Shhh – Day 324

I surrender (Cletus) – Photo: L. Weikel


At least I walked my talk this evening. I just came inside from standing on the back end of our porch, overlooking our barn, and doing the EoP Biodiversity Process. Even though I didn’t get home until quite late this evening, I made a point to remember to engage in the simple process before the clock struck midnight. I managed to get the process completed by the hair on my chinny chin chin.

It’s weird out tonight. The atmosphere got muggy and distinctly warmer. The crickets and katydids are maintaining their ‘stuck on’ calls, creating a monotonous backdrop to everything. They are so relentlessly ‘on’ that when they suddenly stop, for whatever reason, it takes a moment to realize the silence.

Delete, Delete, Delete

I just had a bunch of stuff written and I decided to delete it.  I didn’t want to even chat good-naturedly about all the appliances and other things abruptly ceasing to work around our house. It’s frustrating, and it’s one of those things that seems to happen in waves.

What brought it to the forefront of my mind was my comment about the crickets and katydids and how relentlessly they sing.

This prompted me to focus my attention upon our refrigerator. It’s been relentlessly going on and off, on and off (with an empty <<ping>> at the end of each shutoff of something) for a couple days now. It had been doing this a few months ago, but then stopped. Of course, our ice maker stopped at the same time, but Karl’s been keeping me in ice, so I barely noticed.

Well it restarted again just last week. Wednesday night, to be exact. On/off. On/off. On/off <<ping>>. I can’t tell exactly what it is, but I can’t imagine something turning off and on, over and over again, can be good for anything mechanistic. And whenever it turns on, there’s some sort of fan or something that’s turning on, so that starts whirring. Over and over again.

I managed to get an appointment with a repairman for Friday afternoon (after my appointment at the Toyota dealership). But of course…just like the crickets and katydids…

It took us a bit, but we suddenly realized that the annoying noise had ceased.

Long story short, I cancelled the appointment for Friday afternoon and we crossed our fingers that perhaps it had resolved itself on its own. (Yeah, I know. A ridiculous fantasy. But oh well.)

So Predictable

You and I both know what happened. The stupid refrigerator resumed its nonsense by Saturday night. And now – right now – I am listening to it go on/off. On/off. But now it pings three or four times in a row sometimes. Randomly.

Ah yes.

Tomorrow morning we find out if it’s a motherboard or something, or the compressor. One is fixable, the other means it’s earned a trip to the appliance graveyard.

All through writing this post, that refrigerator has been doing its thing, annoying the absolute stuff out of me. And now? As I go to hit <<publish>>?



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