The Respite – Day 536

A Sign – Photo: L. Weikel

The Respite

For once in a very long time I have essentially no idea what’s gone on in the outside world today. Not only did I refrain from reading anything on my phone, I also avoided watching any of my usual fare that keeps me up to date on the latest facts and figures of how our world and nation is coping with this unprecedented transformation. The respite was unintended but probably essential.

Yes, I know. There are many people who eschew the media and distrust it and the hyperbole with which much of what’s going on ‘out there’ gets discussed. But I’ve come to find some sources that do not so much inflame as explain. And I find doing my best to understand what’s going on so I can make reasoned and well-informed decisions for myself to be at least somewhat comforting.

I like knowing the truth, even if it’s not easy to hear it. The thought of being fed a bunch of lies just so I will supposedly feel good makes me want to rip my hair out. That’s because I detest lies. Lies rob us of first-hand experience of what is. And what else is there to life but first hand experience of what is?

Lies would have us believe that what we’re experiencing isn’t what’s right before our eyes. That’s maddening. That makes the part of our brain that makes sense of things constantly whir in the background, stuck in a whirling rainbow of a processing loop as it tries to make sense of something incapable of logical resolution.

Alternative Programming

Instead of paying attention to the current state of affairs, instead of feeling helpless as I watch people ignore science and instead choose to believe happy talk that’s calculated to have them act against their own best interests (yet again), Karl and I chose to watch two vastly different programs.

The first show we watched was the first episode of Mrs. America, which can be seen on Hulu. It has a pretty amazing cast – but I’d resisted watching it when I first heard about it because it is about Phyllis Schlafly.

I was tempted to just binge watch right into the second episode, but being reminded of the dumbfounding sexism that’s been part of our society for so long was demoralizing. The events depicted in that first episode were from when I was around 13 years old and the Equal Rights Amendment was in the process of being ratified by the states. I remember feeling that it was a no-brainer. I couldn’t imagine it not being ratified.

And thus it began. The backlash we’ve been living with ever since that time when women got this close to being recognized as equal to men. And therein lies one of the utterly maddening truths of my lifetime.

A Bit Better Feeling

There’s no question we’re hooked on the limited run program, Mrs. America. But we decided we needed to drop back to one of our absolute favorite programs that helps us reclaim faith in humanity, Call the Midwife, on Netflix.

If any of you haven’t yet started watching this treasure, I urge you to do so post haste! There’s never been a better time to give yourself the gift of watching this warm and wonderful program.

First of all, I believe there are eight or nine seasons. So you have a deep reservoir to dive into as this pandemic wears on. Plenty of time to get to know the characters, revel in their triumphs, and lament their frailties, all the while knowing (as you will, once you start watching) that somehow or another, even if things don’t turn out the way you hope for a particular character, something redeeming can be discovered in the ashes.

Call the Midwife lets us hang on to the thread of hope. Hope for humanity and hope for ourselves.

Just tonight, the two episodes we watched were set in 1962. The Cuban missile crisis was in full swing and it was fascinating to see the reaction of the English. I was only three when that occurred, so I have no memory of any of the anxiety that swept the world. But the parallels to how life-changing it would have been had nuclear weapons been unleashed to the devastation the entire world is watching unfold now was eerie.


We’re most definitely in the midst of major transformation on many different levels, not only in our many societies across the world, but also in our own selves.

In some ways, I feel like I can’t escape the messages, even when I actively opt to escape for an evening. That tells me that the time for hiding our heads in the sand are done. Over.

The respite I had today demands to be repeated. The respite feels as important to the transformation as the bigger, deeper, more obvious ‘work.’ It must be respected as essential as any activism or awareness.

I wonder what May will bring to us.

**Remember to do your Perelandra EoP Biodiversity Project sometime tomorrow (the 1st day of the month), if you’re joining me, and many around the world, in that brief but powerful effort.


First Day of April – Day 506

Photo: L. Weikel

First Day of April

It’s the first day of April by the time any of you read this, since I know I won’t get it published until after midnight. I’m sure you share with me the inclination to cock your head and ask, “Really? It’s April? What year?”

