A Rough One – ND #117

Is That a Bat Signal in the Sky? – Photo: L. Weikel

A Rough One

Last week seems to have been a rough one for a lot of people. I’m just tossing this observation out there in case anyone felt it or perhaps noticed it being endured by others. Perhaps it’s just a buildup of all the awfulness we’re witnessing all over the place, and especially in Ukraine. Or maybe it’s a result of the past two years of Covid and strife. Maybe – just maybe – it’s exhaustion.

I know many people who are doing their best to just hang on, hang in there, or otherwise maintain a façade of chill. And for whatever reason, maintaining that fragile balance is especially challenging at the moment.


It feels to me as if this new season of spring is speeding everything up. It’s as if our rollercoaster ride has, over the past couple of months, been tick-tick-ticking its way up that first really steep hill that’s usually at the very beginning of the ride. The one that, when you breach the top and gravity zooms you down and creates a momentum that takes your breath away over the next several zigs, zags, and centrifugal-force loops, you sometimes find yourself asking yourself why in the world you paid good money to experience this.

If any of us are feeling that subtle sense that things are really going to start heating up via unexpected revelations and other exposures of truth and intentions, it’s possible we’re also just a teensy bit on edge over what the reaction to those revelations will be. Yes, many crave accountability. But there’s also the faction that may or may not accept that reckoning peaceably.

From Micro to Macro

What I find fascinating is how we are seeing the very same themes playing out in our own neighborhoods and school districts, in the way our states treat their citizens, to the entertainment industry, and all the way up and out to how entire countries are behaving around the world. Abuses of power. Over-reactions. Blatant lies and gaslighting. People beseeching authorities for accountability or, at the very least, an acknowledgment and attempt to address and rectify the abuses – and terror at what those who may be held to account for their behavior may do to the rest of us. We are in fear of their spoiled tendencies to lash out when they are caught hurting the rest of us (or the world at large).

It just seems like we’re getting tired of allowing the bullies and tyrants to get their way. What kind of a life is it to look the other way when abuses are taking place all around us? What kind of a life is it to keep pretending everything is normal, when right before our eyes it appears as though the ones that break the rules rule the day?

I’m not sure why I’m writing this except to say we need to stick together. Last week was a rough one. This week may be worse. No matter what, though, we need to stand up for what we fundamentally believe is right and true. And we need to be especially kind to ourselves and one another in the days to come.

Because from the smallest encounters to the greatest, it will be the kindness we display that will be the ‘bat signal,’ if you will, that we’re both sending to and answering for each other.

A Break in the Gloom on the Horizon – Photo: L. Weikel


What Happened Last Year – ND #30

Photo: L. Weikel

What Happened Last Year

I don’t want to write about what happened last year. It seems like all the words have been used up and there’s nothing but actions left to define who we are and what we are becoming.

At this point, nothing matters if we don’t ensure voting rights for every citizen in the country. I say that because there’s no way we will get anything accomplished on climate change if our democracy is shot. Indeed, there’s no way we’ll discover the truth about who was involved in planning and implementing last year’s attempted coup, either – not if we haven’t learned it already by the time the midterms roll around. Because as appalling as it may be, it’s all but certain that Republicans would kill any investigations into the January 6th attack on our capitol as soon as they came into power.

While I know this is true, I want to run and hide when I hear it stated.

How can it be that Representatives and Senators would actually – willfully – choose to torpedo an effort to get to the bottom of an outright attempt to thwart the will of the people?

Good Question

That’s a question that bounces around in my heart and soul every day. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that the Republican Party is so in lock step with Donald Trump (Donald Trump! Think about that!) that Representative Liz Cheney (with her father at her side) was the only serving member of that party to attend any of the events that took place in Washington D.C. today.

From honoring the Capitol Police who, blindsided and left unsupported for hours, risked their lives to protect all members of Congress to solemnly marking the historic significance of the terrorist attack that took place at the hands of fellow Americans last year, the Republican Party was AWOL. The disrespect and dishonor is palpable. How dare any of them ever utter the words “Blue lives matter” or “We support the police” again.

