Our Collective Feelings – Day 940

9 of Cups – Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

Our Collective Feelings

If you’re feeling edgy or antsy, I want you to know you’re not alone. Not by a long shot. If you feel like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop or perhaps sense some inchoate dread percolating just under the surface, you’ve got company. And the weather – I swear, it’s mirroring the reality of what so many of us are experiencing emotionally. The heat of summer is here too soon. It’s breaking records. And the humidity is oppressive, plain and simple. Our collective feelings are on display for all of us to enjoy.

Realizing we’re not in this alone can be helpful. There is comfort in shared concern.

I decided to ask the Crone to share some wisdom with us tonight. Of course, I’m referring to my Tarot of the Crone deck by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince.

As usual, my question was straightforward: What is our best strategy to navigate what we’re about to encounter?

I chose the 9 of Cups, with the IX Hermit underneath, giving the entire situation context.

The first thing I notice is that both cards are 9s, which generally represent completion and endings. And we’ve had this card appear to us before (last July).

Nine of Cups ~ Healing

“I am the Many and One

I am whole who has been broken

I am the power of redemption

I am the renewal of creation

Two unusual beings, with ribbons of red life spiraling through the serene lavender of their skin-like cloaks, touch and twist and merge in the creation of something wonderful, whole and new. The Nine of Cups represents healing of the heart and soul: when what has been separated comes together again, when feeling flows free and true, when you are aligned with your greatest good, when you become more than you believed you could. The authenticity of your self is not subsumed by bonds with others, but is enhanced through acting with integrity and love.”

Underneath this card that’s enticing us to embrace a state of healing is the Hermit card. I love the perspective on this card that the author/creator gives us:

IX – Hermit – Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

IX – Hermit

“I speak

No one listens

But I know what I know

The Hermit is a bag lady rejected by and rejecting comfortable society. She stands on the street of a faceless city, her own face exposed and eloquent. Her dress is a blue that recalls the depths of ocean and sky and the boundlessness that lies beyond their shallow edges. She carries her bags in both hands because she’s learned that balance gives her endurance. She is alone but her isolation is the result not the goal of her journey. Where she goes, others cannot follow. She seeks the mystery at the core of life, at the core of herself. She looks for the magic that exists even in the most artificial environment. She seeks answers to questions that have not yet been born.
The Hermit says look to yourself for the answers, look into the worlds inside you and the uncharted realms within, behind and beyond the ordinary. There are secrets only you are meant to discover and truths only you can divine.”

My Take

We’re all in this together, and if we recognize the power of our interdependence, we can heal the pain, discord, and chaos we’re creating. Yet we’re each responsible for our own perspective, as well as the decisions that flow from how we interpret all that’s occurring around us. This is a time for all of us to step up and take responsibility for ourselves and, yes, each other.

We can do this. It’s time to end the insanity. But in order to achieve a state of healing we need to sit alone with ourselves and take an honest look at what lies within our core – each one of us, individually. It’s time to discover the secrets we’ve been hiding from ourselves. Only then can we move forward together.


On the Horizon – Day 929

Grandmother of Wands ~ Matriarch, Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

On the Horizon

It’s been a while since I chose a card for us to contemplate. The intense astrological aspects taking place in the cosmos right now are influencing all of us, whether we ‘believe’ in them or not. As a result, I thought it might be beneficial to see what my Tarot of the Crone might have to say in counsel to us as we navigate the wild unpredictability I sense on the horizon.

The total eclipse of the full blood moon on Wednesday sent powerful ripples of revelation out into the world. Truths are being uncovered. Relationships exposed. Treacheries revealed. We’re being asked to review, reflect, and readjust over the next few months.

Pluto (planet of transformation, death, and resurrection) and Saturn (planet of boundaries, limits, foundations, and conservatism) have both gone retrograde recently. A cursory look at what those two planets influence make it obvious that some big stuff in our lives is going to be demanding our scrutiny. And Mercury (planet of communication, electronics, and technology/mechanical things) goes retrograde tomorrow.

The effect of Mercury retrograde will probably be more personal and also more fleeting. Nevertheless, it can be a pain. It would be a good idea for all of us to back up our computers. And try not to have a meltdown when your tv acts like it has a mind of its own or your appliances conk out.

Long Weekend

It seems to me that the coming long weekend will give us an ideal opportunity to hunker down and engage in some juicy personal reflection so we can navigate these turbulent influences with grace. Not only do we have a holiday weekend encouraging this inner work but many of us will also have rainy and chilly weather pressing the issue.

