Waiting – ND #73

Ice Hearts Waiting to Melt into the Tohickon – Photo: L. Weikel


Sometimes it feels like everywhere you look ticking time bombs are just waiting to go off. What’s even worse is having that feeling and knowing many people are refusing to see what’s right before their eyes.

I don’t even need to enumerate the ticks we’re hearing in the background of our lives. There are so many simultaneous ticks that I have to wonder if those are what’re keeping the beat in our lives. We’re all living on the edge right now. We’ve been living in a state of heightened anxiety for at least six years. And if we’re paying even half attention now, we sense things could crash down on our heads at any moment.

Honestly, this feels like the most precarious time I’ve ever lived through – and I’ve been around 62 years. I’m talking cumulatively – from geopolitical aggression to the meteoric rise of fascism here in the U.S., as well as the free and proud expression (and legislation) of prejudice, racism, and misogyny.

It’s all a bit overwhelming.

A Word

Is there a word or expression we might be wise to focus upon over the next few days? Some concept that can keep us stable and fundamentally calm as we watch the shit-show unfold?

Yes, we need to put our beliefs into action. But we can’t be in perpetual motion. So what might we want to bear in mind when we allow ourselves to stop and take a breath? How can we keep ourselves from falling into either fear or despair?

I asked Cher Lyn’s Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards:

Reverence – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards; Tools for Transformation by Cher Lyn

Reverence ~ Honoring the Goddess

“In the painting “honoring the Goddess,” the central God figure bows respectful in His prayer. The Female Goddess is assisting his third eye connection to open. In union, their powers join and support each other, each in their own honoring way praying for the Earth and Humanity. They represent the balance of the Masculine and Feminine necessary to remember how to create the paradise we seek. (…)

Reverence is an attitude of honoring life. You bless that which you do with gratitude and respect. Your actions affect all of mankind. In the web of life you are a strand interconnected with everyone else doing your part to weave our tapestry together. As you appreciate the beauty in a moment, in children, in nature, or anything, your appreciation of that beauty radiates like the sun blessing all of Creation. One person who dedicates themself to seeing the sacredness of all of life, thereby reveres all of life, walks through their day lifting the consciousness of many, many people simply by being.

As you become reverent your tendency to harm anything including you, diminishes, your consciousness raises and peace reigns supreme. Every single moment of your life contributes this way, toward the light, or it pulls it away. Your decision to become more reverent is your decision to become more spiritual. Opening more to the beauty of you. This is a natural aspect of your authentic power. (…)”

My Take

As controversies and antagonisms flare, as aggression, fear, and hate try to overtake and consume our attention, our best means of breaking the spells being woven around us and the world right now is consciously noticing and cherishing what is right in front of us. Some very big concepts (and egos) are playing out right now; it’s true. And most of us are neither diplomats nor soldiers.

I believe the Reverence card is suggesting to us that our responsibility in de-escalating the darkness is achieved by looking upon all the little treasures of life and smiling. It makes a difference. By doing so, we make a difference.

There is a better way. There is a sweet spot achievable by bringing together the best qualities of the feminine and the best qualities of the masculine. We can create a balanced, visionary melding of the two that is more powerful and more sensitive than either of them separately.

What might happen if we look upon the little things in life, the mundane, the natural world, and even each other with a smile? What might happen if we reach out and ever so gently touch each other and the face of our world with reverence and awe?


Full Moon in Aquarius – Day 985

“Protection” – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn

Full Moon in Aquarius

Today’s full moon in Aquarius took place when the Sun was at 1 degree 26 minutes of Leo and the Moon was at 1 degree 26 minutes of Aquarius. Interestingly, in August the full moon will take place when the Sun is at 29 degrees 37 minutes of Leo and the Moon is at 29 degrees 37 minutes of Aquarius.

That means that there will be two full moons taking place in the sign of Aquarius this year. If these two full moons were taking place within the same month, the second one would be called a ‘blue moon.’ I have no idea whether there’s a special name for a second full moon in the same sign. But it seems like it should be significant; perhaps the qualities of the sign the moon is going through to complete an entire ‘full to full’ cycle are especially important to integrate.

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know.

But if that might be the case, here’s a thought: Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. (I won’t even go into the significance of the number 11 as a ‘portal.’) The 11th house of the zodiac is associated with groups, social reform, social causes, global awareness. Some key words associated with Aquarius are innovation, originality, and social change.*

Two Aquarius Full Moons

It would seem to me that the presence of two consecutive full moons in Aquarius, highlighting the 11th house of the zodiac, will mandate we focus a great deal of our attention upon circumstances and issues that have greater societal importance than personal relevance. Certainly we will all be impacted personally by the collective realities that unfold on a societal level – but our primary focus will be on the bigger picture facing society itself.

