First Full Moon – Day 690

Sheila’s Moon – Photo: L. Weikel

First Full Moon

Doesn’t it just figure that this most provocative and transformative year of 2020, October plays host to two full moons? The first full moon was today, October 1st. And of course the second one will be on, you guessed it, Halloween. Because what could possibly be more in keeping with the year 2020 than having a so-called “Blue Moon” occur on Halloween?

Tonight’s moon, which I’m dubbing Sheila’s Moon (just because), was especially photogenic. I actually took the photos I’m including in tonight’s post last night. I’m glad I did, because the sky clouded over this evening before I had a chance to experience her in all her glory.

I did, however, encounter a Cloud Woman this evening, running across the sky with arms flung back, her long hair streaming after her. She appeared to me to be running with abandon – not in fear, but rather in joyful delight that she had such gorgeous fields to be skimming over, toward a sunset that could melt the hardest heart with its sumptuous colors.

Cloud Woman Racing Across the Sky – Photo: L. Weikel

Joyful Abandon

Yes indeed, joyful abandon is the emotion I sensed emanating from this Cloud Woman racing across the sky. In fact, it’s possible she was prancing ahead of the rising full moon as a sort of curtain-raiser or cosmic warm-up act for the main event.

And perhaps she is dancing October into our awareness. If that’s the case, it occurs to me that we might want to engage in some quick reflection and notation. What do we notice at the edges of her skirt that she may be whooshing into our life?

Cloud Woman From Afar – Photo: L. Weikel


Indeed, let’s pay attention to, hone, and take stock of our perceptions! Take a few minutes to honor yourself and your feelings by jotting down what’s going on in your life as we experience this Harvest Moon at the inception of October. What thoughts occupy your mind? What hopes and dreams are you contemplating? Of course, there’s a lot about the outside world that you might want to document for posterity. But what’s also going on in your personal life? What emotions are you experiencing? What musings do you have about your life, your relationships, your place in the world?

When you think about the range of possible changes in your life, let them flow onto the page. From a numerological perspective, I’ve been taught by Alison Baughman that it behooves all of us to pay particular attention to what unfolds in our lives during October (yes, of every year), because October, being the 10th month, is a ‘1’ month – and hence is a reflection of what we might expect in our year ahead.

So as we skip across the sky with our Cloud Woman, perhaps we can set a little reminder for ourselves to take stock each week – perhaps at every quarter phase of the moon as she dances from full to full – and pause to reflect and record our perceptions of what’s going on around us, both globally and intimately. Each week might reflect what we can expect for each quarter of 2021.

It could be a fun exercise. It’s possible we might see one expression of a situation or issue or relationship now and see a shifting of that into a higher octave next year. The trick is documenting it now and then tracking it later.

Full Moon to Full Moon

But first let’s just see how this wild and wonderful October plays out on its own. What will we be thinking about and experiencing just four short weeks from now when the Blue Moon beams its light upon us on All Hallow’s Eve? We think we won’t forget these times, but I guarantee: so much is flying at us every single day, we will be astonished and grateful for having kept track. And you never know how our perceptions might change if we give ourselves permission to take the time to notice what’s really going on in our lives.

Lighting the Way to Our Future – Photo: L. Weikel


Numerology Course Starts Sunday! – Day 291

Is Numerology a Rosetta Stone? – Photo: L. Weikel

Numerology Course Starts Sunday!

If you didn’t heed my suggestion a few weeks ago, it’s time.

In fact, it’s all in perfect timing. Why do I think so?

Because I use a variety of tools that help me better understand my life and make the most of my decisions. So, even though I am promoting a course on numerology, I am also suggesting that the timing of signing up for the course tomorrow and beginning it on Sunday seems to be auspicious astrologically as well.

Tomorrow (Friday, 30 August 2019) is the new moon. It will take place in the constellation Virgo, which is an air sign and thus is connected to the mind and thoughts and tends to favor logical pursuits, timing, understanding, and getting things ‘just so’ and ‘in order.’

Great Timing!

