Blissed Out – Day 955

Prehistoric Monster – Photo: L. Weikel

Blissed Out

I engaged in some adventures today, and to be honest, I’m feeling sort of blissed out at the moment.

While I know from experience how essential it is to disentangle ourselves from our devices and the news and the every day concerns that comprise the lives of so many of us, it always feels amazing to actually do it.

Today I found myself delighting in little things, such as the seemingly ginormous beetle traversing an old log lush with a carpet of moss. Close up it looked like it could be something out of Jurassic Park.

Another wonder that caught my eye was the rainbow spider web. The exquisitely cool breeze made it dance in the wind and no matter which way it bounced, it never lost its multi-colored shimmer.

Day Lily – Photo: L. Weikel


Day Lilies to Creek Bubbles

During my walk today I realized all sorts of lilies are blooming in a surge of life force. Their beauty makes me catch my breath – I’m such a sucker for the vibrant colors and masses of buds just waiting to burst forth.

After my walk delivered me to the creek’s edge I was yet again fascinated by something simple. Bubbles clamoring to make their way through a gap in some rocks reminded me of people rushing to an exit, when all they really need to do is find another way around. Or out.

Photo: L. Weikel

Fires and the Moon Never Disappoint

Ending my day, I sat with a fire and talked to the flames as they transformed from sharp and voraciously hungry to mellow and satisfied. We became comfortable with each other and I felt an intimacy with the element that almost, actually quite distinctly, felt like love.

As the fire dwindled to a bed of glowing embers, the brilliance of the moon – which will be full (and a ‘super moon,’ to boot) in Capricorn tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 2:40 p.m. – transformed the night. Lightning bugs tried to compete for my attention, but it was almost as if they decided to save their juice for a few nights from now. As the moon wanes, they’ll get their chance. Tonight they graciously stepped aside and allowed Mama Killa to be star of the show.

Photo: L. Weikel


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