To that end, I decided to ask for a ‘watchword’ for us to keep tucked in the back of our minds as we navigate the next 28 days. The deck I chose to consult was the Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn. The card I chose was Protection, which I will excerpt here:


“Archangel Michael is Spirit of Fire.

His sword of light offers energies higher.

His shield of Protection,

Averts illusion and deception.     

(…) In the painting of “Archangel Michael’s Fire of Transformation,” Hi aura/wings are golden light. You see an Eagle emanating through his sword of fire, no longer choosing to be depicted killing, as His essence is Love and Protection. The medicine of Eagle flies high into the heavens and moves easily between worlds, bridging earthly and spiritual power. He serves as the mediator and bearer of a new creative force. A Dove at the foot of His robe is the symbol of prophetic vision, balance, and peace within the maternal feminine. The winged Pegasus splashing in the waves of consciousness lifts you into higher realms of awareness. A cosmic stairway guides you on your journey to higher perception. The transformational fire blesses you as healing waters flow, blessing from the heavens above.

Archangel Michael is a powerful protector. When the card of Archangel Michael shows up, rest assured His energy is surrounding you… Should you ask, Archangel Michael will protect and assist you with the transformation of negative agendas or forces otherwise not of your highest good by connecting you to higher spiritual truths.

Choosing the Protection card could be a sign to step back and take inventory of whom or what you may be letting into your personal space. Perhaps He is inspiring you to enlist Him to cut some cords. Most likely He is inspiring you to raise your consciousness and connect you more with your spiritual essence. (…)”

My Take

It seems to me that there will be some major transformational energies at play over the next 28 days, energies that could easily cause major shifts in our perceptions of who we are and where we’re headed societally. Especially considering the first paragraph and the reframing of the Eagle, we could experience some major growing pains this month. The Eagle could easily be interpreted as the United States, or possibly even the ‘Western world’ in terms of how we think of societies on our planet.

It can’t hurt to call upon Archangel Michael or whatever Beings of similar protective intention we work with to help us raise our energies and protect ourselves, each other, and our highest intentions and ideals. Simply setting the intention of invoking protection and aspiring to create a higher expression of balance, awareness, and peace could shift the forces that we’re going to be called upon to collectively face.

I feel this card is yet again reflecting our year-long challenge of radical transformation posed by Saturn squaring Uranus (three times this year). We’re not out of the woods yet.

We can do this. We must not be afraid to cut away that which no longer serves us – yet we would be wise to invoke protection.

*Astrology for Yourself – Demetra George and Douglas Bloch (Note: affiliate link)


More Challenges – Day 792

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Medicine Power”

More Challenges

I’m willing to bet most of you join me in feeling the weight of this week hanging on our collective shoulders. A sense of foreboding is starting to permeate everything. It doesn’t help when the FBI warns that even more challenges may erupt in all 50 states, as well as the nation’s capital, at any moment.

As I sat down to write this evening, I wanted to provide something for us to ponder or perhaps use as inspiration or, dare I say it, hope. I feel as though the Crone cards I chose last week are still formidable guides for the entire month, so I feel like we should ‘stand pat’ on those.

My gaze went to my Mystic Art Medicine Cards deck by Cher Lyn. Do they have something to impart that might provide an assist as we deal with the after-effects of an attempted coup?


Medicine Power

I shuffled gently and calmly, opening my heart and asking what might serve us to focus upon tomorrow, or perhaps as the week plays out. I felt quite peaceful as I shuffled, so I was surprised when one card literally jumped out of the deck and fell to the floor, face up. Hmm. Medicine Power. Flipping the deck over to see what was on the bottom, I again felt a sense of awe: Transformation. A card and a concept that, like the Eagles I wrote about yesterday, has been stalking us.

As soon as I looked it up and started reading, I realized the craftiness of Spirit.

Medicine Power – “Crazy Horse”

Eagle awakens vision eye,

Medicine power, ancient master wise.

Spin the cosmic portal

Unveil the secrets to be immortal.

~ Cher Lyn

“In the painting of “Crazy Horse,” one side of his head is donned with a white eagle feather, a sign of pure power bridging the spirit world to the physical plane here on Earth. On the other side is blazing firepower for transformation. Crazy Horse possessed Medicine Power as a prophet, seer, leader, and spiritual healer. He had the ability to commune with spirits dwelling on all levels of Creation. His face painted with the six-pointed star is a key of ancient cultures, Sacred Geometry come together and in itself is a Medicine Power. Conveying balance of the masculine and feminine within the infinite circle.

