Creatures Reveal Themselves – Day 919

From afar – Photo: L. Weikel

Creatures Reveal Themselves

It’s no secret how much I delight in how creatures reveal themselves to us in the landscape, including the plants, the trees, and the clouds. And while I have a few photos of some remarkably older ‘gentlemen of the trees,’ they are not my focus this evening. (But I promise, they will be within the next day or so. Yea Ents!)

Tonight I want you to experience what I did as I simply walked closer and closer to a swimming pool built on the property of Linwood Gardens. It’s a lesson in revelation.

My mind was not looking for anything, quite frankly. I was simply trying to find some unique aspects of ‘the Farm’ that might spur conversation or trigger an interesting post.

Coming Into Focus – Photo: L. Weikel

Phoenix or Dragon

At first I was enamored with the way the branches of the tree I noticed were twisty and turny. They almost looked as though they were arms waving in some exotic belly dance.

But then, as I got closer and kept taking ‘candid’ shots of the tree, my perspective shifted. Suddenly the massive almost parrot-like beak of the made me wonder whether this was a Phoenix or a Dragon.

Late Night

I have to admit, I worked the polls all day and evening tonight and I’m bushed. But in some small way, looking at this creature not only makes me smile but also brings a fire back into my belly.

In the meantime, though, I invite you to embrace the magic that was revealed to me as I drew closer and closer to this turn of the 20th century concrete swimming pool.

I cannot decide what this creature is, but it most definitely is not your average animal guardian.

What do you think?

Maybe I’ll ask the Ents tomorrow night what they think.

Unmistakable – Photo: L. Weikel


New Moon Reflections – Day 851

Dragon in Repose (Patient Dragon?) – Photo: L. Weikel

New Moon Reflections

We’ll be experiencing a new moon this coming Saturday morning at 5:21 a.m. ET. This new moon will, of course, be in Pisces because when a moon is ‘new,’ it occupies the same sign and degree as the sun, just as when the moon is ‘full,’ the sun and moon are in signs opposite each other on the wheel of the zodiac. As the cycle of the last new moon (which occurred in Aquarius) comes full circle and reaches completion, it’s time to engage in new moon reflections.

The new moon in Pisces is almost always a particularly fecund one, since it’s in the sign of Pisces and has all that dreamy, creative, just-shy-of-spring energy associated with it. With the new moon occurring early Saturday morning, it’s an especially good time to seriously contemplate what aspects of your life yearn to burst through the ground like a seedling singularly focused upon reaching for the sun. What new growth yearns to be given life through you and your skills or passions?

I’m mentioning this now in order to give us all a day or so to consider the goals we wish to set or the projects we want to initiate. (Or maybe, quite literally, the seeds we wish to plant in the Earth!)

Reflection and Assessment

This is when I remind myself (and all of us) to check in on the ideas, goals, or projects we began at the last new moon. The last new moon was on February 11th at 2:06 p.m. – and it was in Aquarius. If we launched a new product or idea on or around February 11th, has it blossomed by now? Have you taken the steps required to manifest the vision you had? If it hasn’t reached its fullest expression, was it a project that will more likely take six months to realize tangible progress on?

It’s important for all of us to remember that some things take longer cycles to come to fruition than others. It can be helpful to check to see whether your longer-term projects are progressing.  You might, therefore, want to check back in your journal to see what dreams or intentions you held and you set in motion six months ago. Are they close to reaching their fullness?

Cycles and Patterns

Nature is incredibly precise in so many ways – and yet almost reliably subject to chaos. There’s a paradox, huh? When we take the time to look deeply at life, it’s hard to miss the many extremely predictable ebbs and flows. Some of the longer cycles are harder to notice than others, though. Mostly because they’re so long, we forget what it was like when they weren’t precisely as they are now.

Speaking of cycles and patterns, tonight on our walk I saw a Dragon on the horizon.

I just did a search of my posts to find out when the last time was that I saw and posted a photo of a Dragon in the sky. Lo and behold, as I sit here and write about monthly cycles and six month cycles, didn’t I see a spate of Dragons six months ago? Yes, indeed I did; when the sun was in Virgo (the opposite of Pisces).

Cycles and patterns. Everywhere we look, there are cycles and patterns.

Dragon from afar (looks like it’s casting a shadow!) Photo: L. Weikel


Pretty Dark – Day 652

Rainbow dark sky – Photo: L. Weikel

Pretty Dark

I don’t know you guys. Things are pretty dark out there. Early this evening a strong thunderstorm came through, turning the sky the slate gray of a catbird’s feathers. It was only about ten minutes before I caught a glimpse of sunlight gilding the very crowns of the trees outside our living room windows, when I knew I had to chase a rainbow.

Sure enough, I found one. It was pale, and felt a bit insincere, almost as if it really wasn’t sure it wanted to make an appearance. The sky behind the bow was lackluster as well. It appeared wan, almost as if the storm had lost all its conviction.


I have a strong feeling I’m projecting my own malaise upon the weather I observed this evening. Perhaps it’s allergies provoked by ragweed just starting to burst forth in all its golden glory, but all day I resisted a headache lurking at the edges of my brain. I just didn’t feel quite right.

So it was an effort to drag myself on a walk this evening once the aforementioned thunderstorm came and went. Karl wasn’t pushing one way or another, in deference, I suspect to my lingering headache. But I’m glad we walked; the clouds cheered me up. (A surprise to hear, I’m sure.)

For whatever reason, I saw dragons tonight. As we first headed out, the head of one belching forth a stream of smoke kicked off the evening’s entertainment. A stretch, perhaps, but it was clear to me.

Then, nearly two full miles later, in a completely different quadrant of the sky, the full body of another dragon showed up to dance under the light of the waxing moon.

Dragon belching smoke – Photo: L. Weikel

Inner Ferocity

It’s interesting that Dragon energy seemed to reveal itself tonight, especially considering how benign I felt the sky appeared as we set out on our evening trek. Perhaps it’s encouraging me to tap into some sense of inner ferocity in order to chase away the malaise of the day.

Burning away some of the dross of 2020 would probably serve us all in good stead.

Dancing Dragon – Photo: L. Weikel
