Eerie Synchronicity – Day 1052

Spartacus & Sheila; Photo: L. Weikel

Eerie Synchronicity

The night we buried Spartacus, I wrote in my post that Cletus behaved exactly the same way at Spartacus’s burial as he had at Sheila’s. And for all his cranky bad-assery, it was poignant and moving to us humans that he so obviously (and identically) paid tribute to both of his canine siblings at their spiritual sendoffs. I mentioned that Tiffany also experienced an eerie synchronicity between the two funerals, but I would share the details in a separate post.

Karl’s Raccoon Card – Photo: L. Weikel

The Backdrop

In case you’re not aware of it, there’s a strong association our whole family shares that connects Karl (our son) and Raccoons. Indeed, Raccoon was definitely one of Karl’s power animals. As a result, after he died, I created ‘memorial’ cards (very similar to the Catholic ‘mass cards’ I grew up with) that feature a raccoon on one side and Karl’s photo and a poem from Medicine Cards on the other.

Never having met Karl in person, Tiffany is especially aware of the Karl-Raccoon connection.

Cute little guy – Photo: L.Weikel

Sheila’s With Me

The evening we had our burial ceremony for our sweet Sheila last year (at the end of September, as a matter of fact), Tiffany and M had attended a previously scheduled tour of Grounds for Sculpture that afternoon. When they arrived here at the house for the ceremony, Tiffany eagerly recounted an extraordinary encounter they’d had only an hour or two earlier.

While meandering through the Grounds for Sculpture, two raccoons walked right up to Tiffany. Literally, as if hailing an old friend. Enchanted, both because they were adorable in their own right but also because she was keenly aware of the Karl/Raccoon connection, she gestured for M to join her. My son, being a tad oblivious, made his way over to Tiffany but failed to notice them before they scampered away.

M and T continued meandering through the park. Tiffany, already feeling something magical was unfolding, soon realized that the raccoons were tracking them. As M and T made their way along the path, the two raccoons followed them in the woods next to the path for several hundred yards along the water. Every once in a while the creatures made themselves noticeably visible to M and T, almost as if to flag them down and say, “Hey! Look at us! Pay attention!”

Finally, M noticed them. It was as if their job was accomplished. Tiffany felt it was an unmistakable message from Karl that he and Sheila were reunited – and all was well. We all definitely concurred. No question about it; Karl and Sheila had enjoyed a special bond.

Spartacus Is Here Too

Following our ceremony for Spartacus last week, I received an excited text from Tiffany. On her way home – you guessed it – two raccoons had crossed in front of her car, stopping to glance pointedly in her direction. Yet again, it was a sign; Karl was assuring us that all was well and our beloved Spartacus had joined him (and Sheila) in the Spirit world.

What a delightful, if slightly eerie, synchronicity. Two raccoons making a point of being SEEN, in two different places (two different states, even!), and both times on the exact evening of us burying our beloved Boston Terriers – one year apart. Thank you, Karl. Thank you, Raccoon. And thank you, Tiffany, for paying attention and appreciating the magic!

As we are fond of saying in our family, YCMTSU.



Catbird Come Calling – Day 228

Photo: Brian E. Small/VIREO

Catbird Come Calling        

I have been puzzling over something for about a week.  I’ve been bringing in the birdfeeders at night, hoping to thwart whatever critter or critters have been raiding them in the dead of night. I have a strong suspicion it’s been a cabal of deer who’ve adapted wily tongues that can suck seeds out of feeders like they’re Pez dispensers and an unholy alliance between raccoons and opossums raiding the peanuts I’ve put out for the blue jays, crows, and woodpeckers (among others).

When I’ve gone outside to retrieve the feeders, it’s usually been after I’ve ‘done and dusted’ my post for the evening – so it’s around 1:00 a.m.

Post-Midnight Serenade

For the past several nights – at least three – I’ve been amazed to hear a bird singing quite distinctly in the darkness. I’ve been intrigued! I’ve even attempted to record it with my phone, with only a slight degree of success. Enough for me to at least be able to hear it and – yes – when replaying it for Karl today, I realized I recognized its voice.

But I must admit, until today, I never knew catbirds sing at night. Until, that is, I confirmed it via Mr. Google.

This is the first year we’ve had a number of catbirds hanging around our feeders. And the reason they are is because they are attracted to the fancy feeder my sister-in-law gave us from Wild Birds Unlimited. It’s also the feeder that I think the raccoons and opossums are particularly infatuated with! (Although they do seem to like the peanut coil, too…)

Fancy feeder – As birds whittle away at it, it becomes a work of art! Photo: L. Weikel

I love learning something new about the birds that share our land with us! And I hope that guy woos his girlfriend; he has a lovely voice.

Peanut feeder after a raccoon has climbed on it – Photo: L. Weikel


Why We Can’t Have Nice Things – Day 208

Photo: L. Weikel

Why We Can’t Have Nice Things                         

You’ve heard this before.

When rogue elements anywhere ruin it for everybody, that’s the refrain. “This is why we can’t have nice things.”

And that’s precisely how I’m feeling about the wildlife on our property.

Somebody – some “body” – ruined it for everyone.

We recently received a cool new feeder from Karl’s sister, Francine. The way in which it assembles and disassembles allows a solid cylinder of bird food to be mounted on a central post. The seeds are held together with some kind of a sticky substance and it takes the birds a while – usually a good month – to gnaw (or more accurately peck) away at it.

Photo: L. Weikel

Although perhaps ‘gnaw’ is not as inaccurate as I’d like.

And from the looks of things, it appears birds are not the only ones frequenting the feeders – especially the new ones. Not only is the aforementioned cylinder feeder new, so is the accordion-like coil dispenser for peanuts, which the blue jays, woodpeckers, and fish crows have been working on mastering all week.

But now – I don’t know.

See for yourself the appalling manners exercised by some “body.” (And apparently a heavy body, at that, looking at the arc of that wrought iron pole.)

That’s why we can’t have nice things. Somebody has to get greedy and ruin it for everyone.

All things considered? My bets are on Raccoons. (Although I know for sure that deer have been standing around the other feeders – not shown – and literally sucking the seeds out of them as if they’re Pez dispensers.)

Now I just have to decide whether to give them another chance.

Photo: L. Weikel
