Respite – ND #91

Looking South along the Tohickon – Photo: L. Weikel


I managed to get myself to my beloved Tohickon Creek today. Granted, I was only able to stay there for about half an hour – but it was a most exquisite and essential respite, and that 30 minutes was incredibly restorative. It put a smile back on my face for at least a few minutes. (Ask Karl!)

It feels like it’s been months since I had the opportunity to sit beside the creek for any length of time. It does get a little harder to spend any quality time there (with my journal) when it’s freezing cold out or, as has happened several times this fall and winter, when the creek overflows its banks.

One More Thing

Before I write or share any more photos from my creek time today, I need to provide you with the link that actually was the impetus for me to write what I did last night. You see, I didn’t initially set out to write about the appalling situation in Ukraine. Heck, I initially tried to focus on the relentless energy of the puppies and their exuberance in running free in the mild weather.

(They really are hilarious. And they play with such reckless abandon, it’s a wonder they don’t hurt themselves when doing barrel rolls across the yard.)

There I go again, distracting myself. What the heck?

As you may recall, I’ve provided a list compiled by Professor Timothy Snyder (author of On Tyranny*) of excellent resources we can use to help Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. I also updated that list a few days later, I believe.

Well, he just came out with yet another list yesterday and I wanted to share it with you. Because the situation is so volatile and fluid, needs are changing and different organizations are stepping up to help. I really appreciate his efforts to find organizations that can accept our credit cards, as making a wire transfer can be a step too much for some people. Plus, I love the range of options he provides. They’re unique and practical – and some even address the crisis of providing accurate information to Russians.

This hawk and the one pictures below are the same bird. Photo: L. Weikel

Tohickon Again

I found myself just staring at the ripples created by the stones in the bed of the creek. Much as I wanted to write in my journal, which I did do at least a little (not enough for my satisfaction, though), my brain insisted on disengaging.

Naturally, I’m always on the lookout for birds of prey patrolling the waters. Today I was surprised to hear a crow squawking in indignation. It was chasing a hawk, which undoubtedly had been caught red-taloned trying to raid the crow’s nest.

Luckily for me, I managed to catch it in flight a couple times. One of those photos, though, you need to ‘look between the lines’ (of the trees), though, to see it!

Makes me wonder what else we need to look between the lines to see. Maybe it’s personal. Or maybe it’s global. I have noticed pretty acutely lately the profound truth of “as within, so without,” and “as above, so below.”

Look for the beauty hiding between the lines of the trees – Photo: L. Weikel

*affiliate link


2 thoughts on “Respite – ND #91

  1. I woke up this morning “depressed”.??? The energy is wonky and my eyes and mind are fuzzy. I have nothing on my schedule and I want to go sit against a tree to ground. But it is raining. My thoughts are so scattered, like fractals of shattered glass or ice. I will try and journal later. Maybe coffee will help.

    • I hope your day improved, Donna.
      You’re right; the energy is wonky and terribly depressing.
      Your description of your thoughts is beautiful, if poignant. It’s hard to integrate what we’re experiencing in our world right now.

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