I’m disgusted with my Senator (Toomey) and my Representative (Fitzpatrick). Their hypocrisy is inexcusable and the breach of their oath of office egregious. As they circle their wagons and protect their own, more and more are exhibiting complicity in the attempted overthrow of our government.

We must demand accountability. If we don’t, it’s likely we’ll lose everything we thought we stood for and realize that, in truth, we never were quite the beacons of democracy we thought we were.

Get involved. Use your voice. We must not remain silent.


Colossally Distracted – ND #28

Twilight 4 January 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

Colossally Distracted

Yikes. How could I have been so colossally distracted as to neglect to comment on the new moon we just experienced this past Sunday? Here we were, celebrating the beginning of the next cycle of the Gregorian calendar, and I didn’t even notice that the moon was new as well?

I hang my head in shame.

But you know what? Luckily for me, the moon herself reminded me of her recent ‘new’ status by revealing just how lovely her crescent self is becoming. She revealed herself in such utter beauty tonight, it was impossible to complete our walk without stopping over and over again to try to capture the beauty that seemed to only build as the night progressed.

Macro Meaning

As you all know, my natural inclination is to focus on setting our own personal intentions and aspirations at the new moon. Obviously, they may or may not coincide with the intentions (or ‘resolutions’) you declared for the new year. But the coincidence of the new moon happening so close to the turning of the calendar increases the power of anything you set your mind to in these intense times.

It’s interesting to contemplate the ‘macro-meanings’ of outer events and their timing, too. For instance, I wonder if there will be anything new – any new investigations – announced in Attorney General Merrick Garland’s speech tomorrow afternoon regarding the insurrection. Will we be surprised and relieved? Or will we continue to be lament the fact that not a single ‘mastermind’ of the attempted coup has been indicted.

Only time will tell.

But I think I speak for many of us when I express my fear that my faith in justice will remain unrequited if those who plotted this slow moving coup are not held accountable.

Before Our Eyes

We all know what we saw unfold before our very eyes last year. That was no ‘tourist visit,’ and to even suggest that ‘spin’ on those events with a straight face is insulting. Shame on the Representatives who tried to float that narrative.

I keep coming back to the idea that we all watched it unfold in real time – right before our eyes. And now we’re starting to get an idea of just how deep into the inner circle of the Administration the plotting took root and flourished. I for one would love to see some Justice Seeds get planted this week.

New moon, new year. Yeah, fresh accountability would be a great complement to these energetic patterns of hope and new beginnings.

Tonight’s Newly Waxing Crescent Moon – Photo: L. Weikel



Support Staff – Day 1099

Burning Sunset – Photo: L. Weikel

Support Staff

It’s been a while since I chose a card to guide us through the week ahead. And as I approach the end of my 1111 Devotion, I am reflecting on the assistance and inspiration I’ve received from the handful of tarot and other oracle decks that became my ‘go-to’ support staff.

I’ve been trying extra hard over the past week or two to steer clear of watching anything but the barest bones of news. The trials going on in various parts of our country feel like we’re witnessing Theater of the Absurd. As an attorney, I’m appalled at the behavior of the judge in Wisconsin. His rulings, his behavior, his attitudes all embody impropriety. Right now, right when our institutions are perilously close to crashing all around us, this petty, vindictive, obviously biased man pollutes our nation’s belief in justice.

Right when we need them most, our systems are failing us.

And it goes without saying that this includes Congress. Good grief. I know I don’t even need to write a word on that subject. It’s painful to watch each day tick by without the egregious and unprofessional behavior of a faction of Congress create a mockery of this essential branch of government.


There’s a word that all of us are probably feeling pretty obviously doesn’t apply to the rich and powerful in our country. First of all, it barely seems as if anyone is even made to break a sweat when they brazenly lie, cheat, and steal while holding public office (or fraternize with those who do). And then, even when an occasional subpoena is issued or indictment is handed down, we get a front row seat to all the tricks of the trade that the wealthy use to delay and obstruct justice in our country.

