Put Up Or Shut Up – ND #42

We can’t be as chill as Cletus about this – Photo: L. Weikel

Put Up or Shut Up

Well, the jury’s still out on whether we’ll achieve any kind of a meaningful breakthrough in the Senate to protect voting rights. The latest I heard was that there’s an effort underway to at least bring back the ‘talking’ filibuster for matters pertaining to constitutional issues. This could also be known as the ‘put up or shut up’ amendment to the rule creating the filibuster. It’s not enough, but it’s about time we demand that any Senator who wants to join in a filibuster must stand and deliver some defense of their position.

I find it quite appalling that this could have such a dramatic effect on our esteemed Senators. Seriously – what do we send these people to Congress for if not to show up and vote? Or show up and explain their reasons for not voting for something?

It galls me when cameras slip up and we realize that what we’re watching on the television (such as an impassioned floor speech or two) is being delivered to a nearly empty chamber. Most of these Senators and Representatives deliver speeches to an almost empty room. Why? Where is the respect for their colleagues? Where is the respect for the institution itself?

I know. I’m letting my idealism show again.

Major Overhaul

It just seems as though we’re being shown in a myriad of ways how broken our system is and how cynical those who represent us have become. Not all of them – but certainly a shockingly high percentage. When you really dig down and take stock of how these politicians spend their days (many, not all) it becomes stunningly obvious that we have to get the money out of politics.

Money is the driving force behind everything in our governments, both federal and state, but especially on the federal level. And because it is so inherently ‘the game that’s played,’ there is no way any well-intentioned person can simply say they won’t play along and live (politically) for more than one term. Whether you think term limits are good or not, precious little can be accomplished in one term.

The only way to effect meaningful change is to overhaul the entire system. And we can’t fall back on the old trope of ‘it’s always been done this way,’ or ‘it’s too hard to change the way things are done,’ because it really is broken. It’s unsustainable. I realize that perhaps everything needs to fall apart before we can build again. And I hate that this may be our reality, but it does look like where we’re headed.

There’s probably one thing most Americans can agree on at the moment, and that’s the sad fact that our system is on a trajectory toward self-destruction. And only we can save it. We the people, I mean. Because clearly those who are feeding at the trough of power and greed cannot stop themselves.

Alas, reform will never, ever happen if we don’t secure the right of all citizens to vote easily and securely. Everything hinges on our right to vote. Everything.


Strategically Holding Space – Day 586

Nighttime Messenger – Photo: L. Weikel

Strategically Holding Space

There’s so much happening in the cosmos this weekend. Well, not just this weekend; we’re not out of the thick of things for quite a while, actually. But this weekend feels huge to me, and the best recommendation I can make (that I will be following as well) is that we engage in strategically holding space. We must hold this space for each other and ourselves. Our country and our planet.

There’s no other way to describe what’s happening in the U.S. right now but to say we’re being bombarded. Information, revelations, lies, conspiracy theories, a pandemic, isolation, fear, sickness, death. We’re being confronted with irrefutable proof that people of color do not share the same freedoms as white people. And we’re seeing a huge majority of our brothers and sisters (or perhaps for a lot of us, our sons and daughters) stand up and say, “The system is broken. It doesn’t stand for what we’ve been taught it does and we won’t pretend or allow it to persist any longer.”

Some of us will join in the protests continuing to unfold all across our nation in support of Black Lives Matter. Some of us will lend our support in other ways. Each as they are able, as they say. But as we witness injustice, as we begin to see with clear eyes the ugly parts of our history that have conveniently been left out of most of our educations, I do believe we will unite to create the ideal we all, deep down, want to believe is possible.

New Moon

We have so many indicators of a new paradigm coming to the fore, and a new moon (coupled with all the other major aspects) is, as we know, the time to set in motion the dream we wish to manifest.

As a result, I feel in my heart and soul that we are also being confronted with radical hope. Deep within our souls, thousands – perhaps millions – of people of all skin pigmentations are resonating with a seismic shift that will change our country forever.

Perhaps, just maybe, we are witnessing the birth of a new world.

Opossum Reminds Us

This opossum was just visiting me only minutes before I sat down to write this post tonight. I felt like its appearance was fortuitous. It’s urging us to use strategy to accomplish the change we demand. We need to expect the unexpected; be clever in seeking our goals. And above all, we’re being reminded to use our brains and sense of drama and cleverness to change the world.

We don’t need to stoop to the level of violence. We’re smarter than that. All of us.

We need to strategically hold space for each other to get this done. We can do this. It’s time. Time for an evolution.

A Heart in the Center of the Fire – Photo: L. Weikel
