Cha Wakan (Tree of Life) – Day 520

Photo: L. Weikel

Cha Wakan (Tree of Life)

Following up on the idea I expressed in yesterday’s post, I approached the portion of my bookcase that holds my various oracles with an open heart and mind. This is the section that pretty much encompasses everything not tarot.

I asked what medium wanted to be used as the inaugural messenger to us, both collectively and individually. (I figured I’d set those standards high right from the outset.) I was surprised to find my eyes being drawn repeatedly to a boxed set of cards that, quite honestly, I cannot remember ever using, although I must have when I first acquired them. I’ve looked at the set many times over the years, glanced over it, more accurately – but not been drawn to work with it. At least not for many years since I purchased it.

When I removed the cards and book from their box, they looked and felt new. I checked the copyright: oh my, the copyright is 1994. It makes perfect sense to me why Karl and I must have purchased this item so long ago. We’d each undertaken a vision quest under the guidance of a metis medicine man back in 1992. I’m sure we were attracted to this set because of our affinity for the Native American ways we’d touched upon tangentially in our studies leading up to our profound initiatory experiences.

The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards

The set that called out to me was The Lakota Sweat Lodge Cards – Spiritual Teachings of the Siouxby Chief Archie Fire Lame Deer and Helene Sarkis.

Looking through these cards and reading the Lakota words and concepts once again stirs my heart. Life was profoundly different back in 1992. The internet was not part of the daily lives of most of us yet. Email was not common. We were still mostly communicating via snail mail and regular telephone. There’s a whole story to how we came to have had the honor of going on vision quests back then.



I opened Sacred Space and sat with the cards of this deck. I shuffled and blew my intention into them – that being a request for a teaching, message, or concept for us to contemplate at this time. As we are embarking upon a whole new phase of life on Mother Earth, what should we hold in our thoughts and awareness.

I chose Cha Wakan (Tree of Life).

The first thing that stood out to me was how much this image resembles the sacred trees in Tuva (Siberia), where I traveled in 2003. But I want to just offer the image to you for your perusal. And following is what is written for this card:

Cha Wakan – Tree of Life – Acceptance

“In me, all life is One: There is no demarcation of ‘other.’ The nuances of vision may vary, yet the essential sap is nowhere separated, and is, in itself, exaltation. I am the bearer of this knowledge, this understanding, this experience of grace; however you may insist on believing you are apart from that which is in you, that which surrounds you, the law which is All will bring you to me, to union and communion.

I bless you.


The Tree of Life is the archetype of all spiritual knowledge. The trunk forms branches and the branches form leaves. Humans are like the leaves. We reach a certain ripeness, and the time comes to go into the Spirit World. Our bodies drop to the earth, like leaves of the tree.

The Card

The Tree of Life reminds us to be patient and accepting as we travel our spiritual path. Open your heart to all your brothers and sisters and to all of creation, relinquishing your judgments and expectations (of yourself and others). Allow all our relations to be exactly who they are; accept all that you are. We are all connected, parts of great Tree of Life in its thick foliage. Although each leaf has its own individual form and life, all grow from the same source, the same roots; all sway together in the same breezes. The tree grows strong and tall, with each leaf adding its part to the beauty of the whole. We must accept that each of us is only one leaf; by itself, one leaf doe not make a tree.


I honor the abundant diversity of Spirit and rejoice in my place within the fabric of creation.”

When I read it initially, and as I read it again as I typed it out here, into this post for all of us to share, I feel chills. Reading these words within the larger context of what we are all experiencing at this time – all over the world – I am awed by the perfection of this message. I know without doubt that my request on behalf of all of us was heard.

I leave this for you to contemplate.

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