The dictionary acknowledges medicine as a synonym for magic, relating to magical forms of healing. Medicine Power doesn’t only represent healing the body from illness, but includes the design of finding all things of the Earth and Cosmos a gift. Native Americans use the word medicine to describe inexplicable forces beyond human perception. Medicine Power can be a stone, bone, plane, animal, or even a paintbrush. Everything is alive with spirit and potential medicine. Love is the most powerful Medicine. Your Medicine Power is innately always in you without a talisman, still a talisman helps you remember.

Wake up, take notice, and watch for omens and signs for the gifts of Medicine Power are always available to you. Don’t be fooled by medicine just because it seems small to your ego; the ant is a very powerful medicine.

Drawing the Medicine Power card is not to be taken lightly. Watch for signs. This card signifies an important medicine gift coming your way. In your heart, you have all the Medicine Power you need to heal your world.” (emphasis added)

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Transformation”

The Foundation – Underneath: Transformation

Transformation – “Egyptian Magic”

“ (…) All things form and transform within the mysterious cycles of birth, life, and death. Instead of fearing the darkness you can bless it, learn from it, and embrace it. It is both your humanness and your light. The shadow you fear is powerless without the interpretation of your beliefs, thoughts, and desires. The power of Transformation lies in your ability to find the light within the shadow and make the connection, infusing focus on its light quality instead of the darkness.

Everything you think, feel, and do creates your lessons in the world you live in. Inside you great intelligence, wisdom, and love are ever present. It is the beliefs you have been taught that are the hindering factor here. Let the fire in your heart inspire you for Transformation. Perfecting your character and at the same time helping you let go while allowing any pain, sorrow, or difficulty to just be there. Allow the alchemical change to unfold and evolve you in its own time as you journey through your world with the power of intentions.

The Transformation card suggests that you be in touch with both your shadow side and your spiritual side. True Transformation can only happen in connection with your heart. Setting in motion authentic spiritual alchemy you will see a change in you, like base metal into gold. Essentially shifting your whole perspective.” (emphasis added)

A Reminder

I cannot love enough how Eagle managed to show up again for me today. Not literally in the feather, but in this main card for us – Medicine Power – reminding us of the power of paying attention to the messages being sent our way. It’s also reminding us of how essential it is that we discern within ourselves what unique gifts we can bring to shifting and transforming our world – right now.

It’s also uncanny how the Transformation card has been following us around like an obedient dog over the past many weeks and months. It was the foundational concept (watchword) when we were tasked with Perseverance not two weeks before the election.

Some good stuff to contemplate as we do our best to stay the course and witness the transformation of our country and our world.


Cards for the Eclipse – Day 763

Dreamtime – Mystic Art Medicine Orace Cards by Cher Lyn

Cards for the Eclipse

Tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. ET a total solar eclipse will occur. This celestial event will kick off an almost relentless series of profoundly challenging aspects over the weeks ahead. Indeed, as we embark upon the next six weeks or so of our lives, we’re going to need to do everything in our power to keep our wits about us. Thus, it feels important to choose a few cards for the eclipse: something to bear in mind, hold onto, or just plain repeat as centering reminders as the week unfolds.

The top card I chose was Dreamtime – exactly the same one I chose on the eve of Halloween this year, on the eve of the blue full moon (the second full moon occurring in the month of October). Check out what I wrote but six short weeks ago, the upshot being: we must hold fast to the dream we have for the future. We are creating the reality we live in; it is up to us to dream a new dream.

Miracles – Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn

Underneath: Miracles

The card that lay at the foundation of these ‘choices’ that I made for us was the Miracles card. My heart skipped when I saw it; it does appear quite bleak, reflecting my sense of what may unfold before us in the near future.

The author, Cher Lyn, described the card as follows:

“In the painting, ‘Vision of Mary,’ it is you who stands at the frozen river’s edge, an icy wind bites to the bone. The trees are barren. All is as if lifeless. Yet you are composed. You have faith and in this knowingness a fire emanates from within. A vision soon appears of the Divine compassionate Mother. She hovers above your frozen sea. The light of the snowy moon glows once again reminding you, “You are not alone. You’ve called on me, I am here, I am always with you my dear.”

Beliefs come from feelings. From somewhere inside, you hear a call. The hearing becomes a feeling connecting you to your truth and this is when Miracles appear. Although you may not be able to say why you feel something is so, your belief is true for you and that truth is your foundation for Miracles. (…)

Miracles happen, not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we are conditioned to believe. The universe cannot help unless you hold strong intention and focus. Love is the key and truly the only thing that really heals. Let go of what you think. Trust, and know who you are. (…) Remind yourself you are supported, that you are not doing it alone on this Earth.

This card speaks of a Miracle on its way to you. Disharmony creates disease, and harmony creates beauty with ease. Imagine a Miracle and remain open to a surprise.”