Nothing is normal anymore. Every single day we plunge deeper and deeper into an abyss of horror. “Surely,” we say to each other, “surely this is some vast apocalyptic nightmare movie that we’re all playing bit parts in. We’re extras in a movie starring Donald Trump, right?”

We’d be excused for thinking so – for thinking that we are no more than walk-on extras who are expendable in every way, as long as the star gets his due.

But I didn’t want to go there, so you can just forget these first couple of paragraphs. On to something tangible we can do.

Perelandra’s Biodiversity Project

I’ve written about this before – a number of times. The first explanation I gave of this very simply procedure that takes no more than five minutes, using ten drops of the elixir called Essence of Perelandra is in this post. I provide you with a variety of links to the Perelandra site and other interesting references in that post.

Hopefully, you’ve invested in a bottle or two of Essence of Perelandra so you can participate in taking a small but significant to Nature step in bringing humanity into balance with Nature.

It’s interesting to me that my first post on this subject was instigated by the fires in the Amazon. When I wrote about the lungs of Mother Earth being burned – and suggested we take this step to begin bringing us back into balance.

Hmm. Mother Earth’s lungs were burning, and humanity was in no small way complicit in that happening. And now our lungs are filling up and drowning thousands of us.

I dare say – there’s a correlation. On a lot of levels.

This Isn’t a Joke

So please – take five minutes on April 1st (today), and the first day of every month, to recognize and speak with Mother Earth/Nature – and do something proactive, profound, and yet oh-so-simple to bring us into balance with our home and the sentience that surrounds us.

It’s something you can do. And it’s not a joke.

And while you’re there, I urge you to check out the solutions being recommended that will build your immunity. (MBP solutions: Respiratory, Lymphatic, and Immune – and the Virus solution.) Read about the concepts underpinning these solutions. It’s all about creating a balance in your body and energetic field. Don’t take my word for it, though – read about it yourself. Make up your own mind.

Beauty – Photo: L. Weikel


New Month, New Year, New Decade – Day 415

Photo: L. Weikel

New Month, New Year, New Decade

The turning of the year this year feels momentous. I’d like to say I’ve taken a lot of time this week to reflect and contemplate not only on the past decade and year but also on the year and decade ahead. But I’d be blowing smoke.

That’s not to say that I’m not going to engage in these activities tomorrow. But I’m a little disappointed that I haven’t…yet.

All in Good Time

I’ve noticed a resistance within myself to even writing as much in my journal as I usually do. Perhaps it’s because it’s the end of the decade. Or perhaps it’s because I sense a lot of big changes ahead.

Every time I see a window of half an hour or so and find myself thinking, “I want to write in my journal,” I pick up my notebook and feel a very unusual sense of being stymied. There’s some deep stuff rumbling very, very deep down, deep in the cavernous nooks and crannies of my heart and soul. Either that or <<poof>> there’s nothing left.

I haven’t decided.

There’s some really wonderful personal stuff to look forward to in 2020. Perhaps I should focus on that because, very uncharacteristically, I’m finding I don’t even dare think about the bigger stuff that may or may not unfold in the world.

I sit here yearning to be optimistic. I want to feel good, deep down, about where we’re headed. But a weary part of me suggests we’ve been here and done this already, and the lessons haven’t been learned. And even worse, I look around and witness more and more willful ignorance, more and more deliberate refusal to seeing what’s right before our eyes.

I was in a room full of millenials this evening. We played Cards Against Humanity, laughed a lot, and enjoyed each other’s company in what’s become our unique version of a New Year’s tradition, which we’ve cultivated over the last ten years or more. We rang the new decade in and suddenly, it seemed, the desire for sleep demanded immediate attention. The quiet that preceded the decision to get some rest was precipitated by me asking them what they feel the coming decade holds for them. The uncertainty of what the future holds was palpable.


There’s work to be done ahead of all of us. Attention to be paid – both to where we’re going and how we’re going to deal with the consequences of where we’ve been.

This decade is momentous. I just can’t escape this conclusion. And yes, every decade is, in its own way. But if we’re paying attention, we know the tipping point is teetering underneath our feet. And it’s not just a tipping point for one major challenge. We’re surrounded by them: issues and challenges that have knocked on our doors for years and years, and because we refused to answer, have now become crises. It’s a tipping point for us.

