“T minus 9” – Point of Reflection #1: Medicine Cards


Medicine Cards

The first point of self-reflection I’m offering for your consideration focuses on the use of Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson (affiliate link).

These cards are a staple in my life. As I’ve written many times over the years, in a variety of venues, it is an extremely rare day that goes by that Karl and I don’t “pick a card” on our day as we sit and have coffee together each morning.

I sat quietly this evening, centered myself, and asked Spirit for guidance for myself and whomever chooses to embark upon this journey with me: “The 9 Days of (Winter) Solstice.” Planting my feet firmly on the floor in front of me, I asked what card would be the perfect start for us in this time of Connection, Celebration, Reflection, and Contemplation.

The card I chose? Grouse.


To me, the choice is a lovely one. I urge you to read the full text of Grouse provided above, and consider what Spirit is telling each one of us.

Could it be that we are precisely at the beginning of a nine day Vision Quest (without, luckily for us, the requirement of fasting)? The symbol of the spiral, which is associated with Grouse Medicine, is a metaphor for the very human endeavor of going within in order to gain personal power and enlightenment.

If that is not an “invitation to the dance,” an encouragement for all of us to make a commitment to ourselves to engage in at least half an hour of internal reflection per day over the next nine days, I don’t know what is.

Read the card. Allow it to speak to you. Let it form a basis for some reflection tonight – and tomorrow – (until I post the next Point of Reflection!). Perhaps this is a message giving you a strategy (movement) for connecting to what’s important. Maybe taking a walk outside and really paying attention to nature would help your process. Use your imagination. Listen.