My Take

Events and actions we thought we’d only ever see in movies or read about in books are very likely to occur in the not-too-distant future. No matter how balanced we are or strive to keep ourselves, achieving and maintaining our equanimity is going to be a challenge.

It feels like we’re being encouraged to envision our highest aspirations for ourselves, our country, and our world. Hold on to those dreams and not only ask for, but work toward manifesting them – and then believe in miracles.


Higher Knowledge – Day 753

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle, by Cher Lyn – “Higher Knowledge”

I felt nudged this evening to ask for a message for us from the Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn. Many of you will recognize Cher Lyn’s distinctive artwork, as I’ve called upon these cards to provide us with occasional guidance over the past year or so. The cards beckoned tonight, and when I asked what message we need to bear in mind over the next several days, I chose Higher Knowledge.

Higher Knowledge


“Ye stand on the threshold, a truth ye are told.

Tis fact I say, Higher wisdom ye behold.

Step beyond space and time

There lies so much more in thy reason

And thy rhyme.


… Having a fully opened heart while centering one’s Being and taking action on the guidance of your higher soul knowledge is essential.

Your primary goal is to remember this truth within you. As humanity’s evolution approaches, make your vital leap into a higher level of consciousness. These teachings of the (Cosmic) Priesthood are being made more open to you. Express Collective Divine energy in all situations. Seeing life through the eyes of your heart. Knowing all is revealed through the intuitive spirit in your heart. Be aware that God is all there is. One power, an absolute force that governs our existence, without duality.

With Higher Knowledge you live life in spiritual wonder. Remain in the now and maintain an observer consciousness. In this truth there is never a shortage of miracles and ever more wisdom to behold. Everyone intrinsically has this wisdom Light within. The mystical medicine card of Higher Knowledge is an inspiration to open to the extent and vastness of the universes around you, and view existence from that perspective.”

Short Reflection

The card of Higher Knowledge depicted above is a painting by Cher Lyn of Melchizedek. Some refer to Melchizedek as an Ascended Master; some refer to him as a Being that perhaps vibrates even a bit higher than Ascended Masters. I am only cursorily conversant with this Being – and recommend you do your own research if the mention of his name strikes a chord within you. I do know that he is very much associated with the education of the soul. I found this passage interesting.

It seems to me that we’re being called to go within this month. I had to smile when I saw the reference to miracles in the last paragraph I quoted. Perhaps we’re being encouraged to remain open to the possibility of miracles of all sorts unfolding in our lives – perhaps when we’re least expecting them.


Creation – Day 734

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle by Cher Lyn – “Creation”


As I wrote in last night’s post, when I chose some cards on our behalf from the Mystic Art Medicine Oracle deck, I was intrigued by the appearance (yet again) of the Transformation card. The concept of this card has been riding with us for at least five months or so. Only this time Transformation was the top or ‘main’ card – indicating, I surmise, that we are in the thick of it. We’re no longer calling in the transformation of our perception, of our world, of our reality. We’re living it. Or rather, as the ‘foundational’ card of this pick, Creation, would indicate, we’re creating it.

I deliberately chose to share ‘the rest of the story,’ as it were, with you tonight for a couple of reasons. For one, the post would’ve been too long had I included what I want to write this evening. For another thing, with the power of the new moon that just occurred minutes ago (as I write this) to both fully release the old and serve as fecund opportunity to plant something new, I thought we might benefit from focusing our attention full-on to the power of Creation tonight.

Given all that we’re experiencing in the United States right now, especially with respect to the election results (and what was created as a result of the exercise of our sacred right and responsibility to vote), I got chills reading the words of Cher Lyn for this card:

Creation ~ “Medicine Baby”

The boy king’s heart gives love a chance.

Innocence is the wind in the butterfly’s dance

Bridging rainbow colors to bless and align

With Intent…an anticipatory design

Pause for a moment…imagine

Our New Creation…Divine.

  • Cher Lyn


“The image shown here from “Medicine Baby” is symbolic of the male spark in Creation. The innocence of the male is needed for recognizing the feminine in her wisdom, co-creating balance and healing. This unity brings peace back to Creation on Earth. He is decorated with crown jewels that ordain him as the chosen one who sends golden heart energy into the center of Creation. He is of royal indigenous bloodline and uses ancient alchemy to co-create with the goddesses of the Four Directions and Elements to heal the hearts on Earth. His butterfly wings are the colors of the rainbow and emanate from his chakras. The butterfly is a powerful symbol of change, moving from land, to cocoon, into finally a beautiful winged butterfly, the ultimate transformation.