I do want to mention again one other planetary aspect that’s influencing all of us this entire year, but especially now and heading into the next two weeks (culminating on the 14th of June): the Saturn square Uranus transit. It’s essentially the old vs. the new. Tradition and the way things have always been done vs. new, radical ideas and approaches that turn things inside out, upside down, or just utterly transform.

It’s no surprise that we’re being asked to remember the insurrection of January 6th and deal with not only its aftermath but also – crucially – its planning and purpose. There’s a lot going on right now. Responsibility and accountability are two big words that have yet to be meaningfully invoked. And the tensions are only going to grow. Thus, we must prepare ourselves.

Request for Guidance

I asked what we maybe should keep in mind over the coming long weekend – and beyond. I chose the Grandmother of Wands: Matriarch (again, from the Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince). The wisdom that’s shared with us when we only ask never ceases to amaze me:

Grandmother of Wands ~ Matriarch

“It is time to have a talk

And time to have a listen

Time to recognize our common bonds

With honest standing

With Goddess guiding

We create our culture

By how we treat one another”

“In a cave of light under a cover of dark, many figures gather closely around a fire. One figure looms larger than the rest; this is the matriarch. One of the group, she is also its heart and its strength. She speaks, she leads, she ensures all are heard and considered. She weaves individual strands into a tapestry, creating common ground and common cause. With warmth, rectitude and respect, she creates space for group magic to happen. She is tradition and invention in one. She is the fullest integration of your spirit. Embrace it; her power is yours.”


Shamanic Caravan – Day 780

Mesa and Rattles – Photo: L. Weikel

Shamanic Caravan

If you’ve been following my 1111 Devotion posts, you may vaguely recall that in late August I asked Spirit what ‘we,’ as a collective, might be wise to bear in mind as we entered September (and all that came with that, from kids returning – or not – to school, keeping an eye on the unfolding development of the pandemic, the final two months of the election season, etc.).

As you can read about here, I selected an intriguing card from the Mystic Art Medicine Oracle Deck: Perception.

As some of you who’ve worked with me in the Merkabah Medicine Program know, for a couple thousand years, most people have been taught to live in and relate to the world through the lens of Precept or “law and order.” When living through precept, we are told: “Live your life this way and you’ll go to heaven, be a success, stay safe. Break the rules and you’ll fail, be punished, or otherwise find things not working out well for you.”


The way of shamanism, however, encourages experiencing the world through the lens of Percept – perception and attention. How we choose to perceive the world both within and around us can change our experience dramatically. Living life based on perception encourages all of us to take more responsibility for our lives.

Our perception, how we choose to perceive ourselves, our circumstances, the world, and our role in it, holds incredible power and opportunity. Yet few people know how to shift their perception in order to gain access to ‘new’ concepts and realities that lay waiting only to be discovered. Fewer still practice engaging in perception-shifting methods that provide them with direct access to guidance, wisdom, and answers to their own unique set of circumstances.


The very day after I chose the Perception card and wrote about it, I received another powerful nudge from the Universe via the Tarot of the Crone, reminding me (and ‘us’) of the importance, right now especially, of minding our perceptions. I definitely got the impression that these messages were more than a passing reminder. They were a push to take responsibility for ourselves.

As I watch the events continuing to unfold not only here in our country but all over the world, I can feel the yearning so many of us have for answers and reassurance, for guidance about what we can, should, or would be wise to do – not only to keep ourselves ‘safe,’ but also to move forward in our lives with confidence and excitement. And the wisdom and necessity of going within – seeking and securing guidance tailored specifically to our unique talents, skills, and purposes in life – is what keeps coming back to me again and again.

Listening Retreats

One of the benefits of attending my Listening Retreats was learning how to take a shamanic journey. Journeying is a powerful practice that shifts your perception and grants you access to your unique guides, guardians, and allies.

Given the pandemic and the likelihood that I won’t be offering any Listening Retreats (in person, anyway) anytime soon, I feel it’s important to teach this skill to as many people as possible. But just because you know how to do something doesn’t mean you necessarily take the time to do it.

After knowing how to journey for over 30 years, one thing I can tell you is this: the art of journeying is just like any other skill. It improves with practice. And a corollary to that? It’s almost always easier to journey, especially as we’re becoming comfortable with the process as a practice, when we journey with other people. That’s why I enjoyed teaching people how to journey at my Listening Retreats.