I used to see it when I practiced family law. Money used as a bludgeon to maintain an untenable status quo. And when that doesn’t work? Delay, obstruct, and bleed the weaker side dry.

January 6th was a failed coup attempt. You know it; I know it. We all know it. But every single day that goes by and people keep pretending it wasn’t exactly what it was, our country becomes that much weaker. Every day. Drip by drip.


I don’t want to give in to despair. And the last think I want to do is promote it. But at the same time, I feel like most of us who kept the faith through the debacle that was the Trump Administration are losing hope that our country can be reunited. There is precious little overlap between realities anymore. And without common ground? How do we salvage what’s left of our country’s future?

The Ocean Oracle

I turn to a deck created by a wonderfully creative friend of mine, Susan Marte, for inspiration and perhaps a way forward. Susan is the creator of The Ocean Oracle.

Holding the energy of my words in my heart as I shuffle, I seek a way forward. What do we need to know? How can we help ourselves?

The two cards that appear make me catch my breath.

Alas, I don’t have time to upload the images or share the wisdom of the cards in this moment. But I promise to share them tomorrow night.

I will tell you this: The top card was Nautilus and the foundational card, the card holding space at the bottom of the deck, was Sea Urchin. When you hear what they represent, I suspect you, too, will see and feel both the promise as well as the turbulent path we’ll need to navigate in order to ‘get there.’

Until tomorrow, then. Remember: Nautilus/Sea Urchin.

Tohickon Creek- A Fork in the Path
(11 November 2018) Photo: L. Weikel


Explosive Potential – Day 1075

Brutus Giving Us the Side-Eye – Photo: L. Weikel

Explosive Potential

What an amazing full moon we’re experiencing this month. Perhaps I’m appreciating its magnificence more acutely because of the almost summer-like weather over the past few days. Or maybe it’s just that when I walk outside it’s almost bright enough to read a book. The pull of her energy is palpable. Weirdly, I feel both a sense of momentary limbo and simultaneous explosive potential.

I’d like to think chickens are making their way back home and will shortly be roosting. But at the same time, like many, I’m almost afraid to hope. Accountability, it seems, has become a quaint concept, applicable only to those who hold little or no power.

And yet I feel that undercurrent of power held by this moon. It feels even more powerful than the last – and I’m reminded that our beloved Spartacus departed on the last full moon. It’s only been a month. That shocks my sensibilities.

Every day, I walk with Brutus and Pacha back behind our barn. We make a point of stopping to say hi to Sheila and Spartacus – their ancestors, in a sense. If Sheila hadn’t been as amazing a dog as she was, we never would have had Spartacus – and we certainly never would’ve heeded his dream message and sought out these two pup-tarts.

All Over the Place

I realize my musings may seem all over the place this evening. For several days, I’ve wanted to pick a card to guide us through what’s coming, but was told to wait. Tonight feels different. Perhaps it’s the culmination of energies that a full moon represents. Maybe it’s just time.

What do we need to know right now and moving forward as we close out the month of October? I consulted the Witches’ Wisdom Tarot* by Phyllis Curott.

Strength – The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott


Wisdom: The Pilgrim is awakening to her power. It courses through her from the ground up, sustaining and absolute. This force of Creation is an unfamiliar feeling and yet she knows it to be real and essential. It’s hope fulfilled, potential recognized, and all that is right in the world, and in her. But how does she summon it? Wield it? What purpose does it serve? Until she has the answers, she can’t unlock its magic.

There are challenges before her and time is growing short. For too long we have reared the force of nature, thought it red in tooth and claw, or thought ourselves uniquely superior. Separated from the Sacred, we have become wounded, unconcerned, and cruel. We have ascended through deomination – the mightiest predator of all – and now the world lies dying at our feet.