But I want to be my optimistic self. I want the next ten years to be a transformation – an evolution – of the way we live on and with the Earth, and with each other as well.

We can do this. We can come together. We can decide to look at our situation and choose to work together to change it all.

Even if we’re in for even more upheaval before we break through to the next level, we must remember the power in solidarity. And it’s the solidarity of love that’s the greatest force. That’s what will help us let go of what no longer serves and hold onto what’s truly important.

Let’s make every day in this decade count.

EoP BioDiversity Project

And to that end, don’t forget to set aside the (literal) minute it will take to do the EoP strengthening exercise with Essence of Perelandra on the 1st day of January. You’ll recall I’ve encouraged this practice every single first of the month for many months now. You can read about it here and here and here.

Even taking this one little step and committing to joining the force of your energy with those of others all over the world every first of the month will have a huge effect on shifting the trajectory of the decade we’ve just entered.

Every step counts. Every commitment counts. Every smile counts. Every decision to make a difference counts.

Together, we can achieve anything.

Happy New Year! Happy 2020! Happy Decade of the 20s!

Essence of Perelandra “EoP” – Photo: L. Weikel


Snowstorm Mish-Mash – Day 385


Snowstorm Mish-Mash

What snowstorm?

I know there’s a chance we may wake up tomorrow with snow falling and the possibility of 8” or so of the white stuff actually accumulating throughout the day. But at the moment, at least, it doesn’t feel like it’ll materialize.

All day today, I felt as though I was waiting for something to happen. I’m not even sure, really, what I was waiting for or, more importantly, why. Who cares if it snows? And why should it matter one way or another?

The Damage Was Done

It didn’t matter what happened today, weather-wise, because the damage had been done. Out of a sense of prudence and caution, our kids went home early. They live too far away and directly in the path of this slow moving precipitation event to mess around with simply hoping the rain wouldn’t change to ice or snow.

It was a particularly disappointing and abrupt end to the Thanksgiving holiday because it seemed as though every day they were here entailed visits with other family and friends. The visits weren’t the problem by any means; but we ended up with no days to ourselves.

Alas, not a single game of hearts was played.

Not Even a Walk

And then there was the frustration of the non-stop rain today. We didn’t even manage to fit in a walk, which, quite obviously to anyone reading this, contributed to a build-up of crank-monsters in yours truly.

Nevertheless, I am grateful that our holiday was spared any mishaps – caused by weather or otherwise. I hope the same is true for all of you.

EoP Biodiversity Process

I forgot to remind everyone that today is (or was, technically, for many of us) the 1st of December, and thus the day to use your Essence of Perelandra to work with Nature on the EoP Biodiversity Process. That less-than-one minute process is such a simple way to join other like-minded people around the world in coordinating with Nature to make a difference. By engaging in this process, we provide a network of stabilizing strength for all living beings to draw upon as our planet undergoes major changes.

Hopefully, some of you may still have time to get the job done if you live further west. But if you didn’t remember this month, I personally think it wouldn’t hurt for you to do it right this moment, as you’re remembering it. Adding your intention to all the efforts of those who performed the process on the 1st can only be a boost to the intentions of all.

You can also set your calendar so you remember to perform the process one month from now: on the first day of January, 2020. I will also make a point to remind us as well.


And if we do end up having some serious snowfall tomorrow? Perhaps we can nestle into our warm cocoons (if we’re lucky enough to have them) and dream some dreams for 2020.


Use Your Voice – Day 357

“When you vote, you speak for me” – Tohickon Creek – Photo: L. Weikel

Use Your Voice

This a gentle reminder to use your voice this coming week by – you guessed it – remembering to VOTE.

Perhaps I should be saving this post for tomorrow evening, so the reminder is fresh enough to propel you out to your car and onward to your civic engagement.


Or maybe giving an affectionate nudge the day ahead of time will encourage you to take a quick look at your local voter’s guide in order to inform yourself of the races that are up for grabs in this off-year election.

Why Should You Care?

For instance, voting for judges (here in Pennsylvania, at least) is an opportunity to choose people who you would trust to make decisions and render judgments that can have a profound impact upon our lives. Sure, we all hope we won’t have to appear before a judge for anything other than, perhaps, an adoption. Or a name change. (I’m trying to think of the best case scenarios associated with court appearances!)