That week at the end of August began with two powerful nights of being reminded by Spirit of the power of perception and the importance of shifting our perceptions. It was clear from the cards presented that it is incumbent upon each of us to do our part to reclaim our individual power – and in so doing, create a greater and more diverse world in the process.

As I contemplated how I could foster putting into practice the shifting of our perceptions, the word and concept of caravans popped into my head. I balked. There’s a word that could use some shifting, eh? But the message kept coming to me. “Caravan. We need to create a caravan.”

So I looked the word up. And of course, I had to smile at Spirit’s crafty ways.

Merriam-Webster.comcaravan: noun 1. a company of travelers on a journey through desert or hostile regions.

Dictionary.comcaravan: noun 1. a group of travelers, as merchants or pilgrims, journeying together for safety in passing through deserts, hostile territory, etc.

Yes! Confirmation that we are being called to create an environment that embraces accessing our own unique inner support network, while engaging in that practice in the company of fellow journeyers! And goodness knows, 2020 had us traversing a desert or hostile territory.

Creating a Shamanic Caravan

And so it is coming to pass.

I am offering 90 minute sessions (called ‘wagons’) at varying times each week. During these wagons, I will create sacred space, go over the ‘rules of the road,’ and then rattle or drum you on a journey. Each traveler will set their own unique, private intention but will be supported by and benefit from the fuel of the group energy.

I’ll initially limit each wagon of the Shamanic Caravan to 8-10 travelers, providing an opportunity to share our journeys (although that’s never a requirement) within the 90 minute time frame. As our work unfolds, if there’s time for a second journey during any particular wagon, we’ll take it.

Travelers can shift between wagons or be a part of lots of different ones. In other words, you can choose one day/time and stick with that on perhaps a weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly basis, or you can try a couple different days/times and see what works best for you. The early adopters (yes, we’ve been experimenting for a couple of months now) have gravitated to preferring a few favorite days and times.


With respect to specific journeys, sometimes we’ll get very specific advice or guidance. Other times we may receive warnings to steer clear of certain activities or be given information that surprises or delights us. And occasionally people will find that our allies lead us to a place where we can just ‘be’ in a place of utter relaxation and respite, where we can rest, clear our minds, and replenish our energy.

Every journey is different. You will discover this for yourself once you start making journeying a regular practice in your life.

You’ll cultivate true relationships with your allies, be they power animals, guardians, guides, nature spirits, angelic beings, ascended masters, or whatever, whomever, or however they appear to you. You’ll also cultivate relationships with your fellow travelers, your compatriots in this Shamanic Caravan.

Pricing and Frequency

I’m initially offering this service – providing a safe and private space for like-minded people to journey together, sharing the collective power that comes with focused intention – at the price of $20 per wagon, $35 for couples.

You will receive unique invitations to join each Zoom wagon you request, (provided there is room).

Wagon reservations will be filled on a first come – first serve basis, with payment in advance required for a reservation.

I will be offering the ‘Wagons for the Week’ via email. Ideally, we’ll discover our rhythms and identify particular wagons that work for us on a long-term basis. I am currently exploring implementation of a monthly calendar accessible on my website. But until that happens, I’ll be making the weekly offerings via email.

Who’s With Me?

I believe the Shamanic Caravan concept provides us with the best of both worlds: accessing our own unique inner knowing and guidance while cultivating a community of fellow travelers. Together we’ll navigate these tumultuous times with unique insight, respect, awe, and a powerful shift in perception. Hopefully, we’ll also find some laughter sneaking in as well.

I’m really looking forward to providing fellow travelers with a framework to shift your perceptions and access your power, as well as a convenient means of bringing a little discipline and regularity to your practice.

Email me to let me know you want to be a Traveler in the Shamanic Caravan. Put “Shamanic Caravan” in the subject line and we’ll get this Caravan on the road as 2021 begins.


Same Basic Message – Day 693

Susan Marte’s Ocean Oracle – Crab

Same Basic Message

Given that we’re starting a new week, I asked for some collective guidance, because surely we could all use something to hold onto amidst the insanity. Lo and behold – yet again, we receive the same basic message.

There’s no way anyone would’ve believed it if one of us had time-traveled back ten months to our naïve selves celebrating on New Year’s Eve and described what we just witnessed in the last six days. And I literally mean just the past six days – starting with the debate debacle, which is now taking on overtones of suspiciously germy intentions, and ending with the Ride to Nowhere DT indulged in early this evening.

