Explosive Potential – Day 1075

Brutus Giving Us the Side-Eye – Photo: L. Weikel

Explosive Potential

What an amazing full moon we’re experiencing this month. Perhaps I’m appreciating its magnificence more acutely because of the almost summer-like weather over the past few days. Or maybe it’s just that when I walk outside it’s almost bright enough to read a book. The pull of her energy is palpable. Weirdly, I feel both a sense of momentary limbo and simultaneous explosive potential.

I’d like to think chickens are making their way back home and will shortly be roosting. But at the same time, like many, I’m almost afraid to hope. Accountability, it seems, has become a quaint concept, applicable only to those who hold little or no power.

And yet I feel that undercurrent of power held by this moon. It feels even more powerful than the last – and I’m reminded that our beloved Spartacus departed on the last full moon. It’s only been a month. That shocks my sensibilities.

Every day, I walk with Brutus and Pacha back behind our barn. We make a point of stopping to say hi to Sheila and Spartacus – their ancestors, in a sense. If Sheila hadn’t been as amazing a dog as she was, we never would have had Spartacus – and we certainly never would’ve heeded his dream message and sought out these two pup-tarts.

All Over the Place

I realize my musings may seem all over the place this evening. For several days, I’ve wanted to pick a card to guide us through what’s coming, but was told to wait. Tonight feels different. Perhaps it’s the culmination of energies that a full moon represents. Maybe it’s just time.

What do we need to know right now and moving forward as we close out the month of October? I consulted the Witches’ Wisdom Tarot* by Phyllis Curott.

Strength – The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott


Wisdom: The Pilgrim is awakening to her power. It courses through her from the ground up, sustaining and absolute. This force of Creation is an unfamiliar feeling and yet she knows it to be real and essential. It’s hope fulfilled, potential recognized, and all that is right in the world, and in her. But how does she summon it? Wield it? What purpose does it serve? Until she has the answers, she can’t unlock its magic.

There are challenges before her and time is growing short. For too long we have reared the force of nature, thought it red in tooth and claw, or thought ourselves uniquely superior. Separated from the Sacred, we have become wounded, unconcerned, and cruel. We have ascended through deomination – the mightiest predator of all – and now the world lies dying at our feet.

But Nature can’t be conquered, nor is there need to do so. The Pilgrim’s path has given her the Strength of the Goddess Artemis to heal what we have broken. She stands amid Nature’s glory and knows where real Strength comes from and whom it’s meant to serve: Creation’s infinite expressions that teach us of their divinity, and our own.

A quiet, hidden wood mouse, a blue-winged butterfly, an owl, a cat curled in the sunlight, an oak tree in the garden, the heather on the hill all guide the Pilgrim now, and she plunges into Life. She becomes a salmon, swimming strongly upstream, then, scrambling to a wooded shore, becomes a bear, a wolf, a moose, a black crow flying through the Air. Fit, strong, and confident, she is able to call upon the elements, upon wind and flame, Earth and rain, to dance with them, become like them, draw power from them. We wield unwavering sovereignty when the Earth and our body are inseparable.

The Pilgrim steps out of the shadows and into view. Humble and open-hearted, she has become a Speaker for Mother Earth, for her children, for all the peoples who cannot speak for themselves, but who can teach us what it means to live rightly to live as One. Her purpose is her Strength.

Essence: Challenges, courage, care. Hearth path. Purpose, action, service. Empowerment.

Counsel: Life is full of challenges that can fill you with doubt and fear. Are you good enough? Smart enough? If you wait to feel courageous, you may never act at all. Here’s the magic trick: Act even if you feel afraid and you will become strong. Leap, and on the other side you’ll find your courage. Face the worst and it will bring out your best. You’ll discover what you believe in and that you have power to do what’s right, even if it seems to put you on the losing side. Stand strong, stand for what’s right, speak from your heart. The path of the heart is the path of Strength. And whenever you doubt this, spend time in Nature. Let your heart open and feel yourself part of the whole Earth community that loves you, supports you, and knows what you really are: strong.