Everything has an order of being within the infinite cycle of life. Indigenous cultures knew the ways of nature and Earth wisdom to sustain their lives in a good way. They knew how to heal naturally using the ways of the Land. They had seers and dreamers who could predict the future and warn them to safety.

It seems the further you wander from your innate unified connection with the Earth and God, the emptier you feel. You then strive to fill this emptiness with ‘material things,’ which only buries you into deeper feelings of disconnection. When electronics and entertainment distract with the illusion that they make life more interesting, it’s a warning that you have given your power away. Keeping you from what otherwise could be an extraordinary life. Nature is powerful beyond your imagination. When humans and nature come together working co-creatively, gifts far beyond your wildest dreams will unveil.

Creation medicine card has come to help you heal your relationship with yourself, the Earth and all of Creation. Essentially in asking, your inner-wisdom will offer you a way to live in a less complex and distracting world. Let go of any diversions that are draining your life force. Create more powerfully with the infinite world within you.” (emphasis added)

It’s Time

While I am the first to caution that we exercise care and vigilance as we move forward following the outcome of this election, there is also a sense of emergence in the air. It’s time for us to move forward, and it behooves us to do so with all due speed and deliberation.

The cacophony of discord may persist for a while, and I doubt it will ever recede completely, but the tide has turned. Our perceptions have shifted and transformed. We are continuing to evolve. We are ready, willing, and actually able now to create the vision of a country and world where we work together for the good of all, including – indeed, of paramount importance – our Mother Earth.

Hold the vision of the Butterfly as we bring in this new, passionate energy. I wonder what we will discover has come to fruition when we reflect upon the full moon in Scorpio, which will occur six months from now?


Old Ways – Day 733

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Transformation”

Old Ways

As I mentioned last night, the new moon will happen tomorrow night (technically at 12:07 a.m. Sunday morning for those of us on the east coast of the United States). There’s a lot of stuff ‘closing up’ and coming to an end, on scales personal, local, national, and global. If you glance around (or look within), you may recognize old ways of thinking and being, old ways of doing and believing that just don’t fit into our present reality anymore.

The time of the new moon is when we finally let go of those last vestiges of whatever it is we know we need (and often want) to finally excise from our life. As a result, it’s also when we dangle a bit in a limbo of not knowing, of emptiness. It’s the time of the Dark Moon.

The time of the Dark Moon is when the sun and the moon are perfectly aligned (together, on the same side of the Earth), creating a situation in which the moon is not in a position to reflect any of the sun’s light. It ‘goes dark.’ This time of the Dark Moon, as it is called, is a most fertile and abundant time. It is in the dark, moist, fecund soil of the new moon that we plant the seeds of what we want to manifest in our lives in the coming days, weeks, months, or even years.

Obviously, every seed we plant at the time of a new moon is not going to ripen and achieve its fullness in two weeks. The cycle of what you plant at this new moon may take an entire month, three months, a cycle of an entire year or perhaps even longer to come to fruition. Every project or intention has its own unique cycle. It is possible, however, to coordinate with the natural rhythms of Mother Earth, Grandmother Moon, and Father Sun.

New Moon Watchwords

Most of us are still going through some major transitions, including the challenge of navigating and hopefully keeping ourselves safe from the exploding Covid-19 infections. I don’t know that any of us can kick back and relax at this particular point in our evolution. We’re still in the thick of a lot.

So I decided to choose some cards for us from our trusty Mystic Art Medicine Oracle. Sitting with the deck and shuffling it, I blew into the cards my question for us: What concepts should we keep in mind as we plant our new seeds this weekend?


The primary card I chose was Transformation. This card, this concept, has been shadowing us for a while now. It was underneath (the ‘foundation’ card) back on the night of October 21st – giving context to and laying the foundation for the primary card of Perseverance.

Transformation – “Egyptian Magic”

“ (…) All things form and transform within the mysterious cycles of birth, life, and death. Instead of fearing the darkness you can bless it, learn from it, and embrace it. It is both your humanness and your light. The shadow you fear is powerless without the interpretation of your beliefs, thoughts, and desires. The power of Transformation lies in your ability to find the light within the shadow and make the connection, infusing focus on its light quality instead of the darkness.

Everything you think, feel, and do creates your lessons in the world you live in. Inside you great intelligence, wisdom, and love are ever present. It is the beliefs you have been taught that are the hindering factor here. Let the fire in your heart inspire you for Transformation. Perfecting your character and at the same time helping you let go while allowing any pain, sorrow, or difficulty to just be there. Allow the alchemical change to unfold and evolve you in its own time as you journey through your world with the power of intentions.