But Nature can’t be conquered, nor is there need to do so. The Pilgrim’s path has given her the Strength of the Goddess Artemis to heal what we have broken. She stands amid Nature’s glory and knows where real Strength comes from and whom it’s meant to serve: Creation’s infinite expressions that teach us of their divinity, and our own.

A quiet, hidden wood mouse, a blue-winged butterfly, an owl, a cat curled in the sunlight, an oak tree in the garden, the heather on the hill all guide the Pilgrim now, and she plunges into Life. She becomes a salmon, swimming strongly upstream, then, scrambling to a wooded shore, becomes a bear, a wolf, a moose, a black crow flying through the Air. Fit, strong, and confident, she is able to call upon the elements, upon wind and flame, Earth and rain, to dance with them, become like them, draw power from them. We wield unwavering sovereignty when the Earth and our body are inseparable.

The Pilgrim steps out of the shadows and into view. Humble and open-hearted, she has become a Speaker for Mother Earth, for her children, for all the peoples who cannot speak for themselves, but who can teach us what it means to live rightly to live as One. Her purpose is her Strength.

Essence: Challenges, courage, care. Hearth path. Purpose, action, service. Empowerment.

Counsel: Life is full of challenges that can fill you with doubt and fear. Are you good enough? Smart enough? If you wait to feel courageous, you may never act at all. Here’s the magic trick: Act even if you feel afraid and you will become strong. Leap, and on the other side you’ll find your courage. Face the worst and it will bring out your best. You’ll discover what you believe in and that you have power to do what’s right, even if it seems to put you on the losing side. Stand strong, stand for what’s right, speak from your heart. The path of the heart is the path of Strength. And whenever you doubt this, spend time in Nature. Let your heart open and feel yourself part of the whole Earth community that loves you, supports you, and knows what you really are: strong.

Magic: What do you believe in? Find that and you’ll find your magic and your Strength.

And underneath this magnificent card?

Ace of Water – The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott

Ace of Water (Memory)

For the sake of brevity, and to promote perhaps a deeper reflection on the main card selected, I’m only going to offer the briefest recitation of the author’s explanation of this card.

Essence: Be fully present in your feelings – emotional, physical, instinctual

My sense

What better way for us to tap into what we truly believe in and value but to be fully present in our feelings? Over the next several days we may see the writing on the wall. We may realize at a gut-punch level that the status quo is truly unsustainable. We may find ourselves staring our destinies in the face and feeling, for possibly the first time ever, the utter make-or-break calamity unfolding all around us.

What is this full moon enlightening and revealing within each one of us? We must take a risk, look within, and embrace our purpose. We may discover it holds explosive potential.

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Shrouded In Shadow – Day 1073

Amazing Full Moon in Aries – Photo: L. Weikel

Shrouded In Shadow

The moon hasn’t even reached its peak fullness and copious amounts of light are starting to spill onto matters shrouded in shadow for years. From Oleg Derapaska to Steve Bannon, and even TFG himself, secrets are being revealed. It’s possible that the blindfold so relentlessly woven around our eyes is starting to unravel.

Of course, I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Those intent on corruption are adept at using the rule of law against those who are most committed to upholding it.

Nevertheless, my sense is that the more light is shone into the crevices, cracks, and unwashed nether regions of those who think they are above it all, the more grossed out we’ll be by the craven and blatant abuse of power exposed. Perhaps – just maybe – we’ll collectively be so appalled that the old way of doing things will finally collapse.

At the very least, we can hope that the light being spilled on so much this week by this full moon in Aries will mark the beginning of the end of this reign of terror and abuse of power. And gee, who knows? Maybe a forceful push from Mars squaring Pluto fans the fuse of the fifth square between Eris (the Goddess of Discord and Chaos) and Pluto (Ruler of the Underworld – all things hidden) this week will also lend (or force?) a hand.

Not technically full for another 15 hours or so – Photo: L. Weikel

So Much Support

All by itself this full moon would be powerful in its commitment to exposing that which has been hidden in darkness. But we also have both Jupiter and Mercury stationing yesterday and now moving forward. Lots of stuff will be exposed and communicated as a result of so much support from these two planets.

