Spectacular Sunset – ND #27

Photo: L. Weikel

Spectacular Sunset

I realize I’m jumping on the bandwagon tonight, but seriously – how could anyone witnessing this evening’s spectacular sunset resist taking a photo (or 10)? I saw so many photos of this very same sunset on FB tonight. I tried to talk myself out of sharing my photos, but here I am.

What I love is how so many of us chose to revel in the astounding beauty that unfolded before our eyes. The colors and incredibly variegated forms of the clouds made me feel like I was living in a Cloud Appreciation Society video. Round clouds resembling giant medicine balls (remember them from high school? talk about useless) gave way to swooshes that resembled mares’ manes.

And the colors. As rich and vibrant as they appeared one moment, they miraculously took on even greater resonance moment by moment.

Then – just like that – the entire tenor of the spectacle shifted to a still lovely but far less fiery demand of our attention.

Same Sunset – Moments Later; Photo: L. Weikel

A Sense of Quiet

Our walk, while visually captivating, was also remarkably quiet and still. Was it the sudden blanket of cold air that seemed to mute the landscape?

Perhaps it’s just the approaching anniversary of the insurrection that has me feeling a little uneasy. I dare say, it’s on most of our minds.Something unsettling is in the air, and I’m not quite sure what it is.

Maybe it’s Covid and the ultra contagiousness of the Omicron variant.

Photo: L. Weikel

All It Takes Is a Moment

I spoke to someone I care about today who contracted the virus over this past weekend. Triple vaxxed, extremely careful, she spent the evening with a single, solitary friend who is equally cautious. Just the two of them escorting 2021 out the door in the comfort of her friend’s home.

As the night unfolded, her friend started to feel weird. Rapidly, she felt worse and worse. My friend started feeling the effects last night and tested positive this morning. Because she has some rather substantial risk factors, I’m hoping she’s a candidate for monoclonal antibodies. During Delta’s surge, that probably wouldn’t have been an issue. But given the explosion in number of infections with Omicron, that therapy is now in short supply.

All it takes is a moment for everything to change.

If this is indeed the quiet before a storm (or storms), let’s pay attention. Remain vigilant. Love and care for each other. And celebrate Nature’s dazzling gifts with an open heart (and a camera at the ready).


Self-revelation – ND #12

Full Cold Moon – 19 December 2021 – Photo: L. Weikel


I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m not cut out to be one of those people who can bring things together in a seamless fashion and make it all appear effortless. I’m just not. What, you might ask, has tipped me off to this self-revelation that surely has been apparent to everyone living in my vicinity for – oh, I don’t know – at least the past 40 years?

Hmm. Let me think. Maybe the fact that I was steam cleaning our rugs this afternoon, when I actually have a list of time-sensitive obligations that deserve and demand my attention?

Granted, there are few activities more satisfying than steam cleaning a rug. In my book, it’s akin to mowing the lawn. Perhaps that’s because I perform both tasks in long, straight lines and the transformation as I progress is decidedly obvious.

Visible Confirmation

Every once in a while, I need some tangible proof that I’m accomplishing something worthwhile. If not worthwhile, at least visible and useful or pleasing in some way.

With the arrival of the puppies, the need to steam clean our rugs was becoming more and more of a pressing necessity. The result of today’s effort is pleasing and oddly liberating. But it also ate up a ton of time.

Orange Rising – Photo: L. Weikel

And Then There’s the Moon

The full moon appeared enormous to my eyes as she rose tonight, bursting with such a deep orange hue I wouldn’t have been surprised to see the word ‘Sunkist’ stamped on her surface. Her draw was mesmerizing. When I first noticed her majestically gracing us with her presence above the tree line, my heart leapt into my throat and I felt overcome with reverence.

And yet, I feel like there’s an air of obliviousness about. I read the articles on the transmissibility of the Omicron variant and I am gobsmacked at the throngs of people I see maskless in stores. And then I wonder what the hell I’m doing in those stores myself. I so rarely go anywhere other than the grocery store or the pet food store. (And yeah, I use Chewy, too – but I had a purpose in going to the pet store recently!) I will write about that soon.

I’m all over the place in this post. I keep losing track of what day it is. No, I’m definitely not one of those people who has her act together. And I’m definitely not one who can fake it.

I AM Solstice Symposium

I wanted to invite everyone to watch the I AM Solstice Symposium, which begins tomorrow (today, Monday, when you’re reading this). (The above link will take you to the page where you can buy the recording of the entire event, but down further on the page is a link to join the live presentations on Facebook, which will take place on the Wind Clan FB page.)

Of course, you can still sign up to enjoy the programs. You can jump in at any time, but if you wait, you might miss a talk that could be just what you need to hear and don’t even realize it. And there’s an impressive lineup of cool people speaking.

Truly, I’m honored to be included.

My presentation isn’t until next week (Tuesday the 28th) at 2:00 p.m. EST. But seriously, you’ll be missing out if you don’t sign up first thing tomorrow. It’s free if you watch it live. It’s hopeful. And you might gain some self-revelation that’s way cooler than mine!

And it’s never too late to engage in the devotional act of tending the solstice fire in your home and your heart.