But let’s face it. In our litigious society, people often end up in court, often more frequently than they can afford, in order to have a stranger tell them how to resolve their differences. This can range from asking a person you do not know (and does not know you) to tell you how to split up your property or how much time you will spend with your child to resolving a business dispute or determining the fate of your adult child who made a fateful mistake (or awful decision).

Or maybe you’ll be part of a suit that asks for an environmental regulation to be enforced that will determine the fate of your drinking water, or an analysis of a statute that could take your land to make way for a pipeline.

Do Your Homework Now

My point with respect to most elected officials, but judges and legislators in particular, is the importance of doing your homework now, before it’s too late. Don’t assume your choices won’t make a difference. And above all, don’t assume your voice doesn’t matter.

You make a difference.

And if you want to learn more or get involved in promoting voting and strengthening our democracy, check out the League of Women Voters, a non-partisan group that does outstanding work.

Some Different Resources

As many of you know, I ascribe to the work of Machaelle Wright, founder of Perelandra, Ltd., and her approach to energetically working with Nature in order to co-create our health and the health of the planet. (Indeed, I didn’t bug you this month about doing your biodiversity practice on the first of this month, but I will remind you before December 1st!)

I admire the civic engagement the folks at Perelandra encourage, especially since they recognize the direct correlation between activism, our health, and the health of the planet and all who share it with us. They provide some excellent links to resources that you might find helpful here.

And for those of you who might long for a leader who inspires us to make a difference no matter who we are, and what circumstances we find ourselves in, you might enjoy this video.

Elections matter. Use your voice to declare what you value, who you care about, and what your vision is of our future. If you don’t, know one will know – and worse, others will make assumptions, and will do what they want because they’ll think you don’t care.

Use your voice – Photo: L. Weikel


Don’t forget the EoP! – Day 323

Essence of Perelandra – Photo: L. Weikel

Don’t forget the EoP!

By the time I post this, it will be October 1st. As I shared both in late August and on September 1st, there is a pretty cool way to enlist the aid of Nature spirits in bringing our environment into balance.

If any of you have looked into the concept behind Perelandra and possibly purchased a bottle of Essence of Perelandra (EoP) with which to participate, you will realize that this is not some nefarious money-making scheme or anything like that. Yes, you need to purchase a bottle of Essence of Perelandra in order to participate. But the entire process, called the monthly EoP Biodiversity Project only requires use of 10 drops from a dropper and five minutes of your time (at the most).

I encourage you to check out the links I’m providing in this post as well as the ones I provided in my two earlier posts, if you care to learn more about Perelandra.

An Added Bonus

One perq to checking out Perelandra and purchasing some EoP is the fact that you can (and probably should) squirt some of those drops into your mouth as you engage in the Biodiversity Project. (Well – before or afterward would probably be better.) That’s because EoP can be effective in bringing balance to you and your emotions, as well as bringing balance to the systems comprising your environmental biome.

If you poked around the Perelandra website at all, you may have seen reference to ETS, which stands for Emergency Trauma Solution. (This is similar to Rescue Remedy®, which is a product put out by Bach Flower Remedies.) Personally, I’ve found ETS to be really helpful when I’m feeling particularly anxious or upset over something. And it can be something personal or, as is more often the case, something going on in the larger world – such as politics.

With this in mind, I’m thinking it would probably be beneficial for all of us to make sure we have a bottle or two of ETS handy in the coming days and months.

Photo: L. Weikel


I’m not intending to be hyperbolic, but taking into consideration the factors I often keep an eye on, such as major astrological aspects, numerological influences, but even more so my own increasing sensitivity – not to mention just simply paying attention in general – I feel it is incumbent upon all of us right now to do whatever we can to hold our centers and remain balanced and calm in the days and weeks to come. ETS can help. So can EoP. And taking them throughout the day (and keeping them handy) is something simple that can really help you cope – which in turn can influence how you react to others and influence others.

Yes, I feel things are going to get incredibly intense, volatile, and perhaps even take some turns that none of us would have ever imagined possible even last month, before they eventually get better. And if you’ve even been paying attention over the past 12 hours, you may have a sense of the genesis of my concern.