And again, while we’re seeing it play out on the big stage of the exploitation of our country’s good nature, it would serve all of us to take a moment (or many) to shine that light on the circumstances of our daily lives.

19 October 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

What old thoughts and beliefs about yourself need to get reduced to rubble?

Come on. We have a lot of support to really call ourselves out on this. And if we don’t let the light show us what’s really there, if we don’t let go, we’re doomed to remain under the weight of its invisible, oppressive thumb. I know; I’m tired too. But the status quo is killing us. And ‘going along to get along’ doesn’t get us anywhere anymore.

Pacha (aka Eris) & Tigger – Photo: L. Weikel


Rhythm – Day 1056

Satisfied Sunset 2 Oct 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

Found a Rhythm

I don’t know if it’s the fact that I only have 55 posts left to write in my 1111 Devotion, but lately it’s been feeling harder and harder to think of things to write about. Again. I ran into this feeling often during the days, weeks, and months when I was first immersing myself in this Act of Power, as I like to refer to it. But then it seemed like I found a rhythm. I developed a trust in my process that became a way of life.

I’m not sure why I’ve been struggling lately.

Swimming Upstream

Some nights it just feels like I’m swimming upstream in a river that’s flowing with the adage, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Yeah, sure; that’s a tidy intention. But I’m not engaging in this every night to simply be a purveyor of bromides. Nevertheless, I try to bear in mind that my posts are read first thing in the morning by some of you. I try to remain cognizant of setting a tone for your day.

But then you get treated to a barrage of frustration like the one that poured out of me the other night. I’d apologize for my rant, but I’m passionate about where we’re headed as a country. I’m freaked out that nothing substantive has been done to bring accountability to the myriad crises and abuses we’ve watched unfold in plain sight over the past several years.

And I’m especially appalled that investigation into the insurrection has, so far at least, yielded a dearth of information about and zero accountability for anyone who was actually a ringleader of that debacle and near-coup. And the sentences meted out for the truly egregious behavior of the people egged on by those in power seem paltry and pathetic. Mere slaps on the wrist when you re-watch what we all witnessed unfold in real time.

“My Bad”

So I must take responsibility. The spirit is willing but the flesh (as obviously expressed by my fingers tip-tapping on the keyboard) is weak.

I’m genuinely worried about the state of our country. And I’m especially troubled by how a failure to hold the big names accountable is going to end up trashing the foundational pillars of our democracy.

I’m relieved we’ve been given a reprieve (at least somewhat) from the constant bombardment of outlandish lies. But sadly, it’s not enough.

We need to get involved; we need to speak up. Too often – and too much like the ‘silent majority’ baloney of 40 years ago – we regular people who’ve bought into the fundamental principles of our country (such as no one being above the law, the existence of an impartial judicial system, majority rule – with minority given some stop-gap measures but not so powerful that they hijack the system – to name a few) are being told to sit down and shut up.

I for one am not inclined to do so. And I hope neither are you.


Disappointment – Day 980

Where are they? – Photo: L. Weikel


Sometimes disappointment creeps up on us. It stealthily tiptoes up behind us and jumps out of the bushes when we’re least expecting it. And sometimes we see it coming a mile away – maybe even miles and miles away – but we hope against hope that we’re wrong.

It seems to me there’s more than our share of disappointment in the air at the moment. From witnessing the dramatic shift in the way our system of government conducts itself (or not) to those in power failing to be held accountable for egregious behavior. It’s a disappointment that consequences seem to be visited only upon regular citizens. Masterminds and master manipulators need not worry for a moment. All will be well. Nothing will change in their lives.

Just Weather

And then there’s the disappointment we sentient beings experience when we take a step back and honestly look at the climate alterations that are becoming more and more obvious. How long will it take before those living out west start to realize this is their ‘new normal?’ Yet another ‘heat dome’ settling in over our mostly western states and parts of Canada (the fourth in five weeks!), bringing Idaho of all places their 20th consecutive day reaching 100 degrees or more.

