Numeric Palindrome – ND #77

Dark Clouds on the Horizon – Photo: L. Weikel

Numeric Palindrome

Realizing today’s post is #77, I’m even more acutely aware of the abundance of repeating numbers today. Of course, lots of people have referenced the 02/22/2022 (on a TWOsday, no less) occurring today. There are a plethora of interpretations of what significance this date could hold. We could also write it the way Europeans do: 22/02/2022, which actually is even cooler when you think about it. It creates a numeric palindrome. It also creates, in this configuration, three 22s in a row, each separated by zeros.

You may recollect that, in numerology, 22 is a Master Number – indeed, it’s known as the Master Builder Number. As Alison Baughman enumerates in her book, Speaking to Your Soul Through Numerology*, some of the ‘positive’ attributes associated with this number are:

  • Mastery through self-enterprise, Master Organizer, Master Planner, visionary, practical idealism, dreams into reality, ambitious, intuitive, methodical, disciplined, natural leader, wise, confident.

And of course the corollary to that are the potentially ‘negative’ attributes:

  • Narrow-minded, judgmental, humorless, blunt, crude, intolerant, opinionated, stubborn, repressive, rigid, slow, uncompromising, limited, overwhelmed, controlling.

If you examine those key words, it’s not hard to see that a dominant theme underlying both the positive and negative attributes of ‘22’ is power. When 22 energy is being harnessed in a balanced manner and used with integrity and compassion great things can be achieved and even tangibly created. But when 22 energy is being manipulated for the acquisition of personal power and aggrandizement? It can turn toxic and wreak devastation wherever it’s wielded.


It is fascinating to entertain the possibility that Putin holds more stock in numerology than one might think. For instance, on August 8, 2008 (08/08/08), Russia invaded Georgia, with the aid of two self-declared separatist states of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The parallels to what happened today (on 22/02/2022), including Russia relying on ‘separatist states,’ is fascinating. Finally, today’s date also happened to be the 8th anniversary (exactly) of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.

There is a pattern to his behavior. And while I grant it could be ‘coincidence,’ I suggest there is at the very least symbolic significance to the timing of these occurrences – if not some inherent energetic impetus behind the numbers themselves, subtly propelling the aggressive (humorless, blunt, overwhelming, and repressive) behavior.

While I recognize there are a lot of different ways people were suggesting today’s date could be used as a powerful day of manifestation or dreaming, and perhaps it was, my attention was focused instead on watching the power plays at work in the world.

And on a smaller scale, we were probably well-advised to monitor how we might be wielding and potentially abusing our power, too – especially in relationships where an imbalance of power might exist. Perhaps it was especially easy (or tempting) to go overboard with power today, even if we ordinarily use great discretion and temperance when exercising it. We also might reflect on whether those in a position of power over us in our personal lives potentially misused it.


Obviously, the day is over by the time you read this. I nevertheless hope you’ll take a moment now to reflect on these power dynamics. In retrospect, can you see how this may have played out or in some way been reflected in your own life experiences yesterday?

Sometimes reflection is actually more persuasive than anticipation. That’s because there’s always the possibility that we will get caught up in confirmation bias and see what we expect to see or have unfold in our life. But if we have no specific expectations ahead of time, and these influences are nevertheless felt, the whole scenario can at least give you pause to say, “Hmm.”

Personally, I saw it reflected in a couple ways in my life. First in a doctor/patient scenario I witnessed and again in a close personal relationship where power dynamics were at play, influential, and potentially triggering.

No territories were annexed or invaded in my little world, but there were definitely some warning shots and skirmishes at the borders.

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First Full Moon – Day 690

Sheila’s Moon – Photo: L. Weikel

First Full Moon

Doesn’t it just figure that this most provocative and transformative year of 2020, October plays host to two full moons? The first full moon was today, October 1st. And of course the second one will be on, you guessed it, Halloween. Because what could possibly be more in keeping with the year 2020 than having a so-called “Blue Moon” occur on Halloween?

Tonight’s moon, which I’m dubbing Sheila’s Moon (just because), was especially photogenic. I actually took the photos I’m including in tonight’s post last night. I’m glad I did, because the sky clouded over this evening before I had a chance to experience her in all her glory.

I did, however, encounter a Cloud Woman this evening, running across the sky with arms flung back, her long hair streaming after her. She appeared to me to be running with abandon – not in fear, but rather in joyful delight that she had such gorgeous fields to be skimming over, toward a sunset that could melt the hardest heart with its sumptuous colors.