Personal, Local, National, Global

It doesn’t matter where our greatest or most immediate stresses are originating. Indeed, for most of us, I’d wager we’re ‘feeling the love’ from every sector. What matters is how we respond.

What matters is whether we give ourselves strategies – some small scale and some much more complicated, depending upon our resources and connections – to cope with challenges to everything we hold dear: the environment, our families, our health, the rule of law, integrity, and justice, to name a few things that matter (at least to me).

We’re in this together. I’m feeling the agitation in the air. And I’m sure I’m not alone.


Tomorrow we can take a couple small steps toward creating balance and harmony. We can take five minutes to bring our attention fully to our environment and offer ten drops of EoP to the Nature spirits on our property. And we can take some ETS to help us hold our centers.

Perhaps we might also thank our stars that we’re not personally embroiled in the cluster@#%$ that’s unfolding before our eyes nationally.

I know this may sound sappy, but please: hold a vision in your hearts of the principles our country was founded upon holding firm and carrying us through this crisis. May we learn from what is unfolding before our eyes and use these lessons to all our benefit: personally, locally, nationally, and globally.

Little guy – pre-transformation – crossing the road; Photo: L. Weikel


Welcome September – Day 293

Essence of Perelandra – Photo: L. Weikel

Welcome September

Wow. Well, here we are, slipping into the home stretch of 2019.

Yes, I realize we’re not even in the final quarter of the year. But we all know that the season of returning to school marks an inevitable acceleration in the passage of time. Days, weeks, and months just fly by from now on.

EoP Biodiversity Project

Before I forget, I want to remind you now (because tomorrow night – at least by the time I publish my post – will be too late) to take five minutes out of your day to engage the simple protocol of the Essence of Perelandra (EoP) Biodiversity Project, which I wrote about some ten days ago or so.

Hopefully you took advantage of the great deal Perelandra was offering several days ago that offered a discount on Essence of Perelandra. If any of you visited the Perelandra website and read the instructions for engaging in this protocol on the first day of every month, you would realize just how simple it is. It literally takes five minutes at the most. And yet it is energetically linking up with all the other people in the world who are engaging in the protocol on the 1stof the month.

After working with the Perelandra products for three decades, and witnessing the efficacy of Machaelle Small Wright’s work and communication with nature spirits and how these efforts hae translated into my life and experience, I urge you to give this a try. It’s a small step, a seemingly innocuous step; but sometimes the smallest can also be the most powerful. If you do this for Mother Earth, you never know what you will find yourself discovering for yourself.

Why I Write About This

I just want you to know that I am not receiving anything of value for my writing about Perelandra. I’m letting you know about this process, as well as the existence of Perelandra and its pretty fascinating history and uniqueness because it’s something that’s right underneath our noses that the vast majority of people have never even heard of. And since I have had the great fortune to work with these products (as well as have the support and encouragement to learn how to communicate with nature spirits), and have felt the benefit to my own health and well-being, I’m actually excited to be offering you an alternative to achieving and maintaining optimum health – as well as an incredibly unique connection with nature.

I care.


Trust and Amazon Burning – Day 287

Amazonian fires viewed by satellite – Photo:

Trust and Amazon Burning

Let’s face it: we’re all starting to feel that awful sense of impending doom starting to creep into our bellies. We’re actually, literally, standing by and watching the apocalyptic movie plot begin to unfold before our eyes – and we’re all freaking extras.

While I occasionally become overwhelmed with the magnitude of it all (and I’m including in that overwhelm my reaction to a plethora of awfulness, not ‘just’ watching the vast taiga in Siberia and the rainforest of the Amazon burn), I fundamentally do not want to stand by and stoke an attitude of hopelessness.

If I’m honest with myself, my overall drop-dead attitude and worldview is one of optimism. As long as we’re still here, we have an obligation to persevere and to do our best to make life better on this planet.

How Do We Make Things Better?

I mentioned that there’s one small act we can take on the 1stof every month, an act that joins us, collectively, with thousands of people throughout the world, using just ten drops of something called Essence of Perelandra. It’s an act that heightens the attention of many on a specific intention.