Shifting Our Perceptions

I kid you not. I consulted the Ocean Oracle and simply asked what we need to keep in mind this week as we seek to maintain some semblance of balance and normality in these distinctly imbalanced and abnormal circumstances. I chose Crab – Lateral Thinking.

I’m going to quote the entire passage directly from the guidebook because, well, it all feels relevant. Do with it what you will:

26 – Crab – Lateral Thinking

The Story

“It just wasn’t working anymore. The way he was doing it was just not working. He had gone down to the beach to think. His head was full of ideas, different avenues, where to go, what was the best way, which way would work. Thought after thought after thought. Round and round and round. He settle himself by a rock pool and stared into the deep blue water left behind as the tide receded. Movement caught his eye. It was a crab, seemingly trapped in this space. He watched as the crab moved this way and that, trying to get himself out of the pool. Back and forth, round and round. Still, the crab could not breach this prison. He watched as the crab stilled itself and then began moving in a different pattern. This allowed him to break free and move off in an entirely new direction, freeing himself from that which confined him.

The Messages

Are you being pinched by a situation where your regular thought patterns, your regular mode of doing things, is not working? Incorporate lateral thinking, thinking outside the square. Remove yourself from how you usually attack situations. Shift your perceptions. Try a different tact to help come clear from what keeps you stuck.” (emphasis added)

One Short Month Ago

Only one short month ago, we received our first clear message that we are to begin shifting our perceptions if we’re to successfully navigate these extremely unsettling times.

Five days ago, that message was reiterated, albeit simply via my own spontaneous suggestion that we engage in some deliberately thoughtful tracking of our perceptions as we encounter each day in this potentially provocative October – what with its two full moons and myriad other powerfully challenging astrological aspects.

No sooner had I spit those words out when, well, ‘just another day in 2020’ unfolded.

So let’s do this. We cannot shift our perceptions if we’re not aware of our initial perceptions. We must start questioning how we look at our world. What are we willing to accept as normal? Do our assumptions about people, institutions, structures in our society, still have validity?

What are we seeing? What are we hearing? Is it too difficult to believe our eyes or ears so we tell ourselves it’s not what is right in front of us?

Clearly, our perceptions are a key to navigating these times. To shift them, we first must know what and where they are now.


Ocean Oracle – Day 604

Atlantic Ocean – Photo: L. Weikel

Ocean Oracle

It’s summertime (in the Northern Hemisphere, that is), a time of the year when many of us make a pilgrimage to the ocean if we’re not lucky enough to live near one. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, or the Arctic* (since in fact there is only one ocean on Earth). The simple truth is that humans flock to the ocean for inspiration, rejuvenation, and relaxation. Thus I’m drawn to consult The Ocean Oracle created by Susan Marte, for some insight.

I mentioned quite a while ago that I thought I might consult various oracles now and again to give us some guidance through these confusing, turbulent, and increasingly unbelievable times we’re experiencing. It’s been weird: while I thought it was a great idea at the time, I’ve repeatedly felt a resistance to choosing from the myriad decks and other tools that are a part of my library. So I just go with the flow. And tonight, for whatever reason, I was nudged to pull some cards for us from The Ocean Oracle.

Point of Focus

I keep wanting to choose three cards for a wide-ranging discussion on what we need to contemplate over the next several days in order to get the most out of what will be unfolding in the world. But I feel a push back.

My own thoughts aside, I feel like I’m only supposed to choose one card for us to use as a Point of Focus. So I’m going to choose one card while holding the following question in my mind:

What do we all need to hold as our Point of Focus in order to gain the most benefit out of the next several days:

Ocean Oracle 39 – Stingray (Flow) – Susan Marte


Stingray – Flow

I think we can all relate to how this may be sound advice for us all to heed. We’re going to need to flow with whatever is thrown at us over the next few days (or weeks and months, for all we know). It’s easy enough for all of us to ‘intuit’ what this card is telling us. My sense is that we will want to keep repeating the mantra to ourselves, “Just go with the flow. Keep flowing. Don’t get caught up in the drama of others, because now – right now – our point of focus must be to go with the flow.”

As Susan Marte, the creator of the deck and a dear friend of mine, so beautifully states in the booklet that accompanies this unique and beautiful deck, “(…) You are the grace and ease and flow of the stingray as you navigate life’s waters.” 