Cloud Woman Racing Across the Sky – Photo: L. Weikel

Joyful Abandon

Yes indeed, joyful abandon is the emotion I sensed emanating from this Cloud Woman racing across the sky. In fact, it’s possible she was prancing ahead of the rising full moon as a sort of curtain-raiser or cosmic warm-up act for the main event.

And perhaps she is dancing October into our awareness. If that’s the case, it occurs to me that we might want to engage in some quick reflection and notation. What do we notice at the edges of her skirt that she may be whooshing into our life?

Cloud Woman From Afar – Photo: L. Weikel


Indeed, let’s pay attention to, hone, and take stock of our perceptions! Take a few minutes to honor yourself and your feelings by jotting down what’s going on in your life as we experience this Harvest Moon at the inception of October. What thoughts occupy your mind? What hopes and dreams are you contemplating? Of course, there’s a lot about the outside world that you might want to document for posterity. But what’s also going on in your personal life? What emotions are you experiencing? What musings do you have about your life, your relationships, your place in the world?

When you think about the range of possible changes in your life, let them flow onto the page. From a numerological perspective, I’ve been taught by Alison Baughman that it behooves all of us to pay particular attention to what unfolds in our lives during October (yes, of every year), because October, being the 10th month, is a ‘1’ month – and hence is a reflection of what we might expect in our year ahead.

So as we skip across the sky with our Cloud Woman, perhaps we can set a little reminder for ourselves to take stock each week – perhaps at every quarter phase of the moon as she dances from full to full – and pause to reflect and record our perceptions of what’s going on around us, both globally and intimately. Each week might reflect what we can expect for each quarter of 2021.

It could be a fun exercise. It’s possible we might see one expression of a situation or issue or relationship now and see a shifting of that into a higher octave next year. The trick is documenting it now and then tracking it later.

Full Moon to Full Moon

But first let’s just see how this wild and wonderful October plays out on its own. What will we be thinking about and experiencing just four short weeks from now when the Blue Moon beams its light upon us on All Hallow’s Eve? We think we won’t forget these times, but I guarantee: so much is flying at us every single day, we will be astonished and grateful for having kept track. And you never know how our perceptions might change if we give ourselves permission to take the time to notice what’s really going on in our lives.

Lighting the Way to Our Future – Photo: L. Weikel


Great Success! – Day 322

Autumnal purple and gold – Photo: L. Weikel

Great Success!

The 15 year celebration at Medicine in Balance today was an unqualified success. Balmy weather, scrumptious food, and remarkable entertainment by Ryan Sabalaske all added up to create a fitting tribute to the longevity of this unique medical practice.

The best part about the afternoon, though, was the opportunity to catch up with friends and clients I’ve not seen in years.

Numerology Course

I did manage to get home in time to take a walk with Karl before my final numerology class with Alison Baughman. What a great course. Probably the one major downer about taking the course, though, is the fact that , without a doubt, I’m now going to be even worse than I ever was before about internally ‘doing the math’ to figure out the numerological status of practically everything I encounter.

What’s fascinating about that is the power of simple observation. That’s the most reliable method anyone can use to bring to light correlations and discover whether there’s any correspondence between the numbers and the traits or characteristics of the subject of study.

Karl, Sheila, Spartacus, and I did managed to snag a quick walk around before the start of my class. It was during this walk that I noticed the marked shift in cricket song that marks the turning of the season. One of the biggest ‘tells’ to the shifting of seasons is, indeed, the song of the crickets.


If you pay attention, you’ll notice that crickets rarely sing their usual staccato ‘cree-deets’ once the seasons start to change. Instead, it’s as if the crickets press their internal cricket button and they get stuck. Suddenly, we’re all living amidst one long chirp.

Even as I sit here now, with our front door open to let in some cool night air, the droning intonation created by the elder crickets is mesmerizing. While I love the sounds of the crickets and the occasional katydid punctuating the night, it’s unmistakably the beginning of the season of letting go.

Before I go to sleep, I must share with you the photo I took this evening of the wild flowers I took tonight. Sometimes I just have to marvel at the sheer perfection of Mother Earth’s palette.

Yet again, I’m closing a post feeling awash in gratitude for so very many seemingly tiny but tremendously moving miracles in my life. The fact that you’re reading this post being one of them. Thank you.


