Put Up Or Shut Up – ND #42

We can’t be as chill as Cletus about this – Photo: L. Weikel

Put Up or Shut Up

Well, the jury’s still out on whether we’ll achieve any kind of a meaningful breakthrough in the Senate to protect voting rights. The latest I heard was that there’s an effort underway to at least bring back the ‘talking’ filibuster for matters pertaining to constitutional issues. This could also be known as the ‘put up or shut up’ amendment to the rule creating the filibuster. It’s not enough, but it’s about time we demand that any Senator who wants to join in a filibuster must stand and deliver some defense of their position.

I find it quite appalling that this could have such a dramatic effect on our esteemed Senators. Seriously – what do we send these people to Congress for if not to show up and vote? Or show up and explain their reasons for not voting for something?

It galls me when cameras slip up and we realize that what we’re watching on the television (such as an impassioned floor speech or two) is being delivered to a nearly empty chamber. Most of these Senators and Representatives deliver speeches to an almost empty room. Why? Where is the respect for their colleagues? Where is the respect for the institution itself?

I know. I’m letting my idealism show again.

Major Overhaul

It just seems as though we’re being shown in a myriad of ways how broken our system is and how cynical those who represent us have become. Not all of them – but certainly a shockingly high percentage. When you really dig down and take stock of how these politicians spend their days (many, not all) it becomes stunningly obvious that we have to get the money out of politics.

Money is the driving force behind everything in our governments, both federal and state, but especially on the federal level. And because it is so inherently ‘the game that’s played,’ there is no way any well-intentioned person can simply say they won’t play along and live (politically) for more than one term. Whether you think term limits are good or not, precious little can be accomplished in one term.

The only way to effect meaningful change is to overhaul the entire system. And we can’t fall back on the old trope of ‘it’s always been done this way,’ or ‘it’s too hard to change the way things are done,’ because it really is broken. It’s unsustainable. I realize that perhaps everything needs to fall apart before we can build again. And I hate that this may be our reality, but it does look like where we’re headed.

There’s probably one thing most Americans can agree on at the moment, and that’s the sad fact that our system is on a trajectory toward self-destruction. And only we can save it. We the people, I mean. Because clearly those who are feeding at the trough of power and greed cannot stop themselves.

Alas, reform will never, ever happen if we don’t secure the right of all citizens to vote easily and securely. Everything hinges on our right to vote. Everything.


Radically Positive – ND #41

Photo: L. Weikel

Radically Positive

Tomorrow (Tuesday 18 January 2022) has the potential to be a radically positive day in the United States. Conventional wisdom, of course, suggests that it will merely be a sad (and infuriatingly disgusting) affirmation of the dark, anti-democratic trajectory our country seems to be insisting upon taking.

I’m speaking of the Senate beginning formal debate on the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act. It is utterly disgusting to me that this is even a ‘thing’ in our country in the 21st century – that due to the rooted-in-racism origin of the Senate rule establishing the filibuster, it takes 60 votes to even begin debate on bills in the Senate.

The only way debate will be taking place tomorrow on this voting rights bill is because it will be attached as an amendment to a bill related to NASA that has already passed the Senate, and then the House (with amendments), and is now going directly back to the Senate. What a convoluted process to even open debate on such a fundamental and defining aspect of our system of government.

Just think of it! Voting: our sacred opportunity to have a voice in our government is under as great a threat now as it was 60 years ago. There are forces at work (that have lurked in the darkness for the duration of our country’s existence) that will do anything to skew the table as to who has the power of the franchise. Talk about things being ‘rigged.’ This needs to end.

Cause for Optimism

You’ll recall that I began this post with the shocking suggestion that tomorrow may end up rendering a positive outcome. My teeny tiny sliver of hope comes from the stars. Because…why not?

First of all, we just enjoyed a full moon tonight (the 17th), and full moons usually bring with them a sense of culmination and fulfillment. Well, ok. I’m ready to embrace the idea that the forces of racism and blatant (as well as subtle) attempts to disenfranchise our fellow citizens have run their course. It’s time for this revolting attitude and mindset that enshrines inequality to come to an end.

And beyond the full moon is the fact that Uranus, the great planet of revolution, lightning-like change, and enlightenment is ending its retrograde course and turns direct on the 18th. It’s time now for us to stop hanging back. It’s time for some major disruption in ‘the way things are done’ – in a positive sense – by jettisoning the filibuster or simply having a couple of Republicans actually stand up and courageously take a stand ensuring voting rights for all citizens.

Oh my, wouldn’t that just be a radical notion? Wouldn’t it be utterly thrilling if we suddenly witnessed the entire Senate stand up and link arms in solidarity to the fundamental building block of our nation? Yes, I know. I’m a dreamer.

But who knows? Maybe we’ll witness something amazing tomorrow. Wouldn’t that be a radically positive outcome to a battle that needs to end now?


What Happened Last Year – ND #30

Photo: L. Weikel

What Happened Last Year

I don’t want to write about what happened last year. It seems like all the words have been used up and there’s nothing but actions left to define who we are and what we are becoming.

At this point, nothing matters if we don’t ensure voting rights for every citizen in the country. I say that because there’s no way we will get anything accomplished on climate change if our democracy is shot. Indeed, there’s no way we’ll discover the truth about who was involved in planning and implementing last year’s attempted coup, either – not if we haven’t learned it already by the time the midterms roll around. Because as appalling as it may be, it’s all but certain that Republicans would kill any investigations into the January 6th attack on our capitol as soon as they came into power.

While I know this is true, I want to run and hide when I hear it stated.