Note: I just want to point out that I wrote that second paragraph, above, before I chose the card on our behalf. So I had to laugh – when faced with the sense that I wasn’t supposed to do things the way I first ‘thought’ I was going to, instead of balking and forcing things, I chose to ‘go with the flow.’

I’m guessing I’ll need to keep that up. We all will.

*There may be less actual flocking when it comes to the Arctic Ocean, but I’m sure it happens.


An Idea – Day 519

Blue Jay – Photo: L. Weikel

An Idea

Back when I was only a year into writing this blog (yes, well before beginning the 1111 devotion, which I began on 12 November 2018), I had an idea. I engaged in a form of “the 12 days of Christmas.” Only it was actually the “Nine Days of Solstice,” leading up to 12/21/2012.

In that exercise, I chose a card each day, a “Point of Reflection,” for myself and my readers to apply to our lives as we awaited the much-ballyhooed ‘end’ of the Mayan Calendar.

As I was sitting here a few minutes ago pondering what I might write about this evening, I found my eyes scanning the bookshelves surrounding me, causing me to appreciate the embarrassment of riches I’ve accumulated over the years. Ever since I invested in my first set of Medicine Cards*, I found that I have a predilection for divination tools – which gave me an idea.


Yeah…as I glance about the walls in my living and dining room I’m realizing just how much I enjoy exploring the various means we have at our disposal which help us tap into our own inner knowing or, perhaps, the guidance provided to us by unseen allies or forces.

Dictionary.com defines ‘divination’ as follows:

  1. the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means;
  2. augury; prophecy;
  3. perception by intuition; instinctive foresight.

To be clear, when I access a divinatory tool, I am not ‘attempting to foretell future events.’ The reason I say that is because I don’t think ‘the future’ is something static or fixed to which we’re inexorably bound to ‘arrive.’ Since we have free will, we can change ‘the future’ at any moment. Thus, there are an infinite number of futures to which we can travel.

Usually, though, when making a decision, we are faced with only a limited number of options at any given time. We could call the paths that each of these decisions would set us upon ‘strands’ of destiny. And each strand we choose at any given moment weaves together to form the fabric of our reality.

My perspective on divinatory tools, as I’ve undoubtedly expressed in various other posts, is that our souls know, at the deepest levels of our being, the lessons we’ve chosen to learn in this lifetime. We’ve set a course for ourselves before we were born. Tools that help us tap into our own inner knowing can help us make choices that can are in greatest alignment with our chosen destinies.

The Times We’re Experiencing Now

Because of my lifelong interest in acquiring tools that would help me develop my intuition and also access the inner knowledge I hid from myself at birth, I have access to a vast array of such items. From oracles such as runes, the I Ching, and oracle card decks to the almost limitless number of tarot decks that exist, I have a sweet collection. This work – this dedication to discerning our inner wisdom and accessing the guidance that is available to us is part of my livelihood – but even more importantly, it is part of who I am.

Right now, I think it’s indisputable that humanity has entered a whole new phase of existence. Indeed, we are at a confluence of many different paths, a crossroads of epic proportions.

Not only are we each being asked, individually, to stop our relentless running in what we sadly but accurately call the ‘rat race,’ but we’re also being asked, collectively, to decide – to choose – the path, the strand, that best serves humanity’s destiny or evolution.

We Could Use Some Guidance

We’re all in this together. We’re each facing situations that probably none of us expected (consciously, at least) we’d ever encounter. Each of us has our own unique constellation of factors influencing us, not least being the life lessons we set out for ourselves long ago. But again, we’re all, also, in this together, and each of our decisions impacts everyone else, even if we don’t realize it or see those impacts on a daily basis.

I have access to all these cool tools. Some will appeal to one person while others will appeal to someone else. Many of the decks I have do not resonate with me on such a level that I use them often. That doesn’t mean they don’t have value or might appeal and speak to someone else quite powerfully. And it doesn’t mean that one or another of them might not be absolutely perfect for the particular day – or moment – it’s used.

My Idea

My idea, which you probably all saw coming a mile away, is to periodically choose a card or a rune or throw an I Ching ‘for us.’ The intention I will set is to ask for a message or guidance for us, both individually and collectively, and then report it here. Depending upon the day or what’s going on for me, or for us, I will offer my perspective. But I’ll also encourage and ask you to contemplate what the particular oracle might be specifically telling you.