So, with this new moon in Virgo, it’s the perfect time to sign up, if you haven’t already, for the Numerology Course (scroll to the bottom of the page) being given by my good friend Alison Baughman. Why? Because new moons are a great time to start something new, plant the seeds of your intentions, get things rolling.

You may recall I wrote about this opportunity some weeks ago. I recommended that you ‘carpe diem’ with respect to this chance to study with Alison because her most recent announcement suggested that this may be the last time she offers the course. Ever.

And as I said before: Alison doesn’t mess around. (She may be funny as hell, but she means what she says and says what she means.) So I’m planning on taking the course too. Not because I want to be a numerologist. But because I like having an excellent foundation in a modality, and I know Alison will provide it.

It’s just good to have a working knowledge of the energies associated with the numbers we encounter every day. I guarantee, once you take this course, you’ll be ‘reducing’ all the numbers that cross your path each day and taking into consideration what they may mean. You’ll start to take notice of the numbers that surround (and sometimes bombard) you in your life. You’ll pay attention to the impact numbers have on you and your experience.

Just watch.

As I’ve said a million times before this, we are put on this earth with a myriad of tools available to us to help us better understand what we’re doing and why. Numerology is one of those tools.

Join me Sunday? She wrote the book!


Golden Opportunity – Day 266

Golden Opportunity 

Tonight I want to alert you to an absolutely golden opportunity that you should. not. miss.

Beginning Sunday, September 1st, my great friend and world-class numerologist, Alison Baughman, will be starting her comprehensive, five week Numerology Course. For five straight weeks, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST every Sunday, you will learn an amazing amount of information on numerology that will stand you in good stead, regardless of whether you use it for yourself or find that you want to dip into this field with an even greater commitment. (And you just might be surprised by how much all of this resonates with you!)

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, Alison knows her numbers. She knows her stuff and she is a great teacher. And this is a golden opportunity (and perhaps the last) to study with her first-hand.

Books, Too

It just so happens that she also wrote an excellent basic book on numerology, Speaking to Your Soul – Through Numerology.

Personally, I know she’s on a quest to write some additional books which, given her wry sense of humor and no-nonsense style, could be hilarious. (The books, not the quest – although the quest could end up being amusing in its own right.)

I’d by lying if I didn’t admit that it freaks me out a bit when I see Alison state things starkly, like, “This could be my last offering of this class.” That’s because she does not mess around. And she does not make comments like this cavalierly.


Believe Her When She Says, “This May Be it”

I didn’t believe it when she announced a few years ago that she was going to stop doing private readings for people. The reason I didn’t believe it was because her readings are a-m-a-z-i-n-g.

I’ve listened to mine over and over, probably at least a dozen times, as well as the periodic updates I was lucky enough to have with her when I needed to know ‘what was going on’ in my life ‘by the numbers.’

It just didn’t seem possible to me that someone with such an extraordinary gift could mean it when she announced she would be stepping away from it. But she did. And she has.

Which is why I feel it is incumbent upon me to highly recommend you take her course in September. It’s an opportunity that you could easily regret if you don’t take action now. I can tell you unequivocally: I intend to take the course. Heck, every time I listen to my readings with Alison, I learn a ton. (And you know I enjoy bringing into my posts at least some of what I know just by hanging around the woman.)

Yes, I’m going to take the course – and you should, too.

Lastly: Don’t Forget to Retreat…and Listen

Finally, next week at this time I will have wrapped my first Listening Retreat at Amadell. If you’re still flirting with the idea of allowing yourself the exquisite gift of disconnecting with the outside world and spending time with yourself, Mother Nature, and an amazing group of like-minded people (with whom you’ll probably remain friends for who knows how long – forever?), then jump off the cliff. Take the plunge. Come. To. Amadell.

Join us! $395 for the weekend (program plus meals), with $50/ night lodging in absolutely adorable, well-appointed rooms.  Email me ( to register, and contact to reserve your room.

There’s so much to learn and experience in life. These two experiences are not to be missed and will give you skills you’ll use forever!
