Tomorrow: New Moon in Leo  – Day 261

Cassiopeia via  

Sticking with the theme I’ve been on for the past couple of days, cosmos-wise, I want to remind you that tomorrow is the New Moon, and it is in Leo.

So I’m thinking it would be of benefit to hit your personal ‘refresh’ button, set new goals, step outside your old ways of thinking and being, and set some new, bold, creative intentions.

You might want to take a look at where Leo (which is not only where the sun is at the moment, but also exactly where the moon is – hence the moon being ‘new’ and therefore ‘dark’) falls in your own birthchart. Whatever ‘house’ Leo is in on your birthchart may be the area of your life where those new intentions might be most effectively planted.

Mercury Stations Direct, Too

At the same time that we’re planting the seeds of what we want to change or create new in our lives, Mercury is stationing and going direct again tomorrow too. So, yahoo for communications flowing more easily and technology not going on the fritz unexpectedly. Your efforts to plant and grow those newly planted intentions should flow more easily.

Jupiter Also Stations Direct

One other astrological phenomenon that’s happening tomorrow is that Jupiter, too, is stationing direct. I’ll see what I can find out there to help us understand and isolate the specific areas of our lives that are being activated by these aspects, and share what I find tomorrow night – if I locate something particularly fascinating or enlightening.

I have to admit, my Sky Guide app assisted me in recognizing Jupiter’s presence in the sky over the past couple of nights. It sure is a big, bold, bright spot in the sky.


For some reason, my eyes kept being drawn to the constellation Cassiopeia. It’s from the direction of that constellation that the Perseids appear to originate. I’m not at all sure why, but the geometric precision of the triangular placement of the stars just kept calling to me.

I’m still being called to look upward, both physically and metaphorically. Maybe you are, too?


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