We can donate time, money, resources, and unique skills to causes that call to our hearts and help effect change or implement policies that reflect our values.

We can rage against the horrors, write to our legislators, stage protests, organize to ensure policies are in place that will keep voting from becoming a right only of the elite.

What About Trust?

Sometimes, as I’ve written about at least tangentially before, walking our talk and living a life that embraces shamanic principles demands an act of faith. Making the choice to maintain a sense of hope is one of those moments when we choose for ourselves: either I trust in something bigger than myself or I don’t.

I listened to and witnessed an important message this morning on dealing with our rage, frustrations, and sense of helplessness about the fires burning uncontrolled across our planet, but particularly in the Amazon.

It’s a video of Charles Eisenstein, and I’m sharing it because he makes a compelling argument for us to embrace TRUST – and to vigilantly do our best to take responsibility for how we choose to perceive the world and what we choose to ‘put out’ into the world .

As you may recall, living a shamanic life is all about our perceptions.

I’d like to offer this to you for your consideration this morning.

We always have the ability to refuse to give up, to embrace hope, and to trust in something larger than ourselves – while doing whatever we can to move things forward even the tiniest bit..


We CAN Do Something – Day 284

My “Perelandra Stash” – Photo: L. Weikel

We CAN Do Something                 

I have a couple of subjects I was contemplating writing about tonight. That’s a rare occurrence, let me assure you. I just hope I remember what they were tomorrow!

But I realize there’s one thing I intended to write about last month, but let the time slip away until it was too late. I don’t want that to happen again this month, so I’m making it a priority tonight.

It’s In Our Faces

It’s probably all the more timely that I write this post tonight because it’s likely everyone has at least seen some of the photos and perhaps read an article or two on the astonishingly huge fires raging in the Amazon at the moment. This should be of global concern (and outrage), as the fires are so massive they can be seen from space. And it bears repeating that the Amazon rainforest acts as the lungs of our planet.

If Mother Earth’s lungs burn up, we die. And the speed of our demise is all the more accelerated by the double devastation wrought by the burning of the rainforests: (Wammy #1) Losing the rainforests means we lose all those trees that breathe in the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere (and in turn ‘exhale’ oxygen for us to breathe); and (Wammy #2) Beyond the loss described in Wammy #1, the actual burning of the trees creates more carbon being released into the atmosphere, thereby doubling the devastating effects on the world.

To make matters worse, the forest fires in the taiga of Siberia are also far worse this year than usual. Again, these raging, out of control forest fires are having a doubly devastating effect on the global environment.

One Unconventional Method of Addressing the Fires

One means of addressing these out of control, raging fires is via weather shamanism. I’ve linked that phrase to a wonderful book I’ve owned and read many times and refer to often. This practice is common and an essential aspect of a shaman’s duties to her or his community in Siberia. Wildfires in the taiga are not uncommon, often being sparked by lightning and dry or drought conditions. Shamans are routinely asked to step up and journey to the spirit of the fire to see if there is a message or a demand that can be met. Journeys are also often taken to the atmosphere, with efforts made to communicate with the essential natures of clouds and water vapor in the atmosphere.

The shamanic aspect of journeying to work with the spirits of these Beings can have profound effects, and I could probably write more on this subject.


But for now, I want to introduce you to an organization based in Virginia that is dedicated to working with the sentience that is Nature. It’s called Perelandra.

There’s a pretty amazing story of how (from very unlikely circumstances) Machaelle Small Wright discovered she could communicate with the devic realm, including Pan. Working in concert with Nature and her own Higher Self, she discovered she could not only co-create a physical environment that supported astonishing growth in a seemingly inhospitable environment (not unlike Findhorn, with whom she consulted and collaborated when first beginning this work some 40 years ago), but also work with these Beings to bring balance to human beings.

I am both grossly oversimplifying the story of Perelandra and simultaneously making it sound far more complicated than it is. There are short versions to be found on the website, and for those of you who, like me, enjoy memoir and learning in an author’s own words how they came to ‘be’ who they ‘are,’ she has written several books documenting her rather remarkable journey.