How could whatever I choose apply to you and your unique life?

Do you notice that you resonate with one particular oracle more than another?

Maybe allow yourself to think about what I’ve chosen for the day or days that it applies (which is until I choose another). You know, maybe write about it in a journal that you’re starting precisely because of these times we’re experiencing – so you can remember how you felt, what you experienced, and how you’ve been changed by these extraordinary times.

And if you discover a tool that particularly appeals to you, then you can buy it for yourself and work with it more extensively. I’ll provide links where I can (and full disclosure, if they’re to Amazon, I am an affiliate, so I might earn a couple pennies if you purchase through a link from this blog).

That’s my idea. We’ll see how it goes.

Goldfinches – Photo: L. Weikel

*affiliate link


Random Thoughts – Day 151

My Mood, due to frustration over not being able to get the photo at the end of this post to rotate to an upright position!
Photo: Green Renaissance

Random Thoughts

I’m feeling a little fuzzy or something.

No, fuzzy doesn’t accurately capture what I’m feeling, but at the moment I can’t come up with a better adjective.

Over the past several days, I’ve sent myself a handful of emails with links to articles I’d like to include in posts I’ve yet to write. It’s funny how that works. I’ll go weeks or even months without reading anything I’d think to share with you. And then there’s a spate of ten days or a couple of weeks when practically every other day there’s an article on something I was just thinking about or contemplating writing about.

But every time I’ve thought about taking one of those ideas and running with it lately, I’ve known in my heart that I would end up writing way too much. Believe it or not, I try to keep these posts short enough for you to get through with a cup of coffee. I realize I may have been long-winded lately. So…I’ll try to keep it short tonight.

The Allure and Distraction of Reading

I read a lot. Indeed, I think that’s the worst part about Facebook for me: all the links to articles from magazines and other sources that I never would have sought out before, but which I’m now so grateful to have access to: The New York Times (no, I wasn’t a regular reader – but now I’m a subscriber), The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, the New Yorker, etc.

So much to read, so little time. And that’s not even counting the three or four books I have laying about the house (beside my bed, beside the chairs I sit in most often, and at least one nestled in the woven bag I take with me whenever I leave the house).

Ugh, there’s nothing worse to contemplate than being stuck somewhere without anything to read! Of course, that’s almost difficult to do nowadays, what with the access our phones give us to everything. But that ‘fear’ of realizing I have a bunch of extra time (because I ran out of gas, or a client is late, or there’s a long line at the DMV) and have forgotten to bring something to read – is a terror that dies hard – and probably never will completely.

Being Prepared

I have to laugh. I head out for the grocery store and before I get in the car I inevitably have to gather up my journal, whatever book I’m reading that calls out to me to be included on the excursion (and I am astounded at myself by how I can vacillate on making a choice between my books), and sometimes my laptop (in case, you know, I’m suddenly overcome by a desire to work on the manuscript of my next book). In spite of this, I almost never (unless I stop beside the creek first – before venturing anywhere else) stop and allow myself some truly isolated ‘me’ time. Time in which I would actually have the opportunity to select from my traveling companions the book or writing repository that called to my soul in that moment.

I have to wonder about myself. Because nine times out of ten, I return home with a couple bags of groceries in the car and am then relegated to not only hauling the bags into the house but also schlepping in the woven bag with book, journal, and laptop stuffed into it. It’s as if I just took them for a ride.

So my fuzziness that I initially alluded to was a vague sense of dismay, I think, at having to choose which among the many topics I’ve been musing over to tackle tonight.

And so I chose none of the above.

I’m going to end this (mercifully for you) with a few quick thoughts.

A Tease About My Walking…and Then a Message

Since my birthday, I’ve been walking almost double what we used to walk – and sometimes far more than that – every day. I don’t know why. This activity-bordering-on-compulsion definitely deserves its own post. Perhaps even a couple of posts.

But today, as I was moving right along, I asked for some guidance. I pulled a card from my Crone deck that I’d never chosen before: The Emperor.

Without getting into it, and without even quoting you the deeply thought provoking text in the accompanying booklet, I will simply state that the card was all about setting up boundaries – and finding my power within that act. Creating order; claiming authority; establishing the world.

And then I encountered these clouds not five minutes after reading those words and contemplating the need to establish structure, discipline, and order to my world:

Ordered clouds… Photo: L. Weikel
