1st Day of April is Approaching – ND #112

Potato Dragon – Photo: L. Weikel

1st Day of April is Approaching

Here are a couple of bibs and bobs that are floating around in my head and need to be written down so, collectively, we can remember them. Importantly, the 1st day of April is approaching and – if you choose to participate – we should all be making sure we’re ready for the Perelandra EoP (Essence of Perelandra) Biodiversity Process. For me that mostly means making sure I remind myself of what day it is! I also keep my EoP drops out on my porch, along with a spoon, so I can pop out there in the spur of the moment (in other words – when it pops into my head on the 1st!) and take the two minutes required of me to engage in the process.

It really is quite simple. And yet when I engage in this process, the most profound feeling I get is one of gratitude from the Beings with whom I share our property (both seen and unseen). If I accomplish nothing else through participation in this process than connecting with the Nature Beings and letting them know I’m part of a network of humans who care about the Earth and all who live upon her, then I feel my time and energy is well spent. They notice; and that matters.

That’s why I invite all of you to participate as well. Sometimes we look around and see all the…stuff…going on in the world and we don’t have a single clue as to what we can do about it. This is but one teeny tiny drop in a bucket of maelstroms, but it works on a myriad of levels.


And the other thing I wanted to write about was to remind you to pay attention to your whimsy. Indeed, the name of my Potato Dragon, featured as the lead photo of this post, is Whimsy.

And you have to admit, she is a pretty photogenic little dragon. It felt like a harbinger of great new experiences, opportunities, and people entering my life when I encountered this creature springing forth from a potato this afternoon. And if you look closer, it almost looks like she has a little friend hitching a ride on her back.

Hmm. Maybe I should interpret that as the entrance of Whimsy2 in my life?

Sounds good to me.

It’s spring. Let’s play a little. Talk to the trees. Laugh with the bees. Make friends with potato sprouts.