Numerology Course Starts Sunday! – Day 291

Is Numerology a Rosetta Stone? – Photo: L. Weikel

Numerology Course Starts Sunday!

If you didn’t heed my suggestion a few weeks ago, it’s time.

In fact, it’s all in perfect timing. Why do I think so?

Because I use a variety of tools that help me better understand my life and make the most of my decisions. So, even though I am promoting a course on numerology, I am also suggesting that the timing of signing up for the course tomorrow and beginning it on Sunday seems to be auspicious astrologically as well.

Tomorrow (Friday, 30 August 2019) is the new moon. It will take place in the constellation Virgo, which is an air sign and thus is connected to the mind and thoughts and tends to favor logical pursuits, timing, understanding, and getting things ‘just so’ and ‘in order.’

Great Timing!

So, with this new moon in Virgo, it’s the perfect time to sign up, if you haven’t already, for the Numerology Course (scroll to the bottom of the page) being given by my good friend Alison Baughman. Why? Because new moons are a great time to start something new, plant the seeds of your intentions, get things rolling.

You may recall I wrote about this opportunity some weeks ago. I recommended that you ‘carpe diem’ with respect to this chance to study with Alison because her most recent announcement suggested that this may be the last time she offers the course. Ever.

And as I said before: Alison doesn’t mess around. (She may be funny as hell, but she means what she says and says what she means.) So I’m planning on taking the course too. Not because I want to be a numerologist. But because I like having an excellent foundation in a modality, and I know Alison will provide it.

It’s just good to have a working knowledge of the energies associated with the numbers we encounter every day. I guarantee, once you take this course, you’ll be ‘reducing’ all the numbers that cross your path each day and taking into consideration what they may mean. You’ll start to take notice of the numbers that surround (and sometimes bombard) you in your life. You’ll pay attention to the impact numbers have on you and your experience.

Just watch.

As I’ve said a million times before this, we are put on this earth with a myriad of tools available to us to help us better understand what we’re doing and why. Numerology is one of those tools.

Join me Sunday? She wrote the book!


Golden Opportunity – Day 266

Golden Opportunity 

Tonight I want to alert you to an absolutely golden opportunity that you should. not. miss.

Beginning Sunday, September 1st, my great friend and world-class numerologist, Alison Baughman, will be starting her comprehensive, five week Numerology Course. For five straight weeks, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST every Sunday, you will learn an amazing amount of information on numerology that will stand you in good stead, regardless of whether you use it for yourself or find that you want to dip into this field with an even greater commitment. (And you just might be surprised by how much all of this resonates with you!)

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, Alison knows her numbers. She knows her stuff and she is a great teacher. And this is a golden opportunity (and perhaps the last) to study with her first-hand.

Books, Too

It just so happens that she also wrote an excellent basic book on numerology, Speaking to Your Soul – Through Numerology.

Personally, I know she’s on a quest to write some additional books which, given her wry sense of humor and no-nonsense style, could be hilarious. (The books, not the quest – although the quest could end up being amusing in its own right.)

I’d by lying if I didn’t admit that it freaks me out a bit when I see Alison state things starkly, like, “This could be my last offering of this class.” That’s because she does not mess around. And she does not make comments like this cavalierly.


Believe Her When She Says, “This May Be it”

I didn’t believe it when she announced a few years ago that she was going to stop doing private readings for people. The reason I didn’t believe it was because her readings are a-m-a-z-i-n-g.

I’ve listened to mine over and over, probably at least a dozen times, as well as the periodic updates I was lucky enough to have with her when I needed to know ‘what was going on’ in my life ‘by the numbers.’

It just didn’t seem possible to me that someone with such an extraordinary gift could mean it when she announced she would be stepping away from it. But she did. And she has.

Which is why I feel it is incumbent upon me to highly recommend you take her course in September. It’s an opportunity that you could easily regret if you don’t take action now. I can tell you unequivocally: I intend to take the course. Heck, every time I listen to my readings with Alison, I learn a ton. (And you know I enjoy bringing into my posts at least some of what I know just by hanging around the woman.)

Yes, I’m going to take the course – and you should, too.