An Easier Way (If You Don’t Journey)

Just as I could wax on about weather shamanism, I could write a lot more about Perelandra and my experience with it beginning at least 30 years ago. (Man, I was busy discovering lots of cool stuff back in my 20s and 30s!) If you’re intrigued, I suggest you to go the website and poke around there.

I can assure you, I work with these essences every day. I also work with my MAP team, which you can also learn about on the website. (And maybe I’ll write about that sometime, too.)

But for right now? I’d like you to consider investing in a bottle of Essence of Perelandra (also known as EoP) so you can participate in the monthly EoP Biodiversity Project Machaelle just recently instituted. It is a very simple protocol that takes no more than five minutes – and only ten drops of EoP. The power of the process is magnified exponentially by the power of all of us working with Nature on the 1stday of each month.

Check It Out For Yourself

Click on some of the links I’m providing in this post and read about it for yourself. It’s a simple thing. But it is a tangible act you can take, joining with thousands of other people around the world, all in an effort to work with Nature to contribute to the overall health of the planet.

If you order EoP now, Perelandra is running a great sale on EoP. They want to encourage as many people as possible to participate. I feel extremely confident in the integrity of Machaelle Small Wright and Perelandra.

And I hope this gives you the opportunity to feel you are taking a tangible step to stop the insanity.

I’ll also wager you’ll find the astonishing variety of applications of Perelandra essences to be intriguing and very possibly holding the potential of dramatically improving your well-being.


Climate Strike – Day 123


Climate Strike

This will be a quickie post. It’s actually more of a PSA (public service announcement).

Just in case you haven’t been paying attention to the many news stories that have been circulating recently, a Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg, has inspired students around the world to participate in a “Climate Strike” tomorrow, Friday, March 15, 2019.

Greta herself, a sixteen year old, has been striking from school every Friday for months. She’s attained world-wide notoriety, even addressing the uber-wealthy and powerful at the Davos Forum in Switzerland this year, calling them out on their inaction regarding this most dire of emergencies facing our planet.

She’s even been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize as a result of her astonishingly successful advocacy and activism.

I’m sure I would be thinking about this much more consciously if my sons were still in school. That’s not to say that I don’t fully support this action, because I absolutely do! In fact, I intend to show my support for the protest locally, in body and voice. I’m just saying that, had my kids still been at home (and undoubtedly participating tomorrow), I almost certainly would have written about this sooner because we would have been discussing it here at home every night.

Which is also another reason why I want to post about this tonight. If you don’t have a youngster in your household (now or ever), it’s possible this may have escaped your attention. It happens. It’s hard to keep up – so we have to stick together in this and make sure we don’t miss the big stuff.

In order to give just a little bit of a different perspective to this effort, I am providing a link to a post about this event that was just recently sent out by an organization that has a most unique approach to nature: Perelandra.

PSAs – Two for One!

I figure I’m providing two PSAs in one by writing this post on the Climate Strike.  Not only am I alerting you to the fact that the youth of the world are taking part in this monumental and historic mass protest demanding immediate action on climate change, but I’m also connecting you with an amazing organization that I’ve worked with for decades.

The essences and other products of Perelandra, similar but definitely different from Bach Flower Remedies, can improve your health and bring you into balance (internally and externally) with Nature. Even better, though, is the opportunity Perelandra affords us to learn how to speak directly with Nature and work with it consciously to heal Mother Earth (and as a result, ourselves). I’ve been a fan of Machaelle Wright (the founder of Perelandra) and her products for decades.

And in spite of how that paragraph you just read sounded so much like a damn info-mercial, I have no financial interest or stake in whether you buy anything from Perelandra.

I’m simply providing a link to Perelandra’s post on tomorrow’s Climate Strike because they put together a really great compilation of resources and alternatives you can participate in if you don’t get a chance to support the strike tomorrow.

I am moved and motivated by the incredible passion and commitment these young people are showing. Sadly, they know it’s up to them. My generation has failed and continues to fail them repeatedly, a turn of events that boggles my mind.

Let’s turn this thing around. Let’s get our country on the right path – joining the rest of the world in the battle of our life. We must not give in, give up, or lose sight of the fact that not only are we humans all ‘connected.’  We are actually all one world and one people.

I know we can do this.
