Reprieve – ND #80

Liddle, Middle, and Princess (l. to rt.) – Photo: L. Weikel


I realize I’ve written about the Russian invasion of Ukraine three nights in a row. I’m virtually certain this is the first time I’ve ever felt so consumed by something happening on the world stage that I was compelled to write about it. Surely I know there are grave dangers and risks being posed to all of us via climate change and the 1/6 insurrection. But on some level, on some frequency, this latest act of insanity by a man who holds the keys to a nuclear stockpile sucks all the air out of me. So aside from one quick addendum to what I wrote last night, I’m offering tonight’s post as a reprieve.

The addendum has to do with the list compiled by Timothy Snyder of ways in which we can help Ukraine. Dr. Snyder responded to requests this morning with a list of additional avenues of support for Ukraine – ones that permit use of a credit card as opposed to a wire transfer, and some outstanding opportunities to actually provide defensive, protective equipment to the Ukrainians. I encourage you to check this list out.

As I Was Saying

In a nod to escapism, I want to share with you the newest additions to my menagerie of porcine preciousness. Princess is no longer living the lonely life! She just received two new pen-mates, whose names (at least for now) are Middle and Liddle. The monikers are pretty self-explanatory.

These newest additions look like probable siblings, sharing the same splotchy coloring, although one is distinctly smaller than the other. Compared to Princess’s hefty self, they look like youngsters. But I think that’s an illusion. I think they’re older than they appear – just not as old as Princess.

There was no question Princess recognized us as we walked up the hill alongside her field yesterday. She grunted happily as I cooed out my greeting to her. Imagine my surprise when Middle and Liddle started squealing! Loudly! Oh my. Their squeals were vastly different from the grunts ordinarily bestowed upon us by Prin.

Happy Princess, happy Middle. Liddle…not so much. Photo: L. Weikel

Not Yet Treat Adept

Sad to say, they are not at all adept at taking the puppy treats from my hand as easily and deftly as Princess. She and I have worked out a system and I now trust her to take treats from my fingers without biting me. Liddle and Middle? Well, let’s just say they don’t seem to have figured out the trick yet. Heck, they weren’t even sure what to make of my offering or whether to vie for it.

I guess there’s only one solution.



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