Lastly: Don’t Forget to Retreat…and Listen

Finally, next week at this time I will have wrapped my first Listening Retreat at Amadell. If you’re still flirting with the idea of allowing yourself the exquisite gift of disconnecting with the outside world and spending time with yourself, Mother Nature, and an amazing group of like-minded people (with whom you’ll probably remain friends for who knows how long – forever?), then jump off the cliff. Take the plunge. Come. To. Amadell.

Join us! $395 for the weekend (program plus meals), with $50/ night lodging in absolutely adorable, well-appointed rooms.  Email me ( to register, and contact to reserve your room.

There’s so much to learn and experience in life. These two experiences are not to be missed and will give you skills you’ll use forever!


Astrology and the New Moon – Day Twenty Four


Esoteric Means of Understanding Ourselves Better

As you’re all discovering day-by-day and post by post (thank you for hanging with me), I’m fascinated by a wide range of esoteric means we humans have developed to help us understand our place in the Universe. I’ve been on the quest to understand myself better since my earliest memories. And of course, the admonition 28 years ago by the Taos Pueblo elder to “know” myself, as I describe in my book Owl Medicine , only clinched that early urge to soul search and gave me permission to translate it into a life-long passion.


There’s numerology, which, as I’ve only tangentially touched upon, uses numbers based on a Pythagorean system of 9 to set forth a roadmap of our lives and the various gifts and challenges that our souls have come into this particular lifetime to experience and hopefully learn from and use to evolve.


Another system is astrology. I’ve been fascinated for decades by this means of cultivating self-awareness, which is incredibly complicated and is far and away so much more in-depth and rich than the trite paragraph we used to read in the newspaper about our ‘sun sign’ when I was a kid.

At its most basic, astrology takes into account your ‘natal’ chart, which is the exact position of a wide range of heavenly bodies at the minute of your birth, from the perspective of where your mother was at the moment you were born. From this snapshot of the solar system, you do indeed know your ‘sun sign’ – which is the sign of the zodiac in which the sun was located at the minute of your birth.

Discovering Your Rising Sign or “Ascendant”

What many people don’t realize is that, while one’s sun sign can be a somewhat prominent indicator of traits that you carry in this lifetime, an actually more intimate and accurate indicator of who you are is what’s called your ‘rising’ sign – or the sign that was ‘on the ascendant’ at the minute of your birth. So, if you have a chance, I strongly urge you to research and discover your ascendant or rising sign.

One way to do this is to access the free website Astrodienst. (There are many others. I just happen to use this one.) You can either set up an account (again, for free) or just log on as a guest. Either way (under the ‘Free horoscopes’ tab, go to the far right and click on ‘natal chart, ascendant’ under the heading ‘Drawings and Calculations’) you can input your birth information. You’ll need the date of your birth (obviously), as well as the time (and this is important, as some important shifts can take place within minutes), but you can always input a default time until you can secure your specific birth time from your mom (wink) or on the ‘long form’ of your birth certificate. You’ll also need to know your birthplace (city, state, country). All of this information will add up to giving you a much richer, deeper picture of the heavens at the moment you arrived.

The three easiest and most basic aspects for you to discover are (a) your sun sign, which you probably know already unless you live under a rock; (b) your ascendant or ‘rising’ sign; and (c) your moon sign. Just knowing and delving into those three aspects of your personal astrological makeup can bring you an incredible amount of insight into yourself and how you ‘tick.’

What I find fascinating is how every form of roadmap that our souls have created for us to discover and work with, if we choose, matches up. In other words, when Alison Baughman gave me a comprehensive numerological reading years ago, it dovetailed in truly eerie and profound ways with every astrological reading I’ve received. (All told, I think I’ve had three or four separate astrologers read my natal chart for me, cultivating decades-long relationships with two of them, which means I would go back to them periodically to have them read my ‘transits.’)

I’ll talk about transits another day.

Roadmaps of Our Souls

My point, though, is that no matter what roadmap you look at, they all pretty obviously chart the same unique challenges and gifts. So it is as if we (as souls) leave cosmic magical breadcrumbs for our ego-selves to discover, in order to help us understand our strengths, weaknesses, and potential destinies, should we have the desire to discover them.

I started this post intending to discuss the fact that we will be experiencing a ‘new moon’ tomorrow and what that might mean for each of us. And then I got sidetracked into writing what I wrote.

But! The good news (for me) is that I just now realized that the new moon actually won’t ‘arrive’ until 2:20 a.m. EST on Friday, December 7th.

So maybe I’ll save what I was going to say tonight until tomorrow!