The Transformation card suggests that you be in touch with both your shadow side and your spiritual side. True Transformation can only happen in connection with your heart. Setting in motion authentic spiritual alchemy you will see a change in you, like base metal into gold. Essentially shifting your whole perspective.” (emphasis added)

But it actually made its first appearance in another deck – The Ocean Oracle, by Susan Marte – on the night of July 10th of this year. The top or main card from that deck was Flow (Stingray), with Hidden Gifts (Jellyfish) and Transformation (Sea Glass) forming the foundation of that oracular message as well.

So. What are the chances that Transformation would form the foundation of two substantial ‘picks’ I made, months apart, from two separate decks?

What Does It Mean

We’ve had Transformation stalking us since July – and now, on the eve of a new moon in the passionate, life/death/rebirth transformational sign of Scorpio, it takes center stage. We are on the cusp of transforming all our lives, as well as the life of our country and quite possibly the world.

I’m going to leave you tonight with the words that speak to me most powerfully from the Transformation card, which I quoted above. And while I will include below the image of the Creation card, which was the foundational card of this ‘pick’ for us, I will hold off on writing about it until tomorrow. It feels important that we really sit with the ‘Scorpionic’ aspects of this Transformation card and ponder precisely what it has been asking us each to discern within our own lives: what aspects of our lives have run their course, what old ways need to fall by the wayside, and what ideas or rays of light need to be given the opportunity to germinate now.

What within each of us needs to transform from base metal into gold?

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Creation”


Blue Taurus Moon – Day 719

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Dreamtime”

Blue Taurus Moon

I’m sure most of us are aware that in less than ten hours (10:49 a.m. E.T. on Saturday, October 31, 2020), we will be experiencing a full moon in the sign of Taurus. It’s in Taurus because the sun is in Scorpio – and a full moon occurs when the sun and moon are in opposition, or on opposite sides of the zodiac (opposite each other from the perspective of Earth). And to make this day even more powerful, it’s actually a blue Taurus moon because it is the second full moon occurring within the same month.

I actually wrote about this month’s ‘first’ full moon, which occurred on October 1st (in the sign of Aries, since the sun was in Libra). One of my suggestions in that post was to pay attention to what was unfolding in our lives at the beginning of each week, because numerologically, each week in October can bring a foreshadowing of what we might expect in each of the quarters of the coming year.

To be honest, I didn’t consciously think about what was unfolding at each quarter phase of the moon this month, but I’ve left myself some clues (these posts being at least somewhat of a reference point, as well as my journal entries). I’m hoping all of you are keeping journals too, or are at the very least jotting down on a calendar or something a few memories or reference points to important experiences you’re having throughout these extraordinary times.

I know I’m like a broken record on this subject, but I promise you, your future self will never regret that you left it mnemonic breadcrumbs. Never.

Full Moon and Weekend Focus

I pulled two cards for us in contemplation of the power of this full moon, landing as it is on Halloween, and this being the final weekend before this momentous election on Tuesday.

What should we be focusing upon, I asked Spirit. I consulted the Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn, which have been such powerful guideposts for us these past several months.


The top card I chose was Dreamtime.

Dreamtime – “Aboriginal Dream”

Dream into your world with a song

Awaken your Heart’s vibration…

You do belong…

Cosmic Stars shine from above…

The Earth’s held in balance,

The Earth’s held in love.

The Aboriginal sends his sounds

Through the didgeridoo

Into the Earth, me and you…

—Cher Lyn

“Aboriginal people believe the true source of the mind is in the inspirational reality of the Dreamtime. In the painting of “Aboriginal Dream,” the Aborigine’s body is ceremonially decorated. He holds his didgeridoo connecting Earth and sky through vibration. He sends energy into the Earth symbolizing the integration of light into matter. Healing happens through the ancestors’ love all working together with the Goddess of Creation to help bring us back into harmony. The Aboriginal Dreamtime medicine is in the Earth’s heart and spirals, rocks, the oceans, cosmic universe and the sky.

It is important to take notice of your dreams. There lie within hidden messages. (…)

Choosing this medicine cards suggests you follow the Aboriginal into the Dreamtime and explore the otherworldly mysteries unfolding for you. The power to dream is the power to participate in the creation matrix that is only found within you. Hidden messages from ancient times cross over through and into your past, present and future time continuum. Awaken in your Dreamtime wisdom. Create and play in infinite potential.”

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Integration”


The “foundation” card I chose (which is what I call the card that’s on the bottom of the deck when I make a selection) was Integration.

Integration – “Rainbow Blesser”

A command for our souls, all parts to return.

I call in God’s tribes to integrate these sides,

Easily and gently, let peace within reside.