Of course, we all know it’s just weather. It’s certainly not climate change. And even if the climate is changing, it’s not our fault. And since it’s not our fault then we don’t – indeed, shouldn’t – do anything to mitigate it. Thus, we mustn’t reduce or eliminate our use of fossil fuels because (a) China might not do it; and (b) it’s not our fault.

It’s all about blame. And money. And refusing to take responsibility. Who cares if we can’t breathe? Or that we have no water to drink?  Most people (in this country, at least) are sure, deep down, that somebody will take care of us. Somebody will ‘save’ us. And they will, maybe – for a price.

Yeah, that ‘rugged individualism’ looks a lot different when it hits your home. It’s a disappointment people can’t see the truth of that.

Little Things, Too

And then there are the small disappointments in our lives. The personal ones. Witnessing people we know and love refusing to take precautions to keep themselves (and all of us) healthy. Listening to justifications that make no sense because they’re not grounded in reality. Wanting to find common ground again because we care enough to desire a conversation – but finding no traction anywhere anymore.

Or at a very basic level, just wishing we could see our besties again – and having them not show up anymore. Spartacus experienced that profoundly on our walk today, which you can see reflected in these photos.

We haven’t had a chance to take our walk-around (4 mile trek) in several days. It’s just been ‘too damn hot’ – or too rainy. But today we were able to take that longer route and Spartacus was palpably delighted, straining at his harness, yearning to see his ‘buds’ – which I’m not sure is a friendship or more a smack-talking hound fest. Either way, it gets Spart’s adrenalin pumping and he loves his wolfhound neighbors.

Spartacus was the embodiment of disappointment when not a wolfhound was to be seen tearing across the fields toward us, barking in a frenzy of terror-inducing menace. We’ll have to try again tomorrow.

The Embodiment of Disappointment – Photo: L. Weikel


Sleep Well – Day 801

Tigger Sleeping Well – Photo: L. Weikel

Sleep Well

There’s nothing I can say tonight that can do justice to the spectacular nature of today’s events. My heart is full, my unabashed idealism stoked. I’m speechless, but undaunted in my desire to revel in the hope that’s been renewed in my soul. Tonight, at least, this household will sleep well.

There were so many moments. All day. Culminating in the single most amazing fireworks display I’ve ever seen. I only wish I could’ve been there to witness them personally, to feel their reverberations, and to immerse myself in their brilliance.

I can honestly say that in all my 61 years on this planet, I’ve never felt so invested in witnessing inaugural pomp, circumstance, and festivities as I did this year. Right down to the swearing in of the thousand or so people starting new jobs in the administration today who will be carrying forward the day-to-day work of getting the government working for us, the people, once again. I felt my heart flutter when I heard President Biden welcome and celebrate these civil servants and simultaneously let them know they would be summarily fired if found to be disrespecting or denigrating constituents. Accountability. Yes. May it be brought to every level of our government, especially the highest.

Precious Sleeping Well – Photo: L. Weikel

Back to Basics

President Biden brought some simple yet inarguably powerful concepts to the fore today, concepts that if honored can restore us from the ground up: Unity. Truth. Respect. And while he didn’t use the word very often, a sense of LOVE wove its way through every sentence he spoke.

Not the wet-lick-in-the-ear understanding of love we may be tempted to default to when we hear that word. I mean a higher order of love. A love that is founded upon respect, that embraces facts and tells the truth, and a love that cherishes our differences because they are what make us stronger because we each bring to the table something no one else can. Unity in diversity.

E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.

Cletus (Probably Faking It) – Photo: L. Weikel

Top Down

Even beyond all the words (and wow, speaking of words – Amanda Gorman was absolutely brilliant and a testament to the reason why we have no choice but to have faith in and hope for our future), the most striking lesson from everything we witnessed today was just how much power, authority, and influence those who occupy the highest positions carry.

