Holding My Breath – Day 596

A Little Bird Told Me – Photo: L. Weikel

Holding My Breath

As this week unfolds, we’re awaiting the publication of more decisions by the United States Supreme Court. One case I think a lot of people are on the edge of their seats over is whether the president will be compelled to release his tax returns to Congress. I’m both holding my breath in anticipation of the decision and not holding my breath for actual justice to be dispensed.

It makes me sad to admit how skeptical I am that this Supreme Court will do its job and rein in this president’s belief that he is above the law. And that is the Supreme Court’s job. The existence of our three co-equal branches of government and our system of checks and balances are integral and unique to our country’s identity and success.

Simply put, if he is given a green light to essentially thumb his nose at the subpoena power of Congress to engage in legitimate oversight, we are in for a most calamitous decline.

But let’s face it: we’re already there. The decline is real and it is precipitous.

Eclipse Season Revelations

The behavior of this administration is relentlessly exhausting. I know I’m not saying anything new or tipping you off to a perspective that’s unique. But you have to admit that, if eclipses are said to bring to light information that’s been hidden, we’re certainly experiencing horrifying revelations on a daily basis.

First (and obviously, this is not the ‘first’ exposure – it’s simply one of the more recent major issues uncovered since this eclipse season began at the beginning of this month) was the overt racism and fascistic response to the Black Lives Matter protests. The militaristic reaction to mostly peaceful protests and the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and astounding threats of force against our own citizens were beyond the pale.

Then there is the admission that the nationwide availability of the testing for Covid-19, which is essential to helping our professionals accurately track, trace, and isolate the spread of this virus, is being deliberately ‘slowed down’ at the behest of the president.

Worse Yet?

And now we have an abundance of reporting that our president has known since February that Russia was putting a bounty on the heads of our troops in Afghanistan – and yet he has taken no action to defend our troops or retaliate in any way. The president has done absolutely nothing about this heinous attack on our troops. Not only that – he has gone out of his way to advocate on behalf of Putin for Russia to be readmitted to the G-7 (making it the G-8), as well as throw him other astonishing bones, such as unilaterally declaring our withdrawal of troops from Germany.

All of these things are cascading out of the dark boxes in which they’ve been hidden. The level and extent of the abuse our country is sustaining at the hands of the man charged with protecting us and having our best interests at heart seems to know no end.

Tax Returns?

As a result of everything we’re witnessing right now, from everything I mentioned above to the horrific spikes in Coronavirus cases, and now hospitalizations, in Florida, Texas, and Arizona (to just name the three worst cases at the moment) and the reality that they are caused by states slavishly following the demand of DT to ‘reopen the country,’ I do not have a good feeling.

If he is ordered to release his tax returns – what will he do to distract us?

If he is allowed to circumvent Congress and not forced to release his tax returns – what will he then feel emboldened to do next?

Either way, I’m holding my breath.

Photo: L. Weikel


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