—Cher Lyn

“The image shown is from the upper portion of the painting “Rainbow Blesser.” An Indigenous profile of a man wears his Godhead as a headdress. His vertebra surrounding the spinal cord is aligned with vibrant colors associated with the chakras. His healing hand tattooed with a six-pointed star is integrated with a heart, sending love energies to the Earth’s children. The vision of Rainbow Blesser brings in the birth of the rainbow tribe creating healing, unity, and Integration into One.

The Hopi Indians believe that each of the world’s religions contains a thread and that these threads are always seeking each other. Integrally woven like a rope that will pull us out of this dark world and into the next. We all share an identical need to feel love. No matter what color the skin or how different the dress and how you perceive the behavior, there is no real significant division between others and us. Our basic nature is the same.

Inside each and every one of us, our core is entirely whole and complete. Yet, on the exterior everything is fragmented and appearances can seem strange. (…)

You do not need a new dogma to believe in. Inside at your core, you are perfect. You can always cultivate a stronger sense of compassion and tolerance towards yourself and others. Inspire unity in your consciousness. Each of us carries an aspect, clue, or piece of existence on how Creation works. Individually first, then collectively we come together to bring humanity into wholeness.

My Take

Yet again, we’re being asked to dream our reality into being. This is important for us to do this weekend, particularly at the powerful time of this blue moon.

At the very foundation of what we’re dreaming into being is our knowledge, at our core, that WE are the RAINBOW TRIBE that yearns to bring humanity together.

We can do this.


Watchwords – Day 710

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Perseverance”


You may have noticed that I’ve been trying to keep my recent posts light and, while not totally ignoring the mayhem and insanity all around us, at least making an effort to think and write about generally more upbeat, or at least benign, topics. But what we’re enduring politically and existentially in the United States at the moment is the elephant in the room. Every once in a while, therefore, I’m compelled to address it. Tonight being one of those nights, I was inspired to choose watchwords for us specifically to hold on to over the next three days or so.

I’m not sure why, but the sense I got was that this pick of cards from the Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn was valid ‘for the next couple of days.’ I may be told to choose additional cards as events unfold – or not. My sense is that the next two weeks will almost feel as though we’re reliving the last four years, only this time experiencing them crammed into 14 (or fewer) days.

This deck has been a reliable resource over the past several months, weighing in every once in a while with watchwords or concepts that have been remarkably appropriate to our circumstances. It feels important to emphasize that this oracle deck contains 64 different cards representing vastly different concepts. I suppose it feels necessary to state this because the main card I chose (the top card) in answer to my specific request for guidance for all of us over the next few days almost seems set up. But it wasn’t.


Yes. I chose the Perseverance card. And while that single, simple word may be all we really need to hold close as circumstances grow increasingly precarious, I just have to quote Cher Lyn’s words. Even the title of her painting (the card’s image) and her introductory poem are eerie in their appropriateness:

Perseverance – “Still I Rise”

Twas the hardest thing to do,

Be myself under that rule.

Burning rage red-hot fire,

I am not a slave nor I aspire.

Bury the cross and my loved ones lost.

I persevere through white man’s fear.

“…Life can be hard with many painful lessons. Sometimes it feels as though it will never end. For a time there is nothing more you can do than to breathe and know ‘this too shall pass.’ In the dark tunnel of suffering acknowledge others who have carried on through unimaginable torment. Brave ones rise from the ashes like the phoenix to find that the gift of Perseverance is freedom. Physical, emotional, or spiritual, it is freedom you come to know through Perseverance. Know that with every thought, word, feeling, and action you are either adding to your suffering or nurturing with a healing touch. Carry on in the monitoring of your thoughts and focus your attention moment by moment. Change is coming.

Your prayers, intentions, surrender, and trust in the Divine Will of Creator does matter. Take steps to transform what needs adjustment, clear your plate of that which does not serve you. Receive help, forgive and embrace all of you.

The medicine of this card is asking you to know this suffering will pass and never give up. Thin of an oak tree growing out of a rock with little or no soil. So determined to live. This is Perseverance, this is the power of life. This is God, the sun, and the love light giving life. This is you shining through despite circumstances.”

Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards by Cher Lyn – “Transformation”

The Foundation – Underneath: Transformation

Transformation – “Egyptian Magic”

“ (…) All things form and transform within the mysterious cycles of birth, life, and death. Instead of fearing the darkness you can bless it, learn from it, and embrace it. It is both your humanness and your light. The shadow you fear is powerless without the interpretation of your beliefs, thoughts, and desires. The power of Transformation lies in your ability to find the light within the shadow and make the connection, infusing focus on its light quality instead of the darkness.

