Sweet Options – Day 803

Bark + Bee Honey – Photo: L. Weikel

Sweet Options

I’ve written about it before, and I’ll admit, the challenge continues. It’s real. I’m cautiously optimistic that this week’s inauguration will provide at least some respite to the nearly insatiable desire to self-soothe through comfort food. That said, we are still in the midst of a pandemic, and from the sound of things, everything could be on the brink of getting dramatically worse. All of which is to say: The stress of daily living appears in no hurry to diminish. Therefore, I need options. Preferably sweet options.

Why? Because the last kiffel disappeared today – as stealthily as DT did on Wednesday morning. And while I’m paying the price for the stress of the election and its aftermath (and feeling it when I put on my clothes), I must admit: I need to distract myself from ingesting the last remaining vestiges of holiday mischief still lurking about. These evil tempters are especially insidious at night, waiting to taunt and cajole me when I’m up late at night writing my 1111 Devotion.

Andy to the Rescue!

Yesterday, our postman, Andy, brought us an exciting delivery: a jar of Bark + Bee honey. Talk about sweet options! The prospect of this golden gift of the bees drizzled over a smattering of walnuts and topping a cup of plain Icelandic yogurt is even more tantalizing than an ice cream sundae. That’s because it satisfies my as-yet-unsated (if that’s not a word, it should be) urge for the dopamine effects of comfort and knowledge that all is well. And it’s good for me!

The cool thing is, beyond the universally known benefits of honey and plain, low fat yogurt, the addition of Bark + Bee honey, in particular, benefits both – you guessed it – dogs and bees!

Just…yum – Photo: L. Weikel

Bark + Bee Honey Company

The brainchild of two young women entrepreneurs in Princeton, NJ, cousins Laila Palmer and Gabby Issa, Bark + Bee Honey Company was created to both support their neighboring bee populations and provide much-needed funds (100% of their profits) to local dog shelters.

Sweet options abound! From choosing honey from local beekeepers whose bees work to pollinate the myriad crops of the Garden State to supporting facilities that foster pups for adoption rather than those offered by breeders for profit, what’s not to love?

Read More About It

Check out this article about the creation of Bark + Bee and bee inspired (wink wink). And if you’re trying to wean yourself off your own cycle of less than ideal self-soothing, consider this sweet option. You’ll be supporting yourself, Mother Earth, her bees, and her pups. It doesn’t get much better than that.


Checking In – Day 802

Karl Checking In – Photo: L. Weikel

Checking In

Every once in a while I’ll see something or hear a song on the radio (or one that randomly plays on my iPhone) that makes me feel like Karl is checking in on us. Shortly after he died, his energy was very present. I didn’t have to be psychic to notice his efforts to communicate and get our attention.

After some weeks and months, he seemed to settle into using my iPod (and then my iPhone, which had the same music library as the iPod) as his favorite, most effective means of communication. Indeed, I swear there were hundreds of songs on my device that I only heard for the first time when they began playing as I drove my car with the song set on ‘random.’ The uncannily perfect lyrics to so many songs that played – and my astonishment each time as I realized what the lyrics were actually saying and how they could easily have been coming out of his mouth at that moment – were simultaneously heart breaking and soul mending.

As the months have turned to years, Karl’s presence has diminished. I hoped it wouldn’t, obviously. While I could no longer put my arms around him or look in his eyes as we talked or see the flash of his smile, I could still hear his voice. Through the songs he chose and even the order in which he literally would have a play list lined up for me sometimes, he conveyed sarcasm, wit, occasional regret, sadness, and almost always somewhere in there an auric iteration of love.

Occasionally, he would choose songs that utterly freaked me out in their uncanny relevance to something I might be thinking about or experiencing that no one else in the world knew about.


There are certain animals that cross my path (and the paths of our nuclear family) that have particular significance or connection to Karl. Rainbows, too, seemed to show up as exclamation points or reinforcements to other communications, often appearing literally on objects that were connected to him. He managed to arrange for some pretty elaborate displays of light a couple of times, almost always when there was an especially important (to him) message to convey.

Even the rainbows have dwindled in occurrence over the past year or so.

I try not to wish for more frequent communications any longer. Given my experiences in other realms, I am acutely aware that life goes on. Not just for us here on Earth, but for those who shed their bodies here and move on to the next opportunity for their soul’s evolution.

