Did Not Disappoint – Day 849

Red-shouldered Hawk – Photo: L. Weikel

Did Not Disappoint

Well, I must admit – the anticipation I was feeling last night over the prospect of a serious taste of spring was not only met but exceeded. In short, today did not disappoint.

The sap – both proverbial and literal – is indeed rising in Mother Nature’s many splendored children. The excitement attendant to simply being alive and having survived a very snowy winter was palpable everywhere I looked (and listened).

It’s this listening part that had the biggest impact upon me today. Early this morning, as Karl and I were having our coffee and picking our cards for the day we heard a very loud and distinct bird call sounding an alarm that neither of us recognized. We both noticed it; the bird’s urgency was clear and unmistakable – and it sounded like it was practically right outside our front door, perhaps sitting in the lanky pine trees across the road.

Slowly opening the front door so I could hear the call more clearly and perhaps get a glimpse of this intriguing new vocalist, the simple warmth of the outside air enveloped my senses. Oh my, such a dramatic change. How is it that even though I knew to expect this lovely shift in the weather it nevertheless stopped me in my tracks and demanded I breathe deeply.

There it was again! That call! My eyes scanned the sky. There! I called to Karl to quickly come and see. At least two hawks were quite literally dancing in the sky just above us. I could see (and hear) another one, maybe two, also darting and swooping in and out of my line of vision. Another was perching in a still bare beech tree a hundred yards down the road.

Raptor ID

I checked my trustee “Raptor ID” app and was quickly able to identify the distinctive cry of these Red-shouldered Hawks. I’m extremely surprised, to be honest, that I’ve never isolated this cry in my mind well enough to identify it as a Red-shoulder. After today, I guarantee I’ll never forget it.

These birds were very clearly in full mating mode, calling and dancing, tumbling and soaring. I’ve honestly never witnessed such a full-on display of pure avian joy and desire to mate and create life. I was surprised to read that they tend to be monogamous and mate for life.


Photo: L. Weikel

A Message and Realization

While I’m intimately familiar with Hawk in general being a messenger – when they show up it’s often a sign that a message is coming our way or we’re being asked to be a messenger in our own right – I wondered if the Red-shouldered has a particular significance (aside from being the creatures that I suspect snack readily on our smaller birds).

The most I could find specifically on the Red-shoulder was in Animal Speak* by Ted Andrews. As with the Red-tailed Hawk, which are found in abundance in our area (but they don’t tend to hang around near our house) was a focus upon its red (ferrous) coloring and the particularly intense vibrancy of energy they may be indicating is arriving in one’s life. They could be considered instigators of new ideas and optimism, hope and creative opportunities.

All I can say is that I was smitten by the intensity of their ardor. They entertained me for hours, even after I successfully identified them and did my best to capture some photos with my phone.

As I re-settled myself on our porch and started focusing upon my own creative endeavors, I realized with a mixture of delight and dismay that these predators are definitely hanging out on every side of our house – and sticking close. This clip captures both their call – and the probable reaction of all our ‘regulars.’

Red-shouldered Hawk – Photo: L. Weikel

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Hammering It Home – Day 437

Photo: Audubon.org

Hammering It Home

I had to laugh earlier today. A couple different friends of mine shared a quiz on Facebook propounded by The Cornell Lab Publishing Group. As a rule, I don’t take quizzes on Facebook because a technologically savvy friend of mine warned me that quizzes are just insidious means of harvesting our personal data.

But I trust The Cornell Lab of Ornithology organization (they have a wonderful Raptor ID app I use on my phone), and since the quiz takes you to the site of this reputable non-profit (as opposed to the usual anonymous or sketchy sites that are usually associated with ‘quizzes’ on FB), I figured I would give it a try.

WHO Are You?

Basically, you’re asked a variety of questions about your own personality traits, which are then sorted and categorized and result in you being ‘matched’ to the bird that most closely exhibits your constellation of traits.

After taking the quiz and reading my result, I have to admit I was quite impressed to realize that there are a total of 22 different birds this quiz could have identified me as sharing characteristics. That’s quite an assortment!

I could see the thought and care that went into developing this quiz and how the pairings with our bird ‘sisters’ (or brothers) makes sense.

You Guessed It

Naturally, given my posts the last two nights, it will come as no surprise that I was identified as sharing the most characteristics with the Red-Tailed Hawk.

No, this wasn’t a fait accompli. Not in the least. (Remember, I wrote a book called Owl Medicine*, my website is owlmedicine.com, and my healing practice is Owl Medicine Shamanic Healing.) Yeah – no. It wouldn’t have surprised me one bit if owl had shown up.

But let’s be honest. There’s a message being sent to me at the moment, and Spirit is knocking on all the doors (and maybe even some windows) to get my attention.

From a Shamanic Perspective

On a shamanic note, I want to make it clear that this little quiz, while fun and great for the way it matches characteristics and the cool way it gets us to think and care about the birds in our environment, actually has nothing to do with determining your ‘power animal.’ That’s a whole different kettle of fish. (Not to deliberately mix metaphors, but there you go.)

That said, taking a quiz like this can be an opportunity for your power animal to show up and say hi to you. (For instance, if you’ve journeyed on your own and retrieved a power animal for yourself – or if I or someone else has journeyed on your behalf and brought a power animal back for you that happens to be of the feathered variety – this could be a way for it to show up in your life and serve as a reminder that it wants to be in deeper relationship with you. Or it could just be showing up to remind you that it’s always there for you – and not to forget it.)

Or taking a quiz like this could be a way for an ally who wants to make a point of getting through your thick skull that it wants to work with you, or that you need to pay attention to it, to make yet another appearance in your life. You know, hammering it home so you can stop denying that you’re getting a message.

Yep. I suppose it could be that, too.

Hawk feather – Photo: L. Weikel

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