Magic: What do you believe in? Find that and you’ll find your magic and your Strength.

And underneath this magnificent card?

Ace of Water – The Witches’ Wisdom Tarot by Phyllis Curott

Ace of Water (Memory)

For the sake of brevity, and to promote perhaps a deeper reflection on the main card selected, I’m only going to offer the briefest recitation of the author’s explanation of this card.

Essence: Be fully present in your feelings – emotional, physical, instinctual

My sense

What better way for us to tap into what we truly believe in and value but to be fully present in our feelings? Over the next several days we may see the writing on the wall. We may realize at a gut-punch level that the status quo is truly unsustainable. We may find ourselves staring our destinies in the face and feeling, for possibly the first time ever, the utter make-or-break calamity unfolding all around us.

What is this full moon enlightening and revealing within each one of us? We must take a risk, look within, and embrace our purpose. We may discover it holds explosive potential.

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A Most Perfect Time – Day 1030

XI – Strength – The Tarot of the Crone by Ellen Lorenzi-Prince

A Most Perfect Time

A new moon in the sign of Virgo occurred this evening at 8:51 p.m. Eastern Time. New beginnings. Setting new goals. A most perfect time to change things up in our lives, make fresh commitments, and start actively dreaming a new world into being.

The power of this particular new moon is magnified, of course, by the fact that it also marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year celebration of Rosh Hashanah, which began at sundown. The added ritual, prayer, and sacredness being brought to this month’s new moon precisely because of its significance to our Jewish brothers and sisters only adds to the power of this moment.

Yes, every new moon is a new beginning of one sort or another. But we’re also quite aware of the fact of power in numbers. There’s an energetic upgrade to our thoughts and efforts when we gather together to envision our future. So now more than ever it feels essential to our survival to work together toward imagining greater understanding, facilitating peace, and perhaps even seeking justice.

Spiritual Miracle Gro®

I asked for a card to serve as a form of fertilizer for the seeds we’re planting at this powerful new moon and New Year. The card that revealed itself from my Tarot of the Crone deck was Strength.

Perhaps this message can serve as a meditation or point of reflection this week:

“I am Spirit

Making a body

Is what I do


I am Body

Expressing a spirit

Is what I do


You are Primal

You are Sublime


You are the Strongest

When both are One

In Strength is the image of a woman arising from the belly of a golden cobra. The background is the red of healthy power and passion. Strength is enlightened flesh, the life force flowing from your heart, from your belly and from your spirit. Strength is the power of kundalini, the energy ‘snake’ that uncoils from the base of the spine and rises up, bringing healing and knowledge. This is not about spirit taming the body, or lusts of the body overpowering the spirit; this is integration; this is knowing these are not separate things. Spirit and will are not attributes of the mind alone. Emotion is not felt only by the heart. Your body holds them all.

Whatever shape your body is in right now, it’s time to celebrate its life. Know that every breath you take feeds your power and infuses you with goodness and inspiration. Every breath you take is a victory over the forces of destruction. Feel how each cell of your body is an entire endless universe and how al of it, all of it, belongs to you.”

A Thought

It occurs to me as I share these words of Ellen Lorenzi-Prince (creator of The Tarot of the Crone) that this specific interpretation of the Strength card could not be more perfect for the times we find ourselves in.

Given the misogynistic ‘law’ passed by the Texas legislature ripping power over women’s bodies away from women themselves and handing it over to random religious zealot vigilantes, I have a feeling we’re going to see the Power of Woman rise up. It’s going to be a new day in Texas and this country.

Women will not knuckle under to this fear-based oppression. On the contrary, now that the stakes have been set, and the gauntlet thrown (thank you, Supreme Court), we will rise up from the belly of the cobra – precisely like the woman in the Strength image. It is a most perfect time for us to do so. Our bodies hold our spirits, will, and emotion. And I guarantee we will not relinquish our power to the fear-based minority (the forces of destruction) who quake at what they do not know or understand.