I do sense, however, that he checks in on us every once in a while.

Which leads me to the photo accompanying this post. I took it the morning of the inauguration. I have not seen a rainbow in this location in our living room prior to seeing the one in this photo.

Karl and I saw it at almost exactly the same moment. We pointed, laughed, and said, “Karl’s here.”

We sensed it was a sign that hope was on the horizon. But no matter how things work out, now or in the future, the knowledge within our hearts that life survives death changes everything.


Sleep Well – Day 801

Tigger Sleeping Well – Photo: L. Weikel

Sleep Well

There’s nothing I can say tonight that can do justice to the spectacular nature of today’s events. My heart is full, my unabashed idealism stoked. I’m speechless, but undaunted in my desire to revel in the hope that’s been renewed in my soul. Tonight, at least, this household will sleep well.

There were so many moments. All day. Culminating in the single most amazing fireworks display I’ve ever seen. I only wish I could’ve been there to witness them personally, to feel their reverberations, and to immerse myself in their brilliance.

I can honestly say that in all my 61 years on this planet, I’ve never felt so invested in witnessing inaugural pomp, circumstance, and festivities as I did this year. Right down to the swearing in of the thousand or so people starting new jobs in the administration today who will be carrying forward the day-to-day work of getting the government working for us, the people, once again. I felt my heart flutter when I heard President Biden welcome and celebrate these civil servants and simultaneously let them know they would be summarily fired if found to be disrespecting or denigrating constituents. Accountability. Yes. May it be brought to every level of our government, especially the highest.

Precious Sleeping Well – Photo: L. Weikel

Back to Basics

President Biden brought some simple yet inarguably powerful concepts to the fore today, concepts that if honored can restore us from the ground up: Unity. Truth. Respect. And while he didn’t use the word very often, a sense of LOVE wove its way through every sentence he spoke.

Not the wet-lick-in-the-ear understanding of love we may be tempted to default to when we hear that word. I mean a higher order of love. A love that is founded upon respect, that embraces facts and tells the truth, and a love that cherishes our differences because they are what make us stronger because we each bring to the table something no one else can. Unity in diversity.

E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.

Cletus (Probably Faking It) – Photo: L. Weikel

Top Down

Even beyond all the words (and wow, speaking of words – Amanda Gorman was absolutely brilliant and a testament to the reason why we have no choice but to have faith in and hope for our future), the most striking lesson from everything we witnessed today was just how much power, authority, and influence those who occupy the highest positions carry.

We take our cues from those we choose to lead us. We look to them for confirmation of what we know, deep down, is right and true. If compassion is their watchword, we feel comfortable expressing it toward each other and ourselves. If they tell us the truth, we learn to trust not only them (whether it’s good news or bad) but also our own ability to handle that truth. We realize we’re resilient.

When kindness and grace is displayed by those we hold in highest regard, we emulate it. When we see with our own eyes the power that simple acts of goodness confers, we’re changed. We’re inspired.

Never underestimate the power of a leader who leads by example of both head and heart.

Perhaps we’re ready now to appreciate just that.

One thing I know: we’ll all sleep well tonight with people like President Biden and Vice President Harris leading the way into our future.

Spartacus Zonked – Photo: L. Weikel


Holding Our Breath – Day 799

Evening 18 January 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel

Holding Our Breath

Come on. Who among us will deny that we’re all holding our breath until Wednesday at noon? Actually, I suspect we’ll be holding our collective breath for longer than that.

Yes, we’ve had a reprieve for a few days. Sunday didn’t turn out to be as antagonistic as it could have – not be a long shot. And I’m grateful that was the case. But the détente doesn’t feel sustainable. Actually, what I mean is, it doesn’t feel like it January 6th was the final attempt at a coup.

Maybe we’ll all be pleasantly surprised, and the inauguration will go on without a hitch. Perhaps we’ll be able to joyfully celebrate the historic magnitude of Kamala Harris becoming Vice President. I sure hope so.

Mind Game

It’s fascinating to contemplate the devastation so many of us felt four years ago, and the overwhelming numbers of people (mostly women) who marched in protest to the inauguration that year. It’s beyond remarkable to remember just how vast the numbers were of protesters across the world – peaceable protesters – who marched without violence, without bloodshed, without hate for others.

That’s not what we’re seeing now. The situations almost defy comparison.

And that makes me sad.

We need to hold tight to our democracy.