We take our cues from those we choose to lead us. We look to them for confirmation of what we know, deep down, is right and true. If compassion is their watchword, we feel comfortable expressing it toward each other and ourselves. If they tell us the truth, we learn to trust not only them (whether it’s good news or bad) but also our own ability to handle that truth. We realize we’re resilient.

When kindness and grace is displayed by those we hold in highest regard, we emulate it. When we see with our own eyes the power that simple acts of goodness confers, we’re changed. We’re inspired.

Never underestimate the power of a leader who leads by example of both head and heart.

Perhaps we’re ready now to appreciate just that.

One thing I know: we’ll all sleep well tonight with people like President Biden and Vice President Harris leading the way into our future.

Spartacus Zonked – Photo: L. Weikel


Overload – Day 793

Falcon (Kestrel) – Photo: L. Weikel


Honestly, I’m struggling to come up with something to write about that has nothing to do with either the votes I see taking place on the floor of the House of Representatives tonight, or the insurrection that took place just six short days ago. It’s hard; let me tell you. I’m on overload.

From the looks of things, it appears that the House is first voting to urge Vice President Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment in order to effectively remove DT from office. Pence has pre-emptively sent Congress a letter advising that he has no intentions of doing so. Thus it is expected that tomorrow the House will vote to impeach Donald Trump for his part in inciting the insurrection we witnessed take place last Wednesday, January 6, 2021.


There are myriad reasons why Congress is moving forward with this action so quickly. Not least of these reasons is that we probably came within five minutes or so of the mob of thousands of Trump supporters not only storming the Capitol at the urging and instigation of Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., Rudy Giuliani, and others, but also taking hostages and possibly killing those in the line of succession to Donald Trump.

We’ve seen videos, heard chants, and read posts that establish these intentions. And we’ve witnessed DT telling these people, “We love you.” The outrage is not in an expression of unconditional love (which would have had to be coupled with a swift and harsh rebuke to stop the violence) but rather from the tacit implication, “We love your behavior.”

The behavior of the mob was, in a word, deplorable. Not to mention illegal. And utterly immoral and diametrically opposed to the fundamentals of democracy.

As DT is wont to do, he deliberately says something that means one thing but in actuality intends the opposite. It’s a trick of rhetoric that he constantly employs yet is probably unconscious of and unaware that he does it. He talks out of both sides of his mouth.

A Different Messenger Today

Given the manner in which events are unfolding, including the credible reports of (admittedly incredible) additional attacks on both the inauguration ceremony and state capitols around the country over the coming days, our country is on high alert. We are being placed in the stance and mindset of imminent threat.

All of this reminds me of the quite unexpected visitor that swooped and looped over my back yard and above my head this afternoon: a gorgeous falcon. Specifically, I believe it was a kestrel; also known as a sparrow hawk.

While I might be inclined to try to apply the attributes of Falcon to myself or my life, I actually feel this might be more of a confirmation of the best manner in which to deal with DT’s actions.

For instance, Ted Andrews, in his book Animal Speak*, states:

“The kestrel will usually plunge down upon its prey from a perch, or hover above it about twenty feet up before the plunge. This is unique among birds of prey, but also among most birds. (…) For those with a kestrel as a totem, this is very significant. It allows the movement to be performed with great speed and precision. It gives the kestrel a gracefulness. It implies the ability to stop and use the flight to its fullest advantage.

The kestrel teaches control of speed and movement. It teaches patience. The kestrel is often a symbol for recognizing opportunities and acting upon them at only the correct moment. It teaches speed and accuracy of action. (…) The kestrel and any falcon can teach us to know when to act but to fully commit to our actions for the greatest success.”


All of this reminds me once again of how essential it is that those who participated in the attempted coup on our government be held accountable – swiftly and without equivocation. It is a sad testament to our current predicament that because accountability has been delayed, denied, or deflected up to this point, the infractions against our country and our people have only become more egregious.

We need to act quickly; we need to act decisively; and we need to hold all those who would rip apart our democratic republic through treachery and violence accountable.

Falcon reminds us.

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