Stormy Weather – Day 906

Stormy Weather Approaching – Photo: L. Weikel

Stormy Weather

There’s nothing like some stormy weather to bring sky visions that make me want to swoon. Actually, instead of falling away in a faint, I simply find myself stopping every several yards to gape in wonder at the magnificence unfolding across the aerial landscape.

When I have to walk alone (I should clarify: when only Spartacus and I are on a walk) I find myself snapping impatiently at the poor pup, who only wants to keep moving to the next scent station while I insist on taking yet another photo. I can almost hear him whining “But Mommy, you just took three photos. We need to keep mooooviiiing.” And so he tugs on his leash, which jerks my arms and jiggles my phone, and causes me to mess up the photo.

But the shifting clouds and sunlight, the shapes transforming before my eyes, the shafts of light creating elevators to the Hanaqpacha (Upper World) beckon irresistibly. I know first-hand: if you blink your eyes they’re gone. And just because the sky is full of mysterious permutations at the moment does not mean they’ll be here tomorrow. Far from it. They may not be here five minutes from now. Thus, I must seize the moment, puppy impatience be damned.

Soften your gaze – North Wind – Photo: L. Weikel

North Wind

Much to Spartacus’s chagrin, I couldn’t stop stopping today. The magic was relentless. I was simply happy we were managing to get a walk in at all. Just as my ‘work’ day was coming to a close, the aforementioned stormy weather really kicked in and I started to doubt. But the wind and rain only lasted for an hour or so, and Spart and I soon decided to risk it.

Look at the above cloud bank. Soften your gaze. Do you see the face within the great blue grayness? It’s reminiscent, to me at least, of the bronzed face of Harrison Ford (as Han Solo) in the second Star Wars movie. I didn’t see that face until I got home. I took the photo for the simple purpose of capturing the power aloft.

Good Boy

Maybe ten minutes later at the most, I couldn’t allow the exquisite beauty unfolding before my eyes to go unrecorded one more moment. “Spart! Hang on! Come ‘ere!” My commands punctuated the shushing of the wind as it worked to unfurl the newly budded leaves of the ash, sycamore, and maples behind me. The setting sun illuminating wisps of clouds in peach colored garb wouldn’t wait.

He listened – for the most part. Well enough to deserve two treats after Mommy took her dumb photos. What a good boy.


Distracted – Day 478

Setting Waxing Moon – Photo: L. Weikel


I lost track of time. Distracted by the returns of the primaries of “Super Tuesday,” I’m finding myself with 15 minutes to get this post written.

Earlier, we were pummeled by thunderstorms. Thankfully, we weren’t subject to anything like what hammered Nashville last night. What a nightmare.

But at least from my perspective, it feels as though the weather here is mirroring what we’re witnessing unfold across the country electorally. It’s a storm of support for Biden – which seems to have popped up as rapidly as a summer thunderstorm. The rapidity I’m referencing is based upon the fact that his campaign almost seemed to be on life support a mere week ago.


Of course, it’s still early as far as getting final numbers on Texas and, even more so, California. But it nevertheless looks like there are going to be some additional, perhaps unexpected, “reckoning” decisions in the near days to come.

I’m including a photo with this post tonight of the gorgeous night sky of two nights ago. A huge orange crescent moon was setting, and this was my best attempt to capture it.

But I hope you enjoy the clarity of the night sky.

Let’s hope we can all attain the clarity we need to select leaders who will care about and lift all of us.