How can it be that Representatives and Senators would actually – willfully – choose to torpedo an effort to get to the bottom of an outright attempt to thwart the will of the people?

Good Question

That’s a question that bounces around in my heart and soul every day. It’s hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that the Republican Party is so in lock step with Donald Trump (Donald Trump! Think about that!) that Representative Liz Cheney (with her father at her side) was the only serving member of that party to attend any of the events that took place in Washington D.C. today.

From honoring the Capitol Police who, blindsided and left unsupported for hours, risked their lives to protect all members of Congress to solemnly marking the historic significance of the terrorist attack that took place at the hands of fellow Americans last year, the Republican Party was AWOL. The disrespect and dishonor is palpable. How dare any of them ever utter the words “Blue lives matter” or “We support the police” again.

I’m disgusted with my Senator (Toomey) and my Representative (Fitzpatrick). Their hypocrisy is inexcusable and the breach of their oath of office egregious. As they circle their wagons and protect their own, more and more are exhibiting complicity in the attempted overthrow of our government.

We must demand accountability. If we don’t, it’s likely we’ll lose everything we thought we stood for and realize that, in truth, we never were quite the beacons of democracy we thought we were.

Get involved. Use your voice. We must not remain silent.


Don’t Look Up – ND #23

Photo: L. Weikel

Don’t Look Up

We just finished watching Don’t Look Up on Netflix.  I’m still digesting it.

It’s not as if it’s a complicated plot or sophisticated premise. No, what I’m still digesting is how uncomfortable it made me feel. At least, discomfort was an initial feeling I experienced as the movie unfolded.

I had a rough idea of the plot of the movie, so the likenesses drawn to recent infamous figures were unsurprising. But the overall impact of that part of the satire was uncomfortable. (Satire doing its job, I guess.) It rang too true. In some ways, at least at first, it almost felt like a documentary.


What’s most disturbing is the inanity of society and the garbage that’s fed to us via so many outlets. While we know many people devote way too much time to staring at their screens, it’s still hard to look at that screen time being depicted as the pathetic mind-mushing tool that it is. And the vapid television programs! Oh my goodness, I just wanted to scream.

Hmm. Re-reading that last paragraph, I’m loathe to use the word ‘devote’ in the second sentence, given the sacredness with which I approach the concept of devotion. And yet I think it should remain precisely because, in so many ways, people are bastardizing the concept of devotion and applying it to objects or activities that actually disconnect them from all that is sacred or precious.

Yet again, the topsy-turvy, inside out reality we currently live in was on display. How do we counter craven power-seeking and money grubbing?

Photo: L. Weikel

Big Issues

This movie’s catastrophic event comes from outside of us – at the edge of our solar system, to be precise. But the analogies to the myriad big issues we have screaming for our attention (to just LOOK AT them, perhaps, and choose NOT to look away?) of our own making were obvious.

It’s unsettling to contemplate the reality of potentially losing everything we have here on Earth. Yet for me I think what’s most maddening is that we still have the ability to make some huge course corrections – but continue to fiddle around the edges.

I truly believe we still have time. But does it fit into our electoral schedule? I don’t know. The sense of urgency we should all feel about voting rights (here in the U.S.) bears directly upon the urgency demanded by climate change. We’re playing with fire right now. We can’t let those beholden to the (literal) dinosaur-based energy paradigm delay and obfuscate one more day. The tears rolling down my cheeks at the end of the movie were real, as was my desire to transmute my discomfort and sense of futility into action.

I believe the coming year has all the makings of seismic shifts in attitude and strategies. The sighted must take the wheel before it’s too late. Watch* and see if you know what I mean.

Feeling Passionate – Photo: K. Weikel

*and don’t miss the Tuvan shaman at the end of the movie, either.


Count Every Vote – Day 724

Sign in Bucks County, PA – Photo: L. Weikel

Count Every Vote

I want to believe in the integrity of our fellow citizens. I want our citizens and the world to believe in our system. So it goes without saying: I want Pennsylvania and every state to count every vote.

I want to remain hopeful. I’ll admit it: I’m an idealist. Particularly as an attorney, I’ve believed in the principles upon which our country was founded. I’ve also been proud to be part of the system that was developed to implement those principles.

Crisis Brewing

This afternoon, Karl and I bucked our weariness from working the election at our polling place yesterday and attended a rally in Doylestown. The premise was simple: every vote should be counted. This is a fundamental precept of our society. We’re all supposed to have a stake in this country.

Feeling the sunshine warm upon my face, it was heartening to realize that there are young people and older folks – and lots in between – who still care enough to come together to unify around a single purpose as important as the voice of the electorate.

There was a collective hiss from the crowd when it was announced that Eric Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi had gathered in Philadelphia  – just as we were gathered where we were – to announce their filing of a lawsuit on behalf of DT to essentially stop counting valid ballots of Pennsylvania citizens who cast their ballots by mail. Talk about irony.

I know I’ve said this before, but I’m going to say it again: working collectively to stand up to power is thrilling and inspiring. The practice of walking our talk brings the entire process home and pulls it into your heart and soul.

Photo: L. Weikel

It’s Not Over

While we may need a day or two to recuperate from the sheer physicality of the past few days (weeks, and months), including loss of sleep, it’s important to remember that we need to follow through on our beliefs.

We need to figure out a whole bunch of things, not least being how we’re going to take what’s been exposed by the election of DT and figure out what his obvious appeal is revealing. It’s shocking, I think, to most of us that so many were so willing to re-elect him.

I only hope they did not succeed. But we really won’t know that until every vote is counted.

Count Every Vote Rally – Photo: L. Weikel
