.

“Window” closer up – Photo: L. Weikel

Evolution of the Sunset

We watched the cloud cover and setting sun dance with each other and sort themselves out as we walked. By the time we got home, a significant portion of cloud cover had either dissipated or moved on.

The moon rose, powerful and so clear, like the beam of a klieg light. Noticing this full-on brilliance gave me pause when I again contemplated the moon that had awakened us at the very moment of its fullest expression. Perhaps her brilliance was so great that she’d appeared brighter than expected even though she was being eclipsed by the Earth and traveling through her shadow.

Where to place my attention? – Photo: L. Weikel

Starry Night

I came inside from doing my Perelandra Biodiversity Project process right before starting this post. It’s the 1st day of December and, as I’ve written about many other times, the first of every month is the day people from all over the world take about five minutes out of their lives to consciously join in the effort to shift the energy of the land or property over which they have control (own, rent, have authority over) in order to combat the effects of climate change.

It’s a simple process, a means of having a brief chit-chat with the Spirits of the land on which you live during which you show them you are aware of climate change and how the stress of it may be resulting in loss or extinction of biodiversity. It’s a tiny opportunity to communicate appreciation of Nature and express a willingness to co-create a healed environment.

I was moved almost to tears as I engaged in this conversation. (I tend to talk a bit more after reciting the ten or so words the actual process calls for. I enjoy expressing gratitude and asking if there’s anything else I can do to show it.) The stars were blinking in the cold clear air and it seemed almost too great a leap from the weighted blanket of dark and ominous clouds that had hung over our heads only hours earlier.

I’m not even sure what it is I was marveling at as I stood on the edge of the porch and chatted with the Spirits of our land. Perhaps it was the astonishing rapidity with which everything can change.

That’s where the door cracks open to invite miracles into our lives. Realizing that everything can change – <<snap>> – just that fast.

Photo: L. Weikel


Welcome September – Day 293

Essence of Perelandra – Photo: L. Weikel

Welcome September

Wow. Well, here we are, slipping into the home stretch of 2019.

Yes, I realize we’re not even in the final quarter of the year. But we all know that the season of returning to school marks an inevitable acceleration in the passage of time. Days, weeks, and months just fly by from now on.

EoP Biodiversity Project

Before I forget, I want to remind you now (because tomorrow night – at least by the time I publish my post – will be too late) to take five minutes out of your day to engage the simple protocol of the Essence of Perelandra (EoP) Biodiversity Project, which I wrote about some ten days ago or so.

Hopefully you took advantage of the great deal Perelandra was offering several days ago that offered a discount on Essence of Perelandra. If any of you visited the Perelandra website and read the instructions for engaging in this protocol on the first day of every month, you would realize just how simple it is. It literally takes five minutes at the most. And yet it is energetically linking up with all the other people in the world who are engaging in the protocol on the 1stof the month.

After working with the Perelandra products for three decades, and witnessing the efficacy of Machaelle Small Wright’s work and communication with nature spirits and how these efforts hae translated into my life and experience, I urge you to give this a try. It’s a small step, a seemingly innocuous step; but sometimes the smallest can also be the most powerful. If you do this for Mother Earth, you never know what you will find yourself discovering for yourself.

Why I Write About This

I just want you to know that I am not receiving anything of value for my writing about Perelandra. I’m letting you know about this process, as well as the existence of Perelandra and its pretty fascinating history and uniqueness because it’s something that’s right underneath our noses that the vast majority of people have never even heard of. And since I have had the great fortune to work with these products (as well as have the support and encouragement to learn how to communicate with nature spirits), and have felt the benefit to my own health and well-being, I’m actually excited to be offering you an alternative to achieving and maintaining optimum health – as well as an incredibly unique connection with nature.

I care.
