Taken Aback – Day 634

Tigger – as disgusted and taken aback as I feel Photo: L. Weikel

Taken Aback

I had a conversation late this afternoon that completely surprised me. I was so taken aback, as a matter of fact, that I did not fully comprehend what was being said to me in the moment. As a result, I failed to respond the way I think I wish I had.

Let me set the scene:

At the grocery store today, I ran into a friend whom I haven’t seen in probably two or three months. We’re both wearing masks, of course. We exchanged pleasantries and inquired about each other’s families.

As conversations are wont to go nowadays, we drifted to the pandemic and mused over whether we’ll ever really and truly get to a point where we can live entirely ‘mask-free’ again. We didn’t describe it that way. It was more a vague wondering on both our parts whether things would ever really and truly go back to the way they were. Both of us expressed a deep sadness that resigning ourselves to a new normal may be what we have to do, but it won’t be without deep sadness.

The Surprise

It was at this point that the conversation took a turn that I definitely did not see coming. She told me that her daughter had taken her five year old grandson to his pediatrician the other day for his well-checkup. It just so happened that the boy woke that day with a slight sore throat. Hmm.

They went to the doctor’s office and, sure enough, the boy was running a slight fever.

When the doctor came into the examining room, he told the boy’s mom that he was not going to test the child. She should just take him home and keep an eye on him. If he got worse, she should bring him in again.

When I asked why they didn’t test him, she told me the doctor said, “Most children and healthy adults don’t get sick with Covid. It’s nothing to worry about. The numbers are being exaggerated by too much testing and they’re being all conflated.”

I was stunned.

A pediatrician said this?

My friend concluded our conversation with, “So they came home and sure enough, the next day he felt completely fine.” As if this proved what? That the boy doesn’t have the virus? Have they not been paying any attention to the way this virus can manifest?

What I Was Thinking

My mind was boggled. In that moment, I could almost literally feel the gears in my brain getting stuck, backing up, and trying to re-engage along a completely different track. Not knowing for sure where her daughter lived, I asked if this was a local pediatrician. Sure enough, he practices in the Lehigh Valley.

I am still somewhat reeling from this revelation. This was a five year old. Why in the world would this pediatrician NOT test this kid – when he was exhibiting symptoms?! I’ve been thinking about this over and over again all evening (hence the reason why I decided to just sit down and write about it).

This kid could easily be spreading it. Who’s to say the whole family doesn’t have it and maybe most of them are asymptomatic? What if my friend, who is a few years older than I am (thus in her 60s) catches it? And I’m not even saying that the kid has it or doesn’t.

My point is: Why in the world would a physician NOT order a test, particularly when the child shows up with symptoms? This is a kid who is kindergarten age! I didn’t ask, but I do wonder whether the plan is for him to go to school whenever it starts…?


I regret that I didn’t speak up and question the wisdom of not having the child tested. Then again – would that be my place? And what would that have accomplished? The deed was done, or rather – not done.

I wish I had defended the need for MORE testing – not LESS. I am feeling freaked out that a person I consider intelligent and practical would actually express skepticism over ‘the accuracy of the numbers.’

I definitely was taken aback by this conversation – and now I’m feeling more than a little bit of despair.


2 thoughts on “Taken Aback – Day 634

  1. Hey Lisa,
    Recently I took a trip to the drs…I had a swollen toe for at least ten days that I couldn’t relieve the swelling, soaking, apple cider vinegar..etc…so I swallowed my adrenaline and called to go in….now I’m a intelligent girl..right…so I look up my problem online…comes back with gout or arthritis…either way I need relief…I wake up the next day with a red oval welt across one breast and my belly…and I’m like wait this happened last night in the shower..I thought from the water pressure..it shouldn’t still be here…in I traipse to the drs, after sitting on the bench outside of the building, waiting for a nurse to give me a temperature reading, deemed clear for entrance…in I go.
    I take off my shoe, because I cannot wear my summer sandals, because they irritate my swollen toe. She looks at my feet and says maybe I do have gout and then I tell her about the welt and lift my shirt and she tells me I have Lyme then I tell her I’m slightly constipated, which for the last three years since they removed my gallbladder I’ve lived in the bathroom for hours expelling…so I make a joke I’m on Ferris Buellers day off, and she says I don’t know why..and orders blood work for everything…and prescribes Lyme medicine, which I promptly pick up.
    So I forget to go get the blood work the next day, so I go the following day and I forget to fast because the Lyme meds need to go with food..so I ask what time do you open tomorrow..6 am…I’m there at 6:01…have the blood drawn after being screened to be allowed entrance, and head home…I mean I’m on antibiotics, I don’t want to be anywhere…the following week the dr calls…I test positive for Lyme, I test positive for gout, my sugar levels are up, and my liver enzymes are raised….so I ask if I have covid..she says I didn’t test for it…(so for three weeks on the meds which should send me to the bathroom both ways..I’m on Ferris Buellers vacation..frankly it was heaven this part…) so she says she’s mailing me paperwork for more bloodwork.
    My homework was this why were my liver enzymes raised, that’s pancreatitis and it almost killed me 3 years back…so that is a huge worry…., I was taking meds three days before the blood was drawn…so now I research the med, which can elevate sugar, excite the pancreas..blah,blah, blah…I go nowhere without a mask and that is the supermarket or the drug store..nowhere else prior or after this for months, washing my hands continually…so more bloodwork…yeah well not till I have another discussion with my dr.
    Don’t feel badly about not speaking up more…look at me..I’ve asked all sorts of things, did my due diligence and still have no idea if I’m recovered from anything other than the gout, which I forgot she ordered meds for too…I ate cherries and stayed on the Lyme med instead…and my toe is fine since I threw the cherries in the mix. Love you! Michele

    • OMG, Michele. You’ve been through the wringer.
      Everything impacts everything else and it seems physicians, especially, treat us like we’re parts, not an interconnected organism. I’m glad you seem to be feeling a bit better…
      Thank you for wearing a mask everywhere just in case. Hopefully it has protected you, too, inasmuch as your body is busy spinning plates and juggling balls as it is.
      Love you too!

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