Everything you think, feel, and do creates your lessons in the world you live in. Inside you great intelligence, wisdom, and love are ever present. It is the beliefs you have been taught that are the hindering factor here. Let the fire in your heart inspire you for Transformation. Perfecting your character and at the same time helping you let go while allowing any pain, sorrow, or difficulty to just be there. Allow the alchemical change to unfold and evolve you in its own time as you journey through your world with the power of intentions.

The Transformation card suggests that you be in touch with both your shadow side and your spiritual side. True Transformation can only happen in connection with your heart. Setting in motion authentic spiritual alchemy you will see a change in you, like base metal into gold. Essentially shifting your whole perspective.” (emphasis added)

My ‘Take’

Once again, I dare say words added by me are pretty much superfluous. When I ask Spirit for a message for us, something for us to contemplate and hold on to through the coming turbulence, Spirit delivers.

Almost every time I decide to choose cards for us in this way, I feel a little hitch in my chest. It always feels like at least somewhat of a risk – in spite of the fact that I’ve never been abandoned by Spirit. Will we receive some dire message? Will a card present itself that leaves me completely unable to see or perceive a connection to what we’re experiencing?

In a word: no. We’re always supported. Always guided.

Hang on and hang in there.


Perception – Day 658

Karl’s Magic Ball – Photo: L. Weikel


After one of my posts last week, a number of people suggested that I take a ‘news fast’ or otherwise not pay attention to what’s going on in the world, and in particular our country, at the moment. There are a number of rabbit holes I could go down in response. But for now, I want to focus on choosing a card for all of us to contemplate as we enter the first week ‘post-convention.’ Knowing things will only escalate exponentially (why would things change now?) as we start the final countdown to the election, I asked for a guiding concept for us to focus upon this week. The card I chose: Perception.

I’ve chosen and posted cards from this deck before. It’s the Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Cards/Tools for Transformation deck by Cher Lyn.

The imagery on this card feels particularly appropriate for the times we’re experiencing, especially the inclusion of the White Buffalo, which has been a fundamental aspect of prophecy for native North Americans for millennia. I hope you’ll take a moment to really zoom in on the details of Cher Lyn’s artwork and allow it to speak to you.

Here are the words she shared with this card:

Perception – “Blue Star Pe’Tanka”

The Star people watch, a new cycle birth

White Buffalo appears …good ways return to Earth.

Anticipate this Creation, it’s shifting,

All illusions, the veil is thinning and lifting.    

– Cher Lyn

“In the painting “Blue Star Pe’Tanka,” you see the spirit of a White Buffalo in gestation readying to birth abundance into the new world. She floats in the cosmos of non-linear time and space. The white owl flies in and brushes her wing through the symbol of creation to spin the wheel round again in a forward motion. The void is the cosmic eye of the buffalo, a portal into other worlds of untapped potential and adventure.

All humans see differently. You see one thing and someone right next to you can see something completely different. Everyone sees through his or her own eyes their own personal movie. See the diamond facet of yourself that is clear vision. It is here you find the Perception of the Divine…all of us has it. Sometimes it’s just covered up with dust, or emotional misinformation, attachments, or unconscious motives.

An ordinary mirror simply reflects back what it has been shown, but the mirror to your soul has a far more transformative multifaceted viewpoint with infinite potential. As you continue to heal, forgive, accept and love yourself you gain wisdom and can release the “you, who is not you.” You break through the conditionings and the dust of your illusions.

The appearances and experiences in your world are your personal mirrors of your creation. Every simple thought you have, every moment of appreciation or angry projected expression, every breath you take or scream you make, any kindness you give, and every moment of joy alters the world in some way and creates a future scene in the movie of your life.

With the Perception medicine card comes informational codes, which provide opportunity for clear vision. In your meditation allow for the intelligence of this concept, clear Perception, to reflect onto all the facets in the diamond of your life lens, projecting conscious truth and light into your personal movie called life.”

My Take

The sense I get from this card is that it would be fruitful for us to reflect upon what might be coloring our perceptions of the events that unfold this week. How might our past experiences be shading or influencing how we process the information we’re hearing and seeing projected to us now.

Is there a way for each of us – in any given moment – to consciously rise above the emotional charge of whatever it is we’re being told or shown and See things from a higher perspective? Perhaps now more than ever we’re being called to be vigilant over the use of our creative abilities: the immense power that is inherent in our thoughts, words, and deeds.

Ultimately, we’re all living in our own unique bubbles of perception. But we are also combining our perceptions to create our shared reality. First and foremost, each of us must take responsibility for our own unique thoughts, words, actions and, perhaps even more importantly, our choices of how we want to perceive the world.

Things are gestating. Change is coming. In the midst of the chaos maybe we can “mind our perception” and each do our best to perceive within the chaos the seeds of a new world that’s just, compassionate, and based on love and mutual respect.

It behooves us to pay attention to our perception.
