Critters and Such – Day 276

Photo: L. Weikel

Critters and Such

“They grow ‘em big here at Amadell,” is something I guess you might hear if you listen closely.

This fly is not your normal housefly. While I didn’t “Google” it to see what makes this one so much more amazing than its woefully benign cousin, the common housefly, I’d wager at least part of its coolness comes from hanging out in a rainforest.

Take a close look at this amazing creature, though! From its white face to crimson, astonishingly bristle-haired abdomen, it is a sight to behold. And it was remarkably placid, at first landing on my foot to get my attention and then nonchalantly striking a few provocative poses as I snapped its photo from a couple of angles.

Photo: L. Weikel

Then there’s this lovely little fungus, his cap glistening as if he’d been dipped in lacquer upon sprouting. I found the utter newborn-ness of this mushroom’s appearance captivating.

No matter where I venture at Amadell, trees dominate the landscape. While there are always a myriad of flora and fauna to explore under my feet or on the ground along the cliffs and hillsides, it always pays off to try to remember to look up!

Photo: L. Weikel

Whenever I do, I almost always find my breath catching in my throat. The majesty of these great Beings is impossible to ignore. They are the Keepers of this Land, the sentinels, the Watchers. It feels distinctly unwise to pass through these forests without paying my respects both sincerely and often.

Respect. Gratitude. Appreciation for the life that abounds around me.

And how could I end another post from here without another Amadell sunset:

Photo: L. Weikel
