A Plethora of Pleasures – Day 937

Sunset, Tree, and Wildflowers – Photo: L. Weikel

A Plethora of Pleasures

My walks the past two evenings have yielded a plethora of pleasures. From pigs to bunnies to a stunning sunset casting tangerine rays across a field of wildflowers, it’s hard to choose a favorite. Even lightning bugs made their appearance and demanded their share of oohs and aahs.

Lightning bugs are pretty tough to capture with my iPhone. But they were definitely showing off tonight, reveling in their newfound ability to light up the night. Karl and I sat in the dark on our porch and watched them rise from the grass, and slowly make their way up into the trees. A few were sassy and bold, lighting up brightly then dragging their fluorescent abdomens to create streaks across the yard with dramatic flair.

Wary but not afraid – Photo: L. Weikel

Not Much Movement

I don’t know if it was the heat of the day or just a lack of fear, but so many creatures we encountered seemed utterly unfazed by my attempts to take their photo. The bunny allowed me to nearly walk right up to it – and this with Spartacus (obliviously) trotting and sniffing along the way.

A barn swallow continued flirting with me as well. It allowed me to approach and take a slow motion video of it launching into flight that’s stunning.

I didn’t even bother to take photos of all the deer sitting in the fields, their heads the only parts of their bodies popping up out of the wavy grasses. There were at least three moments of unadulterated adorableness when a mommy doe walked onto the road in front of me, only to have the teeny tiniest of fawns stumble onto the road right behind her. I swear, the babies I’ve seen over the past five days or so had to have been born the same day as I saw them.

You Called? – Photo: L. Weikel

Captured My Heart

For now, I’m just going to leave you with a few photos. I’ve had a long day and spent much of it out in the sun. I feel sated by the plethora of pleasures strewn in my path.
